

The data correspond to a cross-sectional study designed to investigate factors associated with lameness in dairy cows on intensive farms in southern Brazil.

Farms: 38 freestall and 12 compost-bedded pack visited once in 2016 (March to October). All lactating cows (n = 13,716) were examined and body condition score (BCS) and gait score were assessed.

The following dataframe (Herd) is a data subset with information about the associations between lameness and herd-level explanatory variables. The variables presented in the dataframe “Herd” were collected through inspection of facilities and using data from an interview with farmers on routine management practices applied on each farm.

Additional information is provided in the published paper (“Factors associated with lameness prevalence in lactating cows housed in freestall and compost-bedded pack dairy farms in southern Brazil”

Herd<- read_csv("Herd.csv")

Variables included in the dataframe (a description is available below: final lines on the script)

##  [1] "farm_ID"                        "Scored cows"                   
##  [3] "LS_1"                           "LS_2"                          
##  [5] "LS_3"                           "LS_4"                          
##  [7] "LS_5"                           "Clinical lameness"             
##  [9] "Severe lameness"                "Average milk yield per cow"    
## [11] "Total cows"                     "Workers number"                
## [13] "Farm type"                      "Bedding type"                  
## [15] "Dry period length"              "Alley scrapping type"          
## [17] "Farm type herd size"            "Barn building year"            
## [19] "Feeding type"                   "Heat control system type"      
## [21] "Years of milk activity"         "Feeding times per day"         
## [23] "Pasture access to milking cows" "Pasture access to cows"        
## [25] "Milkings per day"               "Stall cleaning"                
## [27] "Footbath"                       "Footbath solution"             
## [29] "Preventive hoof trimming"       "Hoof trimming freq"            
## [31] "Track slope"                    "Track covering"                
## [33] "Track pavement type"            "Track moisture"                
## [35] "Feed bunk flooring"             "Feed bunk type"                
## [37] "Holding area water trough"      "Holding area flooring"         
## [39] "Holding area roof cover"        "Holding area Area"             
## [41] "Do cows fall on your farm"      "Cows falls category"           
## [43] "Feed bunk flooring category"    "Slipperines feed bunk"         
## [45] "Herd size"

Exploring the variable “farm type and herd size” used as random effect in the models

A category of farm type (i.e., compost barn and freestall farms) by herd size (quartiles) was built to be used as random effect

Lameness prevalence distribution by farm type and size

  group_by( `Farm type herd size`)%>%
  summarise(Prevalence = (mean(`Clinical lameness`)),
            Observations = n())
Farm type herd size Prevalence Observations
Compost_(140,204] 29.57529 3
Compost_(204,359] 32.23141 1
Compost_(40,140] 33.16685 8
Freestall_(140,204] 47.34190 9
Freestall_(204,359] 44.41726 11
Freestall_(359,901] 45.52086 13
Freestall_(40,140] 32.82182 5

Ordering the variable “Herd size”

Herd$`Herd size` = factor(Herd$`Herd size`, levels = c("(40,140]", "(140,204]", "(204,359]", "(359,901]"))

Plot: lameness prevalence distribution by farm type and herd size

ggplot(Herd, aes(x = `Herd size` , y = `Clinical lameness`, color = `Farm type`))+
  geom_dotplot(binaxis = "y", 
               stackdir = "center", 
               dotsize = 0.6, 
               stackratio = 1.1, 
               binwidth = 1.3)+ 
  facet_wrap(~`Farm type`)+
  labs( x = "Lactating herd size (n)", 
        y ="Herd clinical lameness prevalence (%)")+
  scale_color_discrete(guide = FALSE)

Within-herd lameness prevalence

summary(Herd$`Clinical lameness`)
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   13.76   34.38   42.47   41.14   47.93   64.46
sd(Herd$`Clinical lameness`)
## [1] 11.31161

