

The data correspond to a cross-sectional study designed to investigate factors associated with lameness in dairy cows on intensive farms in southern Brazil.

Farms: 38 freestall and 12 compost-bedded pack visited once in 2016 (March to October). All lactating cows (n = 13,716) were examined and body condition score (BCS) and gait score were assessed.

The following dataframe (MY2) is a data subset with information about the association between lameness and test-day milk yield (kg/day) on 16 farms and 5301 cows with available data. Variables associated with milk yield were included in the analyses to verify whether lameness remained significant when these variables were taken into account.

Additional information is provided in the published paper (“Factors associated with lameness prevalence in lactating cows housed in freestall and compost-bedded pack dairy farms in southern Brazil”

MY2 = read_csv("Cowlevel.csv")
##  [1] "ID"                           "farm_ID"                     
##  [3] "Cow"                          "Breed"                       
##  [5] "Housing system"               "Group_cat"                   
##  [7] "Pen"                          "Scored cows per farm"        
##  [9] "MilkProduction"               "Lameness"                    
## [11] "Gait score"                   "BCS_dic"                     
## [13] "BCS"                          "Parity"                      
## [15] "Parity_"                      "Lactation"                   
## [17] "DIM"                          "DIM_Cat"                     
## [19] "Report_date"                  "Clinical lameness prevalence"
## [21] "Clin_lam"                     "Severe lameness prevalence"  
## [23] "Sev_lam"

Description of the variables:

“farm_ID”: identification for each visited farm

“Cow”: identification of each cow that was examined

“Breed”: breed of each cow that was examined

“Housing system”: housing type for each visited farm

“Group_cat”: identification of each group of cows that was clustered by pens. The pens were nested within each farm

“Pen”: categories for groups of cows that were housed within each pen

“MilkProduction”: test-day milk yield (kg/day) obtained from farmers and from a regional dairy herd improvement association database

“Gait score”: a five-point scale visual score to classify the cows as sound (score 1 and 2), clinically lame (score ≥ 3) or severely lame (scores 4 and 5)

“BCS”: body condition score for each cow. A five-point categorical scale with 0.25 increments

“BCS_dic”: a category for BCS (low or high)

“Lameness”: a category for gait score defined as follows: a) non-lame cows (gait score = 1 and 2) b) moderately lame cows (gait score = 3) c) severely lame cows (gait score 4 and 5)

“Scored cows per farm”: number of cows that were examined in each farm (gait score and body condition score (BCS))

“Lactation”: lactation number for each cow

“Parity”: a category for lactation number

“Parity_”: another category for lactation number (character)

“DIM”: days in milk for each cow

“DIM_cat”: a category for days in milk

“Report_date”: date of the test-day milk report

“Clinical lameness prevalence”: herd-level lameness prevalence (gait score equal or greater than 3)

“Severe lameness prevalence”: herd-level lameness prevalence (gait score equal or greater than 4)

“Sev_lam”: a colum indicating which cow was classified as severely lame (gait score 4 and 5 = 1) or non-severely lame (gait score 1,2 or 3 = 0)

“Clin_lam”: a colum indicating which cow was classified as clinically lame (gait score 3, 4 and 5 = 1) or non-lame (gait score 1 and 2 = 0)

Data description


Sixteen farms (“farm_ID”) and cows (n) with available data on cow-level variables considered in the analyses.

There are missing data for some of the scored cows (cows assessed for gait score and BCS)

count(MY2, farm_ID, `Scored cows per farm`)
farm_ID Scored cows per farm n
7 42 39
13 432 368
16 422 410
18 680 623
20 599 562
23 836 736
26 147 113
28 901 759
30 339 286
31 222 200
32 371 344
34 193 154
39 109 87
40 335 328
45 294 271
47 348 249

Test-day milk yield (kg/day)


##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    3.50   28.10   35.60   35.71   43.20   84.20

Test-day milk yield by parity

  group_by(Parity_) %>%
  summarise(`Mean test-day milk` = mean(MilkProduction),
            SD = sd(MilkProduction),
            Min = min(MilkProduction),
            Max = max(MilkProduction),
            Median = median(MilkProduction),
            Observations = n())
Parity_ Mean test-day milk SD Min Max Median Observations
First 33.65360 8.539462 4.2 56.8 34.1 2084
Second 36.57227 11.187714 4.0 69.9 37.0 1482
Third or greater 37.25186 13.067101 3.5 84.2 37.3 1963

