Folder Navigation: The two zipped folders are "models" and "evaluations". The "models" folder contains three subdirectories: "assafir_models", "hayat_models", and "nahar_models". Each directory is attributed to a news archives. The contents of these directories are decade-level and archive-level Word2Vec (CBOW) models in the form of [min year]_[max year].model for each archive. For each model, there is an attributed [min year]_[max year].txt , which consists of the filenames of each transcribed document used to train that model, ending with a set of the years and the number count of documents used.   The "evaluations" folder contains three xls files and three text files. Each of the xls files is a workbook containing various spreadsheet, each of the spreadsheets contains the evaluation of each model trained across all the relations of the benchmark file and a total accuracy. The spreadsheet names are in the form of [min year]_[max year]. The three text files are the logger files generated when the evaluations were done. The text files are in the form of logger_[archive_name].txt  Examples: 1) CBOW model trained on Assafir archive from 1976 till 1985 --> "models/assafir_models/cbow_1974_1983.model" 2) Evaluation of CBOW model trained on Assafir archive from 1976 till 1985 --> "evaluations/assafir.xls" , spreadsheet name: 1976_1985