Exploring correlations between variables

  cor(method = "spearman", use = "complete.obs")
##                                farm_ID Scored cows         LS_1
## farm_ID                     1.00000000  0.37864684  0.139784587
## Scored cows                 0.37864684  1.00000000  0.264044719
## LS_1                        0.13978459  0.26404472  1.000000000
## LS_2                        0.31821513  0.95662560  0.220578948
## LS_3                        0.40571135  0.97103537  0.257887901
## LS_4                        0.37794849  0.91710099  0.245446240
## LS_5                        0.23238246  0.77186853  0.118494612
## Clinical lameness           0.36810682  0.34396287  0.009318972
## Severe lameness             0.29418150  0.29652346 -0.027956917
## Average milk yield per cow  0.08193936  0.40600802  0.196172817
## Total cows                  0.39487611  0.99603756  0.276470353
## Workers number              0.34930642  0.89608899  0.252539186
## Barn building year         -0.52003252 -0.47481216 -0.352230724
## Years of milk activity      0.23000058  0.43261378  0.236221714
## Feeding times per day      -0.16037319  0.08849234  0.254575753
## Milkings per day            0.02344600  0.48670474  0.099923955
## Holding area Area           0.07984801  0.47182716  0.093197313
##                                   LS_2       LS_3       LS_4       LS_5
## farm_ID                     0.31821513  0.4057114  0.3779485  0.2323825
## Scored cows                 0.95662560  0.9710354  0.9171010  0.7718685
## LS_1                        0.22057895  0.2578879  0.2454462  0.1184946
## LS_2                        1.00000000  0.8977304  0.8158323  0.6515493
## LS_3                        0.89773036  1.0000000  0.9113814  0.7582206
## LS_4                        0.81583234  0.9113814  1.0000000  0.8509594
## LS_5                        0.65154935  0.7582206  0.8509594  1.0000000
## Clinical lameness           0.12735119  0.4446918  0.5985723  0.5978195
## Severe lameness             0.10504031  0.3224843  0.5962922  0.6297483
## Average milk yield per cow  0.47352793  0.3320280  0.3603894  0.2630949
## Total cows                  0.95608274  0.9680493  0.9168295  0.7646217
## Workers number              0.90305132  0.8427469  0.8207427  0.6590288
## Barn building year         -0.46208992 -0.4596341 -0.4383637 -0.3402406
## Years of milk activity      0.40091257  0.4152701  0.3333334  0.4053449
## Feeding times per day       0.05285204  0.1136353  0.1114343  0.1416704
## Milkings per day            0.52065288  0.4031701  0.4528869  0.4354203
## Holding area Area           0.44579262  0.4654414  0.3794451  0.3948644
##                            Clinical lameness Severe lameness
## farm_ID                          0.368106817      0.29418150
## Scored cows                      0.343962874      0.29652346
## LS_1                             0.009318972     -0.02795692
## LS_2                             0.127351194      0.10504031
## LS_3                             0.444691780      0.32248433
## LS_4                             0.598572254      0.59629219
## LS_5                             0.597819541      0.62974829
## Clinical lameness                1.000000000      0.90914025
## Severe lameness                  0.909140252      1.00000000
## Average milk yield per cow      -0.073342798     -0.06061118
## Total cows                       0.337937960      0.28729612
## Workers number                   0.240352454      0.24274944
## Barn building year              -0.201357376     -0.15685941
## Years of milk activity           0.151360479      0.10373108
## Feeding times per day            0.194832072      0.12158470
## Milkings per day                 0.112927401      0.17035763
## Holding area Area                0.072357172      0.05259872
##                            Average milk yield per cow Total cows
## farm_ID                                   0.081939357  0.3948761
## Scored cows                               0.406008019  0.9960376
## LS_1                                      0.196172817  0.2764704
## LS_2                                      0.473527928  0.9560827
## LS_3                                      0.332027998  0.9680493
## LS_4                                      0.360389447  0.9168295
## LS_5                                      0.263094918  0.7646217
## Clinical lameness                        -0.073342798  0.3379380
## Severe lameness                          -0.060611184  0.2872961
## Average milk yield per cow                1.000000000  0.4147680
## Total cows                                0.414768042  1.0000000
## Workers number                            0.476218156  0.8967700
## Barn building year                       -0.300229469 -0.4815388
## Years of milk activity                   -0.002123204  0.4378819
## Feeding times per day                     0.256244085  0.1061671
## Milkings per day                          0.708866728  0.4764468
## Holding area Area                         0.064479445  0.4656389
##                            Workers number Barn building year
## farm_ID                         0.3493064        -0.52003252
## Scored cows                     0.8960890        -0.47481216
## LS_1                            0.2525392        -0.35223072
## LS_2                            0.9030513        -0.46208992
## LS_3                            0.8427469        -0.45963410
## LS_4                            0.8207427        -0.43836373
## LS_5                            0.6590288        -0.34024059
## Clinical lameness               0.2403525        -0.20135738
## Severe lameness                 0.2427494        -0.15685941
## Average milk yield per cow      0.4762182        -0.30022947
## Total cows                      0.8967700        -0.48153878
## Workers number                  1.0000000        -0.46684525
## Barn building year             -0.4668453         1.00000000
## Years of milk activity          0.3960663        -0.31976479
## Feeding times per day           0.1601008         0.09549196
## Milkings per day                0.6162540        -0.27315987
## Holding area Area               0.3685123         0.06067903
##                            Years of milk activity Feeding times per day
## farm_ID                               0.230000584           -0.16037319
## Scored cows                           0.432613784            0.08849234
## LS_1                                  0.236221714            0.25457575
## LS_2                                  0.400912565            0.05285204
## LS_3                                  0.415270146            0.11363532
## LS_4                                  0.333333361            0.11143428
## LS_5                                  0.405344916            0.14167037
## Clinical lameness                     0.151360479            0.19483207
## Severe lameness                       0.103731078            0.12158470
## Average milk yield per cow           -0.002123204            0.25624409
## Total cows                            0.437881945            0.10616708
## Workers number                        0.396066308            0.16010084
## Barn building year                   -0.319764790            0.09549196
## Years of milk activity                1.000000000            0.11260724
## Feeding times per day                 0.112607239            1.00000000
## Milkings per day                      0.167620518            0.43339225
## Holding area Area                     0.274285130            0.15661978
##                            Milkings per day Holding area Area
## farm_ID                          0.02344600        0.07984801
## Scored cows                      0.48670474        0.47182716
## LS_1                             0.09992395        0.09319731
## LS_2                             0.52065288        0.44579262
## LS_3                             0.40317012        0.46544142
## LS_4                             0.45288688        0.37944514
## LS_5                             0.43542032        0.39486439
## Clinical lameness                0.11292740        0.07235717
## Severe lameness                  0.17035763        0.05259872
## Average milk yield per cow       0.70886673        0.06447945
## Total cows                       0.47644684        0.46563891
## Workers number                   0.61625400        0.36851233
## Barn building year              -0.27315987        0.06067903
## Years of milk activity           0.16762052        0.27428513
## Feeding times per day            0.43339225        0.15661978
## Milkings per day                 1.00000000        0.12026407
## Holding area Area                0.12026407        1.00000000
  cor(method = "spearman", use = "complete.obs")%>% 