Test-day milk yield and lameness status

  group_by(Lameness) %>%
  summarise(`Mean test-day milk` = mean(MilkProduction),
            SD = sd(MilkProduction),
            Min = min(MilkProduction),
            Max = max(MilkProduction),
            Median = median(MilkProduction),
            Observations = n())
Lameness Mean test-day milk SD Min Max Median Observations
Moderate 36.46029 12.06568 3.5 84.2 36.00 1103
Non-lame 35.88852 10.46191 4.2 76.2 35.95 3372
Severe 34.37173 12.12671 4.0 69.9 34.40 1054

Test-day milk yield and categories for days in milk

  group_by(DIM_Cat) %>%
  summarise(`Mean test-day milk` = mean(MilkProduction),
            SD = sd(MilkProduction),
            Min = min(MilkProduction),
            Max = max(MilkProduction),
            Median = median(MilkProduction),
            Observations = n())
DIM_Cat Mean test-day milk SD Min Max Median Observations
(1,120] 41.38000 10.825074 8.6 84.2 41.3 1700
(120,175] 39.29850 9.348385 7.0 61.8 39.2 802
(175,230] 36.81962 9.065520 8.3 62.7 36.8 780
(230,280] 33.31505 8.725969 7.8 57.8 33.2 651
(280,335] 30.26259 8.830857 4.2 63.7 29.8 532
(335,600] 26.14007 8.842411 3.5 51.8 26.4 836
NA 31.73684 11.859811 5.6 65.6 32.0 228

Test-day milk yield and body condition score

  group_by(BCS_dic) %>%
  summarise(`Mean test-day milk` = mean(MilkProduction),
            SD = sd(MilkProduction),
            Min = min(MilkProduction),
            Max = max(MilkProduction),
            Median = median(MilkProduction),
            Observations = n())
BCS_dic Mean test-day milk SD Min Max Median Observations
High BCS (3-4.5) 34.72883 11.09245 3.5 84.2 34.7 3059
Low BCS (2-2.75) 36.93283 11.09544 5.6 73.4 37.2 2470

