Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Sennius transversesignatus Fahraeus 1839, comb n.


Sennius transversesignatus (Fåhraeus, 1839), comb n.

Bruchus transversesignatus Fåhraeus, 1839: 26 (description, distribution); Gemminger & Harold, 1873: 3231 (catalog, distribution); Costa Lima, 1923: 182 (host); Zacher, 1952: 463, 472 (citation, host).

Acanthoscelides transversesignatus: Blackwelder, 1946: 761 (combination, catalog); Silva et al., 1968: 375 (catalog, host, distribution); Udayagiri & Wadhi, 1989: 66 (catalog).

Sennius transversesignatus: Ribeiro-Costa & Reynaud, 1998: 251 (citation); Nogueira & Vaz de Arruda, 2006: 46 (citation); Viana & Ribeiro-Costa, 2013a: 21, 23 (citation); Viana & Ribeiro-Costa, 2013b: 527 –529 (redescription, distribution, type, host, figures).

Bruchus carneofasciatus Pic, 1927b 34 (description, distribution); Pic, 1929b: 36 (citation); Bondar, 1937: 39 (diagnosis, host, oviposition guild); Pic, 1938: 25 (citation); Zacher, 1952: 461 (host). New Synonymy.

Acanthoscelides carneofasciatus: Blackwelder, 1946: 759 (combination, catalog); Wilcox, 1975: 5 (catalog); Johnson & Kingsolver, 1981: 414 (catalog); Udayagiri & Wadhi, 1989: 41 (catalog).

Sennius carneofasciatus: Kingsolver & Silva, 1991: 413 (combination, citation); Romero-Nápoles & Johnson, 2004: 627 (distribution).

Bruchus carneofasciatus var. subapicalis Pic, 1930b 11 (description, distribution) New Synonymy.

Acanthoscelides carneofasciatus var. subapicalis: Blackwelder, 1946: 759 (combination, catalog); Udayagiri & Wadhi, 1989: 41 (catalog).

Type materials (4, NHRS and MNHN): Bruchus transversesignatus: Syntype female deposited in NHRS with labels: 1, “ Typus ” “In Semin. / Cassiae Bras. [Brasiliae] / Faldermann” “ Syntype / Sennius transversesignatus / (Fåhraeus, 1839) / Desig. Viana & Ribeiro-Costa, 2012”.

Bruchus carneofasciatus: Syntype deposited in MHNH with labels: “Jatahy / Goyaz” “ type ” “ carneofasciatus / n sp” “ Holotype ” “ carneofasciatus / Pic / det 70 / J. M. Kingsolver” “Museum Paris / Coll. M. Pic” “ Sennius transversesignatus / (Fåhraeus, 1839) / det J.H. Viana 2014” “ Syntype / Bruchus carneofasciatus Pic, 1927 / J. H. Viana”.

Bruchus carneofasciatus var. subapicalis: Two syntypes deposited in MHNH with labels: 1, “Corumba / Matt. Grosso” “ v. subapicalis / Pic” “ Holotype ” “ carneofasciatus / var. subapicalis / Pic / det / J. M. Kingsolver” “Museum Paris / Coll. M. Pic” “ Syntype / Bruchus carneofasciatus var. subapicalis Pic, 1930 / design. J. H. Viana”; and 1, “Corumba / Matt. Grosso” “ Bruchus carneofasciatus / Pic [...] var” “Museum Paris / Coll. M. Pic” “ Syntype / Bruchus carneofasciatus var. subapicalis Pic, 1930 / J. H. Viana”.

Remarks: The recognition of Bruchus transversesignatus was based on a female syntype already studied (Viana & Ribeiro-Costa 2013b). This species was treated as Sennius in previous papers, however no formal transference from Acanthoscelides to this genus was found. Therefore, Sennius transversesignatus (NEW COMBINATION) is formally proposed here, due mainly to the characters of the hind femur with one tooth at inner ventral margin and the internal sac of male genitalia with hinge sclerites, this last character studied from a compared male specimen deposited at DZUP.

Here is also synonymized Bruchus carneofasciatus (NEW SYNONYM) and the variety B. carneofasciatus v. apicalis (NEW SYNONYM) with Bruchus transversesignatus. In the original description, Pic does not indicate the number of specimens studied. The labels of the specimens are identical and consistent with locality data given in the original description (Brézil). One female specimen with Pic’s handwritten labels: " type " and “ carneofasciatus n sp. ", is here considered as syntype for Bruchus carneofasciatus. However only one specimen of B. carneofasciatus v. subapicalis have Pic’s label “ v. subapicalis / Pic”, both females received from the same locality label are here considered syntypes.