Explanatory variables considered in the multivariable model

a) Stall bedding type on each farm

Distribution of lameness prevalence by bedding type:

  group_by(`Bedding type`)%>%
  summarise(`Mean prevalence` = mean(`Clinical lameness`),
            `Median prevalence` = median(`Clinical lameness`),
            Iqr = IQR(`Clinical lameness`),
            Farms = n())
Bedding type Mean prevalence Median prevalence Iqr Farms
Compost 32.19101 31.96936 6.812866 12
Deep-bedding 39.33045 42.81609 12.081737 11
Mattress 47.92168 47.56933 11.579573 16
Other 42.83323 42.12963 6.203443 11

Mixed-effects linear model

summary(fma<-lmer(`Clinical lameness` ~ `Bedding type` + (1|`Farm type herd size`), data = Herd))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: 
## `Clinical lameness` ~ `Bedding type` + (1 | `Farm type herd size`)
##    Data: Herd
## REML criterion at convergence: 349.6
## Scaled residuals: 
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -2.02910 -0.61269 -0.00059  0.48509  1.99377 
## Random effects:
##  Groups              Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Farm type herd size (Intercept) 22.51    4.745   
##  Residual                        85.42    9.242   
## Number of obs: 50, groups:  Farm type herd size, 7
## Fixed effects:
##                            Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)                  31.826      4.117   7.731
## `Bedding type`Deep-bedding    7.087      5.522   1.283
## `Bedding type`Mattress       15.949      5.308   3.005
## `Bedding type`Other           7.853      5.731   1.370
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr) `Bt`D- `Bty`M
## `Bddtyp`Dp- -0.745              
## `Bddngtyp`M -0.776  0.773       
## `Bddngtyp`O -0.718  0.719  0.729
Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
Bedding type 12.13249 3 0.0069428

b) Feed bunk alley floor slipperiness score

Distribution of lameness prevalence by floor slipperiness score:

  group_by(`Slipperines feed bunk`)%>%
  summarise(`Mean prevalence` = mean(`Clinical lameness`),
            `Median prevalence` = median(`Clinical lameness`),
            Iqr = IQR(`Clinical lameness`),
            Farms = n())
Slipperines feed bunk Mean prevalence Median prevalence Iqr Farms
Non-slippery 33.63538 33.84057 12.963852 12
Slightly slippery 41.40932 42.30357 12.270597 20
Very slippery 47.90648 47.67442 8.196792 15
NA 35.47705 31.52174 6.295290 3

Distribution of lameness prevalence by farmers answer to the following question:

Do the cows usually fall at the barn?