Test-day milk yield by farm and group within farm

Milk_per_farm = MY2%>%
  group_by(farm_ID, Group_cat)%>%
  summarise(`Mean test-day milk yield` = mean(MilkProduction),
            SD = sd(MilkProduction),
            Min = min(MilkProduction),
            Max = max(MilkProduction),
            Median = median(MilkProduction),
            Cows = n())
farm_ID Group_cat Mean test-day milk yield SD Min Max Median Cows
7 B 32.25128 9.3145860 14.0 57.0 32.60 39
13 B 35.55699 6.4073904 18.8 47.6 36.60 93
13 C 38.44754 8.6105856 14.4 59.2 38.40 122
13 D 31.85902 9.9687073 4.6 49.0 31.20 61
13 E 24.45161 10.4305312 6.2 47.2 23.40 62
13 F 25.49412 10.7350169 4.2 39.8 30.20 17
13 G 25.80000 10.5337553 10.0 44.6 28.60 13
16 B 28.76250 6.9910300 20.6 41.6 28.45 16
16 C 29.70667 6.1181468 14.3 41.9 30.05 120
16 D 40.58873 6.1168981 26.6 57.1 40.00 71
16 E 33.25634 6.1286851 11.4 57.3 32.80 71
16 F 18.83214 6.5567820 3.5 33.7 19.55 112
16 G 18.58000 6.2674262 7.9 32.8 18.10 20
18 B 40.20556 7.7218408 23.9 53.9 40.55 36
18 C 40.58820 5.9440661 25.0 55.6 40.80 161
18 D 46.62767 8.4075758 10.7 64.4 47.80 159
18 E 34.11772 6.8219533 13.2 52.8 34.50 158
18 F 23.67538 7.7442323 12.4 55.7 22.60 65
18 G 32.74815 11.2152153 12.4 58.1 29.30 27
18 H 30.08824 6.3122780 16.8 46.7 29.40 17
20 B 40.19778 5.6485054 24.7 50.1 40.20 90
20 C 34.69167 7.8679648 14.3 58.3 35.55 84
20 D 46.05341 8.5508076 20.1 65.6 46.35 88
20 E 47.25000 8.6355322 24.0 67.1 46.85 90
20 F 42.12500 8.3057060 19.9 60.6 41.15 92
20 G 25.55750 6.8093713 12.9 59.3 25.40 80
20 H 40.33684 9.9195527 20.6 60.9 38.60 38
23 A 40.17778 9.4035602 27.3 58.2 35.70 9
23 B 38.88291 5.5663442 20.8 52.4 39.60 117
23 C 47.80676 8.3929411 29.3 66.3 47.60 74
23 D 50.11053 8.7801227 31.5 66.6 50.25 76
23 E 49.17965 8.8609916 28.0 76.2 48.60 113
23 F 35.12569 6.0153262 20.9 52.6 35.20 109
23 G 34.39224 7.2176613 10.7 64.0 35.15 116
23 H 45.79375 12.7630499 22.5 69.9 48.20 32
23 I 32.50833 9.3113282 18.0 46.9 31.40 12
23 J 33.39130 11.0046235 10.0 59.8 32.50 23
23 K 25.05091 6.1786332 10.7 38.9 24.90 55
26 B 33.07619 7.0947096 23.3 48.3 32.60 21
26 C 35.99722 7.8720658 19.2 53.0 37.20 36
26 D 23.24545 8.6358976 17.5 42.0 19.10 11
26 E 35.78800 9.1705289 19.2 53.6 36.00 25
26 F 29.28000 6.0477573 19.5 42.3 29.60 20
28 B 39.28852 7.9512192 13.6 56.4 40.00 209
28 C 43.70993 11.4145040 12.7 69.0 44.80 141
28 D 41.14671 10.1233971 10.4 61.1 42.05 152
28 E 32.13721 9.8496278 4.2 58.8 31.40 129
28 F 35.40952 15.7029781 7.0 84.2 32.35 84
28 G 46.69310 9.8001797 19.7 62.5 43.90 29
28 H 37.80667 10.2668305 25.2 61.1 34.90 15
30 B 29.34865 6.9754019 18.8 55.8 28.40 74
30 C 33.83699 7.6950472 18.8 52.0 33.00 73
30 D 19.76835 4.9831651 7.4 31.8 20.40 79
30 E 22.41351 7.8776111 8.2 40.2 22.40 37
30 F 14.28696 4.8926015 5.8 25.8 14.60 23
31 B 42.48000 7.2182485 24.4 58.8 42.20 55
31 C 23.10698 4.9706470 10.0 33.6 24.00 43
31 D 33.48315 7.5067732 8.6 52.2 33.60 89
31 E 31.20000 11.1424115 7.0 49.2 34.40 13
32 B 27.95000 0.7778175 27.4 28.5 27.95 2
32 C 38.21148 7.2513240 19.9 51.9 39.20 61
32 D 32.61071 6.9720658 18.7 48.1 32.95 56
32 E 48.32407 7.8129533 31.3 67.5 48.10 54
32 F 47.29848 8.3123355 22.0 61.0 48.60 66
32 G 30.07500 7.6505835 14.1 51.5 29.50 64
32 H 31.31071 9.0403761 10.9 45.5 31.40 28
32 I 37.03846 13.5444047 12.6 65.7 36.90 13
34 A 36.56250 6.9021606 27.2 45.5 35.85 8
34 B 25.93636 4.4638127 16.5 37.3 25.40 44
34 C 32.06444 5.3079338 22.4 50.1 31.10 45
34 D 31.75152 8.5817802 14.7 56.6 31.80 33
34 E 23.94118 7.1179403 14.9 42.6 23.50 17
34 F 28.20000 7.9688979 18.8 41.8 27.00 7
39 B 34.82143 6.5130000 15.4 50.4 34.60 56
39 C 31.68387 8.3702687 17.9 52.9 29.90 31
40 B 36.00299 6.1283240 15.9 52.2 36.60 67
40 C 46.37727 6.1570019 36.7 63.4 44.85 88
40 D 40.01791 11.5642333 9.6 61.4 40.70 67
40 E 28.90000 6.0289461 16.2 47.0 28.95 106
45 B 27.76226 5.4790239 12.4 37.2 27.80 53
45 C 33.62679 5.5199635 20.5 46.6 34.10 56
45 D 39.50759 7.4290969 18.7 60.3 39.70 79
45 E 24.88154 9.7281147 5.4 50.6 25.30 65
45 F 34.29231 8.7132525 20.3 50.9 35.70 13
45 G 38.84000 11.6528108 23.1 50.7 42.00 5
47 B 29.76585 6.4644559 11.0 47.2 30.50 82
47 C 29.56792 5.3372340 15.1 40.8 29.60 53
47 D 27.18077 11.3215574 12.9 63.7 23.80 52
47 E 33.24400 11.1649261 9.3 50.2 35.40 50
47 F 30.52500 6.3183895 18.0 41.0 31.50 12

Visualizing the data structure: cows housed in pens within farms

ggplot(Milk_per_farm, aes(x=Group_cat, y = `Mean test-day milk yield`, col= Cows))+
  facet_wrap( ~ farm_ID)+
  scale_colour_gradientn(colours = c("yellow", "orange", "red", "darkred","brown"))+
  labs(x = "Groups within farms", y = "Mean test-day milk yield (kg/d)")

Days in milk

The variable was previously modified: typing errors, abnormal data, or cows with days in milk equal to zero were recoded as “missing data” (n = 169)