Published as part of Viana, Jéssica Herzog, 2016, Nomenclatural changes and lectotype designations in the seed-beetle genus Sennius Bridwell: with the synonymization of Megasennius Whitehead & Kingsolver (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), pp. 249-260 in Zootaxa 4175 (3) on page 256, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4175.3.4,


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Sennius transversesignatus (Fåhraeus, 1839) sec. Viana, 2016


  • Fahraeus, O. I. (1839) In: Schoenherr, C. J. (Ed.), Genera et species curculionidum, cum synonymia hujus familiae. Vol. 5. Roret, Paris, pp. 1 - 456.
  • Gemminger, M. & Harold, B. (1873) Catalogus coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus [Cerambycidae (Lamiinae), Bruchidae]. Vol. 10. Pars I. G. Beck, Monachii, pp. 2989 - 3232.
  • Costa Lima, A. (1923) Catalogo systematico dos insectos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil e ensaio de bibliographia entomologica brasileira. Archivos da Escola Superior de Agricultura e Medicina Veterinaria, 6 (1 - 2), 107 - 276.
  • Zacher, F. (1952) Die Nahrpflanzen der Samenkafer. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Entomologie, 33, 460 - 480. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1439 - 0418.1952. tb 00679. x
  • Blackwelder, R. E. (1946) Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 185, 751 - 763. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 03629236.185.4
  • Silva, A. G. A., Goncalves, C. R., Galvao, D. M., Goncalves, A. J. L., Gomes, J., Silva, M. N. & Simoni, L. (1968) Quarto catalogo dos insetos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil. Seus parasitos e predadores, Parte 2, Tomo 1 °, Insetos, hospedeiros e inimigos naturais. Ministerio da Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro, 622 pp.
  • Udayagiri, S. & Wadhi, S. R. (1989) Catalog of Bruchidae. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 45, 1 - 301.
  • Ribeiro-Costa, C. S. & Reynaud, D. T. (1998) Bruchids from Senna multijuga (Rich) I. & B. (Caesalpinaceae) in Brazil with descriptions of two new species. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 52, 245 - 252.
  • Nogueira, E. M. L. & Vaz de Arruda, V. L. (2006) Frutificacao e danos em frutos e sementes de Sophora tomentosa L. (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) em restinga da praia da Joaquina, Florianopolis, SC. Biotemas, 19 (4), 41 - 48.
  • Viana, J. H. & Ribeiro-Costa, C. S. (2013 a) Bruchines (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) associated with Senna neglecta (Vogel) H. S. Irwin and Barneby (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae): a new host plant for the subfamily. Journal of Natural History, 48, 57 - 85. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222933.2013.791882
  • Viana, J. H. & Ribeiro-Costa, C. S. (2013 b) Review of the largest species group of the New World seed beetle genus Sennius Bridwell (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), with host plant associations. Zootaxa, 3736 (5), 501 - 535. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3736.5.5
  • Pic, M. (1927 b) Coleopteres du globe. Melanges Exotico Entomologiques, 50, 1 - 36.
  • Pic, M. (1929 b) Nouveautes diverses. Melanges Exotico-entomologiques, 54, 1 - 36.
  • Pic, M. (1938) Nouveautes diverses. Melanges Exotico-entomologiques, 70, 1 - 36.
  • Wilcox, J. A. (1975) Family 130. Bruchidae, the pea and bean weevils. In: Artnett, R. H. (Ed.), Checklist of the Beetles of North and Central America and the West Indies. Flora and Fauna Publications, Gainseville, 166 pp.
  • Johnson, C. D. & Kingsolver, J. M. (1981) Checklist of the Bruchidae (Coleoptera) of Canada, United States, Mexico, Central America and West Indies. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 35 (4), 409 - 422.
  • Kingsolver, J. M. & Silva, P. (1991) Update of scientific names of Bruchidae (Coleoptera) listed by Bondar in " Notas Biologicas " (1931 and 1936). Anais da Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil, 20, 411 - 415.
  • Romero-Napoles, J. N. & Johnson, C. D. (2004) Checklist of the Bruchidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Mexico. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 58 (4), 613 - 635. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1649 / 694
  • Pic, M. (1930 b) Nouveautes diverses. Melanges Exotico Entomologiques, 55, 1 - 36.