No = cows never fall, Other = cows fall often, somethimes or rare times

  group_by(`Cows falls category`)%>%
  summarise(`Mean prevalence` = mean(`Clinical lameness`),
            `Median prevalence` = median(`Clinical lameness`),
            Iqr = IQR(`Clinical lameness`),
            Farms = n())
Cows falls category Mean prevalence Median prevalence Iqr Farms
No 34.42170 31.61453 10.06720 14
Other 43.74821 43.66131 10.63536 36

Mixed-effects linear model

summary(fmb<-lmer(`Clinical lameness` ~ `Slipperines feed bunk` + (1|`Farm type herd size`), data = Herd))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: 
## `Clinical lameness` ~ `Slipperines feed bunk` + (1 | `Farm type herd size`)
##    Data: Herd
## REML criterion at convergence: 330.2
## Scaled residuals: 
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.78617 -0.62470 -0.05037  0.48615  2.21003 
## Random effects:
##  Groups              Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Farm type herd size (Intercept) 44.94    6.704   
##  Residual                        72.88    8.537   
## Number of obs: 47, groups:  Farm type herd size, 7
## Fixed effects:
##                                          Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)                                32.054      3.588   8.934
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Slightly slippery    6.379      3.406   1.873
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Very slippery       14.141      3.367   4.200
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr) `Sfb`Ss
## `Slpfbnk`Ss -0.511        
## `Slpfbnk`Vs -0.487  0.559
Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
Slipperines feed bunk 17.9674 2 0.0001254

c) Presence of a roof covering the holding area

Distribution of lameness prevalence filtered by levels of the variable:

  group_by(`Holding area roof cover`)%>%
  summarise(`Mean prevalence` = mean(`Clinical lameness`),
            `Median prevalence` = median(`Clinical lameness`),
            Iqr = IQR(`Clinical lameness`),
            Farms = n())
Holding area roof cover Mean prevalence Median prevalence Iqr Farms
Covered 39.85330 41.68981 15.163049 40
Uncovered 46.27075 45.50234 6.974189 10

Mixed-effects linear model

summary(fmc<-lmer(`Clinical lameness` ~ `Holding area roof cover` + (1|`Farm type herd size`), data = Herd))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: 
## `Clinical lameness` ~ `Holding area roof cover` + (1 | `Farm type herd size`)
##    Data: Herd
## REML criterion at convergence: 363.2
## Scaled residuals: 
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.84102 -0.71619  0.01489  0.56614  1.80405 
## Random effects:
##  Groups              Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Farm type herd size (Intercept) 52.69    7.259   
##  Residual                        82.80    9.099   
## Number of obs: 50, groups:  Farm type herd size, 7
## Fixed effects:
##                                    Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)                          36.683      3.259   11.26
## `Holding area roof cover`Uncovered   10.198      3.642    2.80
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr)
## `Hldarcvr`U -0.239
Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
Holding area roof cover 7.84033 1 0.0051093

d) Dry period length criteria defined by farmers in each herd

Distribution of lameness prevalence by dry period length categories:

  group_by(`Dry period length`)%>%
  summarise(`Mean prevalence` = mean(`Clinical lameness`),
            `Median prevalence` = median(`Clinical lameness`),
            Iqr = IQR(`Clinical lameness`),
            Farms = n())
Dry period length Mean prevalence Median prevalence Iqr Farms
Less than sixty days 44.77446 45.50234 16.30728 18
Sixty days 39.09060 41.26200 14.35805 32

changing the reference category for this variable

Herd$`Dry period length`<- as.factor(Herd$`Dry period length`)
contrasts(Herd$`Dry period length`) <- contr.Treatment(levels(Herd$`Dry period length`), base = 2)
contrasts(Herd$`Dry period length`)
##                      [T.Less than sixty days]
## Less than sixty days                        1
## Sixty days                                  0