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##     6.0    99.0   188.0   207.1   287.0   782.0     169

The variable was recoded again in order to rule out extreme values (59): a superior limit of 600 days was set. A category with reference to the lactation curve was defined

count(MY2, DIM_Cat)
DIM_Cat n
(1,120] 1700
(120,175] 802
(175,230] 780
(230,280] 651
(280,335] 532
(335,600] 836
NA 228

Correlations between variables

  cor(method = "spearman", use = "complete.obs")
##                                       ID      farm_ID         Cow
## ID                            1.00000000 -0.395973598  0.99833232
## farm_ID                      -0.39597360  1.000000000 -0.39654545
## Cow                           0.99833232 -0.396545455  1.00000000
## Scored cows per farm          0.71258574 -0.426868882  0.71161345
## MilkProduction                0.23503908 -0.066905996  0.23633851
## Gait score                   -0.14516510  0.005461752 -0.14410029
## BCS                           0.07365849 -0.024794338  0.07222020
## Lactation                    -0.22608927  0.037227360 -0.22540424
## DIM                          -0.04107659 -0.008075889 -0.04177529
## Clinical lameness prevalence -0.07028257  0.147638527 -0.07016966
## Clin_lam                     -0.13128360 -0.003359945 -0.13026869
## Severe lameness prevalence   -0.24082300  0.247531355 -0.24039268
## Sev_lam                      -0.13639718  0.029254132 -0.13541876
##                              Scored cows per farm MilkProduction
## ID                                    0.712585740     0.23503908
## farm_ID                              -0.426868882    -0.06690600
## Cow                                   0.711613453     0.23633851
## Scored cows per farm                  1.000000000     0.27507198
## MilkProduction                        0.275071983     1.00000000
## Gait score                           -0.013344723    -0.03474112
## BCS                                   0.120441122    -0.12594529
## Lactation                             0.046055896     0.11736535
## DIM                                   0.064426083    -0.48160060
## Clinical lameness prevalence         -0.054214985    -0.02486358
## Clin_lam                             -0.001017819    -0.02026971
## Severe lameness prevalence           -0.207740460    -0.08280501
## Sev_lam                              -0.038847637    -0.05531124
##                                Gait score         BCS   Lactation
## ID                           -0.145165097  0.07365849 -0.22608927
## farm_ID                       0.005461752 -0.02479434  0.03722736
## Cow                          -0.144100293  0.07222020 -0.22540424
## Scored cows per farm         -0.013344723  0.12044112  0.04605590
## MilkProduction               -0.034741117 -0.12594529  0.11736535
## Gait score                    1.000000000 -0.20629079  0.47689512
## BCS                          -0.206290789  1.00000000 -0.05949765
## Lactation                     0.476895119 -0.05949765  1.00000000
## DIM                           0.063013828  0.22087987 -0.02567865
## Clinical lameness prevalence  0.124601976 -0.12535933  0.02758264
## Clin_lam                      0.968561772 -0.17871548  0.46301216
## Severe lameness prevalence    0.116017769 -0.07061631 -0.03809471
## Sev_lam                       0.782203241 -0.20285212  0.37557027
##                                       DIM Clinical lameness prevalence
## ID                           -0.041076585                  -0.07028257
## farm_ID                      -0.008075889                   0.14763853
## Cow                          -0.041775288                  -0.07016966
## Scored cows per farm          0.064426083                  -0.05421499
## MilkProduction               -0.481600597                  -0.02486358
## Gait score                    0.063013828                   0.12460198
## BCS                           0.220879872                  -0.12535933
## Lactation                    -0.025678648                   0.02758264
## DIM                           1.000000000                   0.01617390
## Clinical lameness prevalence  0.016173901                   1.00000000
## Clin_lam                      0.055889493                   0.11959973
## Severe lameness prevalence    0.012653271                   0.62899381
## Sev_lam                       0.064381615                   0.10245986
##                                  Clin_lam Severe lameness prevalence
## ID                           -0.131283595                -0.24082300
## farm_ID                      -0.003359945                 0.24753135
## Cow                          -0.130268690                -0.24039268
## Scored cows per farm         -0.001017819                -0.20774046
## MilkProduction               -0.020269710                -0.08280501
## Gait score                    0.968561772                 0.11601777
## BCS                          -0.178715484                -0.07061631
## Lactation                     0.463012156                -0.03809471
## DIM                           0.055889493                 0.01265327
## Clinical lameness prevalence  0.119599730                 0.62899381
## Clin_lam                      1.000000000                 0.09700784
## Severe lameness prevalence    0.097007840                 1.00000000
## Sev_lam                       0.609936534                 0.13245978
##                                  Sev_lam
## ID                           -0.13639718
## farm_ID                       0.02925413
## Cow                          -0.13541876
## Scored cows per farm         -0.03884764
## MilkProduction               -0.05531124
## Gait score                    0.78220324
## BCS                          -0.20285212
## Lactation                     0.37557027
## DIM                           0.06438161
## Clinical lameness prevalence  0.10245986
## Clin_lam                      0.60993653
## Severe lameness prevalence    0.13245978
## Sev_lam                       1.00000000
MY2 %>% 
  cor(method = "spearman", use = "complete.obs")%>% 
  corrplot(method = "circle", tl.cex = 0.8, = 45, tl.col = "black", type = "upper", order = "hclust", diag = FALSE)

