Published July 31, 2019 | Version 2.0
Project deliverable Open

D7.3 Report on Standardisation and Regulation Activities

  • 1. Brunel University
  • 2. Building Research Establishment
  • 3. Tsinghua University
  • 4. Eurescom GmbH


This deliverable summarises the first year activities within the H2020 IoRL project concerning standardization and regulation, which focused on establishing a strategy for influencing standardization through identifying the most promising activities where the project sees a chance for successfully contributing and helping to maximize its impact.
Our starting point was the architecture of the Internet of Radio-Light proposed solution, and its key components. As a next step the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were identified and the experiments required to measure each of them are also described briefly. Next the 3GPP and IMT-2020 standardisation activities were surveyed and the relevant IoRL architectural components and KPI experiments were mapped to those standardization activities. Finally, we selected the standardisation activities where the project team assessed to have a chance to successfully contributing with its architectural and KPI contributions.


D7.3 Report on Standardisation and Regulation Activities.pdf

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IoRL – Internet of Radio Light 761992
European Commission