Mixed-effects linear model

summary(fmd<-lmer(`Clinical lameness` ~ `Dry period length` + (1|`Farm type herd size`), data = Herd))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: 
## `Clinical lameness` ~ `Dry period length` + (1 | `Farm type herd size`)
##    Data: Herd
## REML criterion at convergence: 364.4
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -2.1787 -0.6007  0.1024  0.6224  1.9539 
## Random effects:
##  Groups              Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Farm type herd size (Intercept) 45.27    6.728   
##  Residual                        85.52    9.248   
## Number of obs: 50, groups:  Farm type herd size, 7
## Fixed effects:
##                                             Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)                                   36.591      3.132  11.683
## `Dry period length`[T.Less than sixty days]    7.613      2.926   2.602
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr)
## `Dpl`[T.tsd -0.293
Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
Dry period length 6.770323 1 0.0092686

e) Alley manure handling system

Distribution of lameness prevalence by categories of this variable:

  group_by(`Alley scrapping type`)%>%
  summarise(`Mean prevalence` = mean(`Clinical lameness`),
            `Median prevalence` = median(`Clinical lameness`),
            Iqr = IQR(`Clinical lameness`),
            Farms = n())
Alley scrapping type Mean prevalence Median prevalence Iqr Farms
Scrapper 44.42257 46.29630 12.06680 17
Tractor Bob Cat 39.44411 40.90909 10.92948 33

Mixed-effects linear model

summary(fme<-lmer(`Clinical lameness` ~ `Alley scrapping type` + (1|`Farm type herd size`), data = Herd))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: 
## `Clinical lameness` ~ `Alley scrapping type` + (1 | `Farm type herd size`)
##    Data: Herd
## REML criterion at convergence: 367.5
## Scaled residuals: 
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.97773 -0.67592 -0.02163  0.61746  2.13113 
## Random effects:
##  Groups              Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Farm type herd size (Intercept) 41.29    6.426   
##  Residual                        92.53    9.619   
## Number of obs: 50, groups:  Farm type herd size, 7
## Fixed effects:
##                                       Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)                             42.614      3.509  12.144
## `Alley scrapping type`Tractor Bob Cat   -5.236      2.887  -1.813
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr)
## `Alstyp`TBC -0.554
Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
Alley scrapping type 3.288649 1 0.0697604

Herd-level linear analyses: multivariable model

Mixed-effects linear regressions were fitted. Significant explanatory variables identified at the univariable models (P<0.2) were included in the multivariable model

Full model

summary(fm_a <- lmer(`Clinical lameness` ~ `Bedding type` + `Slipperines feed bunk` + `Holding area roof cover` + `Dry period length` +`Alley scrapping type` + (1| `Farm type herd size`), data = Herd))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: `Clinical lameness` ~ `Bedding type` + `Slipperines feed bunk` +  
##     `Holding area roof cover` + `Dry period length` + `Alley scrapping type` +  
##     (1 | `Farm type herd size`)
##    Data: Herd
## REML criterion at convergence: 283.6
## Scaled residuals: 
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.99010 -0.59177  0.00729  0.62826  1.90547 
## Random effects:
##  Groups              Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Farm type herd size (Intercept) 40.39    6.356   
##  Residual                        49.46    7.033   
## Number of obs: 47, groups:  Farm type herd size, 7
## Fixed effects:
##                                             Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)                                   25.438      5.161   4.929
## `Bedding type`Deep-bedding                     6.940      5.997   1.157
## `Bedding type`Mattress                        14.503      5.908   2.455
## `Bedding type`Other                            5.169      6.186   0.836
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Slightly slippery       5.879      2.968   1.981
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Very slippery          11.336      2.971   3.816
## `Holding area roof cover`Uncovered             4.765      3.389   1.406
## `Dry period length`[T.Less than sixty days]    4.909      2.476   1.983
## `Alley scrapping type`Tractor Bob Cat         -1.896      2.477  -0.765
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr) `Bt`D- `Bty`M `Bty`O `Sfb`Ss `Sfb`Vs `Harc` `pltsd
## `Bddtyp`Dp- -0.609                                                   
## `Bddngtyp`M -0.700  0.863                                            
## `Bddngtyp`O -0.620  0.843  0.844                                     
## `Slpfbnk`Ss -0.265 -0.084  0.003  0.032                              
## `Slpfbnk`Vs -0.223 -0.017 -0.023  0.003  0.571                       
## `Hldarcvr`U  0.076 -0.079 -0.109 -0.169 -0.235  -0.320               
## `Dpl`[T.tsd -0.241  0.019  0.055  0.023  0.014  -0.091  -0.133       
## `Alstyp`TBC -0.367 -0.086  0.102 -0.056  0.000  -0.011  -0.022  0.281
Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
Bedding type 12.4037229 3 0.0061207
Slipperines feed bunk 14.6182602 2 0.0006694
Holding area roof cover 1.9764095 1 0.1597692
Dry period length 3.9314782 1 0.0473903
Alley scrapping type 0.5856873 1 0.4440917
##                               GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
## `Bedding type`            1.319540  3        1.047298
## `Slipperines feed bunk`   1.236991  2        1.054609
## `Holding area roof cover` 1.202281  1        1.096486
## `Dry period length`       1.139710  1        1.067572
## `Alley scrapping type`    1.275237  1        1.129264