Building a mixed-effects linear model to investigate associations between lameness and test-day milk yield

Mixed-effects linear regressions were built to investigate the associations between test-day milk yield and lameness. Additional variables were considered given their influence on milk production. Farm and group within farm were used as random effects.

Univariable associations were tested previously.

The multivariable model was tested using all the available data (incuding complete observations for days in milk) and also biologically plausible interactions between variables were checked. The model including complete observations for days in milk was similar to the model we reported (fmm). We observed an interaction between days in milk and parity. The interaction did not affect the coefficients for the association between lameness and milk yield, thus we reported the model without interaction.

Influence measures were checked. Removing the points with higher influence (cooks’ distance, leverage) did not change the coefficients in the model.

Contrasts for lameness status:

MY2$Lameness <- as.factor(MY2$Lameness)
contrasts(MY2$Lameness) <- contr.Treatment(levels(MY2$Lameness), base = 2)
##          [T.Moderate] [T.Severe]
## Moderate            1          0
## Non-lame            0          0
## Severe              0          1

First, excluding missing data

MY2 = subset(MY2, !

Final multivariable model

summary(fmm<-lmer(MilkProduction ~ Lameness + BCS_dic + Parity + DIM_Cat + (1|farm_ID/Group_cat), data = MY2))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula: MilkProduction ~ Lameness + BCS_dic + Parity + DIM_Cat + (1 |  
##     farm_ID/Group_cat)
##    Data: MY2
## REML criterion at convergence: 36577.3
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -4.9193 -0.5829  0.0275  0.6208  5.5802 
## Random effects:
##  Groups            Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Group_cat:farm_ID (Intercept) 24.68    4.968   
##  farm_ID           (Intercept) 14.45    3.802   
##  Residual                      55.04    7.419   
## Number of obs: 5301, groups:  Group_cat:farm_ID, 90; farm_ID, 16
## Fixed effects:
##                          Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)               36.3021     1.1608   18.5990  31.272  < 2e-16
## Lameness[T.Moderate]      -0.3587     0.2856 5216.9551  -1.256  0.20912
## Lameness[T.Severe]        -1.3251     0.3231 5241.3409  -4.101 4.17e-05
## BCS_dicLow BCS (2-2.75)    0.4697     0.2276 5238.3477   2.063  0.03912
## Parity(1,2]                0.9569     0.3644 5091.9684   2.626  0.00868
## Parity(2,3]                2.6586     0.4110 5135.6108   6.468 1.08e-10
## Parity(3,11]               1.3359     0.4397 5153.1700   3.038  0.00239
## DIM_Cat(120,175]          -1.5061     0.3390 5258.6851  -4.443 9.07e-06
## DIM_Cat(175,230]          -2.9757     0.3483 5259.1964  -8.542  < 2e-16
## DIM_Cat(230,280]          -5.3194     0.3774 5266.1063 -14.094  < 2e-16
## DIM_Cat(280,335]          -7.2198     0.4073 5267.8019 -17.724  < 2e-16
## DIM_Cat(335,600]         -10.0601     0.3814 5278.9236 -26.377  < 2e-16
## (Intercept)             ***
## Lameness[T.Moderate]       
## Lameness[T.Severe]      ***
## BCS_dicLow BCS (2-2.75) *  
## Parity(1,2]             ** 
## Parity(2,3]             ***
## Parity(3,11]            ** 
## DIM_Cat(120,175]        ***
## DIM_Cat(175,230]        ***
## DIM_Cat(230,280]        ***
## DIM_Cat(280,335]        ***
## DIM_Cat(335,600]        ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr) L[T.M] L[T.S] BCS_B( P(1,2] P(2,3] P(3,11 DIM_C(12
## Lmnss[T.Md] -0.022                                                   
## Lmnss[T.Sv]  0.003  0.374                                            
## BCS_LBCS(2- -0.096 -0.108 -0.217                                     
## Parity(1,2] -0.175 -0.087 -0.116  0.005                              
## Parity(2,3] -0.160 -0.159 -0.215  0.017  0.663                       
## Party(3,11] -0.153 -0.188 -0.348  0.017  0.636  0.649                
## DIM_C(120,1 -0.112 -0.037 -0.051  0.054  0.026  0.025  0.034         
## DIM_C(175,2 -0.119  0.007 -0.036  0.052  0.044  0.044  0.045  0.381  
## DIM_C(230,2 -0.120 -0.020 -0.054  0.072  0.059  0.063  0.065  0.354  
## DIM_C(280,3 -0.117 -0.017 -0.038  0.070  0.064  0.058  0.063  0.319  
## DIM_C(335,6 -0.140 -0.059 -0.116  0.123  0.101  0.102  0.108  0.349  
##             DIM_C(17 DIM_C(23 DIM_C(28
## Lmnss[T.Md]                           
## Lmnss[T.Sv]                           
## BCS_LBCS(2-                           
## Parity(1,2]                           
## Parity(2,3]                           
## Party(3,11]                           
## DIM_C(120,1                           
## DIM_C(175,2                           
## DIM_C(230,2  0.392                    
## DIM_C(280,3  0.359    0.375           
## DIM_C(335,6  0.394    0.421    0.421
confint(fmm, method = "Wald")
##                                2.5 %     97.5 %
## .sig01                            NA         NA
## .sig02                            NA         NA
## .sigma                            NA         NA
## (Intercept)              34.02693528 38.5773559
## Lameness[T.Moderate]     -0.91843162  0.2009893
## Lameness[T.Severe]       -1.95839319 -0.6918439
## BCS_dicLow BCS (2-2.75)   0.02356384  0.9159038
## Parity(1,2]               0.24258222  1.6711629
## Parity(2,3]               1.85303795  3.4641617
## Parity(3,11]              0.47412782  2.1976258
## DIM_Cat(120,175]         -2.17053346 -0.8416276
## DIM_Cat(175,230]         -3.65844458 -2.2929531
## DIM_Cat(230,280]         -6.05918384 -4.5796857
## DIM_Cat(280,335]         -8.01814105 -6.4213848
## DIM_Cat(335,600]        -10.80758923 -9.3125631

Intra Class Correlation coefficient: pen within farm

24.68/(24.68 + 14.45 + 55.04)*100
## [1] 26.20792

Intra Class Correlation coefficient: farm

14.45/(24.68 + 14.45 + 55.04)*100
## [1] 15.34459

Checking collinearity

##              GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
## Lameness 1.248251  2        1.057001
## BCS_dic  1.068291  1        1.033581
## Parity   1.194675  3        1.030090
## DIM_Cat  1.039160  5        1.003849

Including residuals, influence and fitted values in the table:

MY2$Residuals <-resid(fmm)
MY2$Pearson_residuals<-resid(fmm, type = "pearson")
MY2$Fitted_values <-fitted(fmm)
MY2$Cook_dist <- cooks.distance(fmm)
MY2$Hat_values <-hatvalues(fmm)

Residuals: distribution

ggplot(MY2, aes(Residuals))+
  geom_histogram(aes(y =..density..), colour="black", fill="white")+
  geom_density(alpha = 0.3, fill="#FF4499")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.


##  [1] 3490 3292 2580 3932 1837 3380 4501 2313 5199 2490 4077  379 1981 3895
## [15] 1336 4023 3611 2367 5169 4329

There are some large residuals, however, given the high number of points these values may have little influence on the coefficients.

ggplot(MY2, aes(Fitted_values, Pearson_residuals))+
  geom_jitter(size = 0.7)+
  geom_smooth(method = "lm")+

scatter.smooth(resid(fmm, type = "pearson")~fitted(fmm), col = "grey", las = 1)

Random effect: farm


## [1] 9 8

Random effect: group


## [1] 70 36
plot_model(fmm, type = c("re"))
## [[1]]

## [[2]]


## 886 
## 886
sort(cooks.distance(fmm), decreasing = T)[1:10]
##        886       2367       2707        555        540        499 
## 0.08313184 0.08247000 0.08143741 0.05819039 0.05383365 0.05260745 
##        379       3570        609       4077 
## 0.05162768 0.04842686 0.04483035 0.04362315
which(MY2$Cook_dist >0.03559153)
##  [1]  379  499  540  555  609  886 1337 2367 2707 3570 4077
plot(cooks.distance(fmm), type= "h", main = "Cook's distance",
ylab="D", xlab = "Observation number", las=1 )


sort(hatvalues(fmm), decreasing = TRUE)[1:11]
##      2639      2790        76       499       632       555       592 
## 0.2515117 0.2513768 0.1468069 0.1466749 0.1465257 0.1464997 0.1455317 
##      1722       858      1475      1324 
## 0.1154274 0.1151666 0.1146265 0.1139543
which(hatvalues(fmm) > 0.2)
## 2639 2790 
## 2639 2790
plot(hatvalues(fmm), type= "h", main = "Hat",
ylab="", xlab = "Observation number", las=1 )