We removed the variable Alley scrapping type

summary(fm_b<-update(fm_a, .~.- `Alley scrapping type`))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: `Clinical lameness` ~ `Bedding type` + `Slipperines feed bunk` +  
##     `Holding area roof cover` + `Dry period length` + (1 | `Farm type herd size`)
##    Data: Herd
## REML criterion at convergence: 287.9
## Scaled residuals: 
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -2.14892 -0.69650  0.06796  0.56668  1.93930 
## Random effects:
##  Groups              Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Farm type herd size (Intercept) 41.08    6.410   
##  Residual                        48.79    6.985   
## Number of obs: 47, groups:  Farm type herd size, 7
## Fixed effects:
##                                             Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)                                   24.014      4.813   4.989
## `Bedding type`Deep-bedding                     6.516      5.997   1.086
## `Bedding type`Mattress                        14.926      5.901   2.529
## `Bedding type`Other                            4.842      6.197   0.781
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Slightly slippery       5.862      2.951   1.986
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Very slippery          11.301      2.952   3.828
## `Holding area roof cover`Uncovered             4.750      3.371   1.409
## `Dry period length`[T.Less than sixty days]    5.443      2.361   2.305
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr) `Bt`D- `Bty`M `Bty`O `Sfb`Ss `Sfb`Vs `Harc`
## `Bddtyp`Dp- -0.693                                            
## `Bddngtyp`M -0.717  0.882                                     
## `Bddngtyp`O -0.691  0.845  0.859                              
## `Slpfbnk`Ss -0.282 -0.083  0.003  0.032                       
## `Slpfbnk`Vs -0.241 -0.018 -0.022  0.002  0.572                
## `Hldarcvr`U  0.072 -0.081 -0.106 -0.170 -0.236  -0.321        
## `Dpl`[T.tsd -0.152  0.044  0.027  0.040  0.016  -0.091  -0.133
Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
Bedding type 16.134362 3 0.0010643
Slipperines feed bunk 14.717090 2 0.0006371
Holding area roof cover 1.986333 1 0.1587249
Dry period length 5.313939 1 0.0211555