StudRes Hat CookD
379 5.2924885 0.0216393 0.0516277
886 -3.6561694 0.0694446 0.0831318
2367 3.6799800 0.0681012 0.0824700
2639 -1.0211746 0.2515117 0.0292006
2790 -0.7765471 0.2513768 0.0168739
4077 5.6261834 0.0162685 0.0436231
summary(fmm_lev1<-lmer(MilkProduction ~ Lameness + BCS_dic + Parity + DIM_Cat + (1|farm_ID/Group_cat), data = subset(MY2 [-379,])))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula: MilkProduction ~ Lameness + BCS_dic + Parity + DIM_Cat + (1 |  
##     farm_ID/Group_cat)
##    Data: subset(MY2[-379, ])
## REML criterion at convergence: 36543.4
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -4.9357 -0.5853  0.0289  0.6217  5.5952 
## Random effects:
##  Groups            Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Group_cat:farm_ID (Intercept) 24.73    4.972   
##  farm_ID           (Intercept) 14.49    3.807   
##  Residual                      54.76    7.400   
## Number of obs: 5300, groups:  Group_cat:farm_ID, 90; farm_ID, 16
## Fixed effects:
##                          Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)               36.3171     1.1620   18.5730  31.255  < 2e-16
## Lameness[T.Moderate]      -0.3578     0.2848 5215.8648  -1.256  0.20911
## Lameness[T.Severe]        -1.3528     0.3223 5240.1846  -4.197 2.75e-05
## BCS_dicLow BCS (2-2.75)    0.4552     0.2271 5237.1585   2.005  0.04503
## Parity(1,2]                0.9593     0.3635 5094.6656   2.639  0.00834
## Parity(2,3]                2.6670     0.4100 5137.6195   6.505 8.50e-11
## Parity(3,11]               1.3098     0.4386 5154.9707   2.986  0.00284
## DIM_Cat(120,175]          -1.5153     0.3381 5257.4574  -4.481 7.58e-06
## DIM_Cat(175,230]          -2.9835     0.3474 5257.9497  -8.587  < 2e-16
## DIM_Cat(230,280]          -5.3272     0.3765 5264.8552 -14.151  < 2e-16
## DIM_Cat(280,335]          -7.2950     0.4065 5266.4978 -17.944  < 2e-16
## DIM_Cat(335,600]         -10.0548     0.3804 5278.0693 -26.431  < 2e-16
## (Intercept)             ***
## Lameness[T.Moderate]       
## Lameness[T.Severe]      ***
## BCS_dicLow BCS (2-2.75) *  
## Parity(1,2]             ** 
## Parity(2,3]             ***
## Parity(3,11]            ** 
## DIM_Cat(120,175]        ***
## DIM_Cat(175,230]        ***
## DIM_Cat(230,280]        ***
## DIM_Cat(280,335]        ***
## DIM_Cat(335,600]        ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr) L[T.M] L[T.S] BCS_B( P(1,2] P(2,3] P(3,11 DIM_C(12
## Lmnss[T.Md] -0.022                                                   
## Lmnss[T.Sv]  0.003  0.374                                            
## BCS_LBCS(2- -0.096 -0.108 -0.217                                     
## Parity(1,2] -0.174 -0.087 -0.116  0.005                              
## Parity(2,3] -0.160 -0.159 -0.215  0.017  0.663                       
## Party(3,11] -0.152 -0.188 -0.347  0.017  0.636  0.649                
## DIM_C(120,1 -0.111 -0.037 -0.051  0.054  0.026  0.025  0.034         
## DIM_C(175,2 -0.119  0.007 -0.036  0.052  0.044  0.044  0.045  0.381  
## DIM_C(230,2 -0.119 -0.020 -0.054  0.072  0.059  0.063  0.065  0.354  
## DIM_C(280,3 -0.117 -0.017 -0.037  0.070  0.064  0.058  0.063  0.319  
## DIM_C(335,6 -0.140 -0.059 -0.116  0.123  0.101  0.102  0.108  0.349  
##             DIM_C(17 DIM_C(23 DIM_C(28
## Lmnss[T.Md]                           
## Lmnss[T.Sv]                           
## BCS_LBCS(2-                           
## Parity(1,2]                           
## Parity(2,3]                           
## Party(3,11]                           
## DIM_C(120,1                           
## DIM_C(175,2                           
## DIM_C(230,2  0.392                    
## DIM_C(280,3  0.359    0.374           
## DIM_C(335,6  0.394    0.421    0.420
summary(fmm_lev2<-lmer(MilkProduction ~ Lameness + BCS_dic + Parity + DIM_Cat + (1|farm_ID/Group_cat), data = subset(MY2, Hat_values < 0.10)))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula: MilkProduction ~ Lameness + BCS_dic + Parity + DIM_Cat + (1 |  
##     farm_ID/Group_cat)
##    Data: subset(MY2, Hat_values < 0.1)
## REML criterion at convergence: 36424.3
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -4.9154 -0.5825  0.0312  0.6213  5.5807 
## Random effects:
##  Groups            Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Group_cat:farm_ID (Intercept) 24.81    4.981   
##  farm_ID           (Intercept) 15.29    3.911   
##  Residual                      55.06    7.420   
## Number of obs: 5279, groups:  Group_cat:farm_ID, 86; farm_ID, 16
## Fixed effects:
##                          Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)               36.3081     1.1896   18.5039  30.522  < 2e-16
## Lameness[T.Moderate]      -0.3765     0.2858 5196.0878  -1.317  0.18788
## Lameness[T.Severe]        -1.3317     0.3237 5214.4688  -4.114 3.95e-05
## BCS_dicLow BCS (2-2.75)    0.4744     0.2281 5216.1055   2.080  0.03756
## Parity(1,2]                0.9176     0.3655 5077.2906   2.510  0.01210
## Parity(2,3]                2.6192     0.4121 5113.2587   6.355 2.26e-10
## Parity(3,11]               1.3177     0.4406 5130.4288   2.991  0.00279
## DIM_Cat(120,175]          -1.5167     0.3404 5237.1293  -4.455 8.55e-06
## DIM_Cat(175,230]          -2.9469     0.3492 5238.4712  -8.438  < 2e-16
## DIM_Cat(230,280]          -5.3003     0.3780 5245.0500 -14.022  < 2e-16
## DIM_Cat(280,335]          -7.1983     0.4081 5246.8226 -17.640  < 2e-16
## DIM_Cat(335,600]         -10.0433     0.3820 5255.8737 -26.290  < 2e-16
## (Intercept)             ***
## Lameness[T.Moderate]       
## Lameness[T.Severe]      ***
## BCS_dicLow BCS (2-2.75) *  
## Parity(1,2]             *  
## Parity(2,3]             ***
## Parity(3,11]            ** 
## DIM_Cat(120,175]        ***
## DIM_Cat(175,230]        ***
## DIM_Cat(230,280]        ***
## DIM_Cat(280,335]        ***
## DIM_Cat(335,600]        ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr) L[T.M] L[T.S] BCS_B( P(1,2] P(2,3] P(3,11 DIM_C(12
## Lmnss[T.Md] -0.022                                                   
## Lmnss[T.Sv]  0.003  0.374                                            
## BCS_LBCS(2- -0.093 -0.108 -0.217                                     
## Parity(1,2] -0.170 -0.087 -0.115  0.005                              
## Parity(2,3] -0.156 -0.159 -0.213  0.018  0.663                       
## Party(3,11] -0.149 -0.188 -0.347  0.017  0.636  0.650                
## DIM_C(120,1 -0.109 -0.036 -0.050  0.054  0.028  0.026  0.035         
## DIM_C(175,2 -0.117  0.006 -0.037  0.052  0.045  0.044  0.045  0.381  
## DIM_C(230,2 -0.118 -0.019 -0.054  0.071  0.060  0.064  0.066  0.354  
## DIM_C(280,3 -0.116 -0.017 -0.038  0.070  0.064  0.060  0.064  0.319  
## DIM_C(335,6 -0.139 -0.059 -0.116  0.123  0.102  0.103  0.110  0.349  
##             DIM_C(17 DIM_C(23 DIM_C(28
## Lmnss[T.Md]                           
## Lmnss[T.Sv]                           
## BCS_LBCS(2-                           
## Parity(1,2]                           
## Parity(2,3]                           
## Party(3,11]                           
## DIM_C(120,1                           
## DIM_C(175,2                           
## DIM_C(230,2  0.393                    
## DIM_C(280,3  0.360    0.375           
## DIM_C(335,6  0.395    0.422    0.422

Residuals and explanatory variables considered in the model

ggplot(MY2, aes(Pearson_residuals , MilkProduction))+
  geom_smooth(method = "lm")

ggplot(MY2, aes(Lameness, Pearson_residuals))+

ggplot(MY2, aes(Lameness, Pearson_residuals))+

ggplot(MY2, aes(Parity, Pearson_residuals))+