We excluded the variable: presence of a roof covering the holding area

Final model

summary(fm_c<-update(fm_b, .~.-`Holding area roof cover`))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: `Clinical lameness` ~ `Bedding type` + `Slipperines feed bunk` +  
##     `Dry period length` + (1 | `Farm type herd size`)
##    Data: Herd
## REML criterion at convergence: 293.8
## Scaled residuals: 
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -2.25175 -0.69175  0.09233  0.62219  1.87320 
## Random effects:
##  Groups              Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Farm type herd size (Intercept) 22.71    4.765   
##  Residual                        52.48    7.244   
## Number of obs: 47, groups:  Farm type herd size, 7
## Fixed effects:
##                                             Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)                                   23.078      4.163   5.544
## `Bedding type`Deep-bedding                     7.729      5.030   1.537
## `Bedding type`Mattress                        16.459      4.887   3.368
## `Bedding type`Other                            7.354      5.171   1.422
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Slightly slippery       6.934      2.927   2.369
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Very slippery          12.556      2.889   4.346
## `Dry period length`[T.Less than sixty days]    5.732      2.396   2.393
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr) `Bt`D- `Bty`M `Bty`O `Sfb`Ss `Sfb`Vs
## `Bddtyp`Dp- -0.657                                     
## `Bddngtyp`M -0.693  0.819                              
## `Bddngtyp`O -0.659  0.773  0.790                       
## `Slpfbnk`Ss -0.337 -0.118 -0.019 -0.002                
## `Slpfbnk`Vs -0.286 -0.047 -0.063 -0.061  0.541         
## `Dpl`[T.tsd -0.182  0.056  0.031  0.033 -0.032  -0.150
Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
Bedding type 17.658599 3 0.0005172
Slipperines feed bunk 18.892468 2 0.0000790
Dry period length 5.724872 1 0.0167263
confint(fm_c, method ="Wald")
##                                                 2.5 %   97.5 %
## .sig01                                             NA       NA
## .sigma                                             NA       NA
## (Intercept)                                 14.918885 31.23700
## `Bedding type`Deep-bedding                  -2.129215 17.58627
## `Bedding type`Mattress                       6.881337 26.03676
## `Bedding type`Other                         -2.781136 17.48815
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Slightly slippery     1.198007 12.66999
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Very slippery         6.894061 18.21771
## `Dry period length`[T.Less than sixty days]  1.036599 10.42724
##                             GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
## `Bedding type`          1.077740  3        1.012556
## `Slipperines feed bunk` 1.102008  2        1.024581
## `Dry period length`     1.032383  1        1.016063

scatter.smooth(resid(fm_c, type = "pearson")~fitted(fm_c), col = "grey", las = 1)

## # R2 for mixed models
##   Conditional R2: 0.637
##      Marginal R2: 0.481
## # Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
##      Adjusted ICC: 0.302
##   Conditional ICC: 0.157
## $`Farm type herd size`
##                     (Intercept) `Bedding type`Deep-bedding
## Compost_(140,204]      23.07835                   7.728526
## Compost_(204,359]      25.84215                   7.728526
## Compost_(40,140]       20.31332                   7.728526
## Freestall_(140,204]    26.25905                   7.728526
## Freestall_(204,359]    23.06450                   7.728526
## Freestall_(359,901]    26.02315                   7.728526
## Freestall_(40,140]     16.96507                   7.728526
##                     `Bedding type`Mattress `Bedding type`Other
## Compost_(140,204]                 16.45905            7.353506
## Compost_(204,359]                 16.45905            7.353506
## Compost_(40,140]                  16.45905            7.353506
## Freestall_(140,204]               16.45905            7.353506
## Freestall_(204,359]               16.45905            7.353506
## Freestall_(359,901]               16.45905            7.353506
## Freestall_(40,140]                16.45905            7.353506
##                     `Slipperines feed bunk`Slightly slippery
## Compost_(140,204]                                      6.934
## Compost_(204,359]                                      6.934
## Compost_(40,140]                                       6.934
## Freestall_(140,204]                                    6.934
## Freestall_(204,359]                                    6.934
## Freestall_(359,901]                                    6.934
## Freestall_(40,140]                                     6.934
##                     `Slipperines feed bunk`Very slippery
## Compost_(140,204]                               12.55588
## Compost_(204,359]                               12.55588
## Compost_(40,140]                                12.55588
## Freestall_(140,204]                             12.55588
## Freestall_(204,359]                             12.55588
## Freestall_(359,901]                             12.55588
## Freestall_(40,140]                              12.55588
##                     `Dry period length`[T.Less than sixty days]
## Compost_(140,204]                                      5.731921
## Compost_(204,359]                                      5.731921
## Compost_(40,140]                                       5.731921
## Freestall_(140,204]                                    5.731921
## Freestall_(204,359]                                    5.731921
## Freestall_(359,901]                                    5.731921
## Freestall_(40,140]                                     5.731921
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "coef.mer"
qqPlot(ranef(fm_c)$`Farm type herd size`[,1])

## [1] 7 4
## $`Farm type herd size`
##                       (Intercept)
## Compost_(140,204]    0.0004099261
## Compost_(204,359]    2.7642117367
## Compost_(40,140]    -2.7646216627
## Freestall_(140,204]  3.1811080891
## Freestall_(204,359] -0.0134435372
## Freestall_(359,901]  2.9452114335
## Freestall_(40,140]  -6.1128759855
## with conditional variances for "Farm type herd size"
qqmath(ranef(fm_c, condVar = T))
## $`Farm type herd size`

dotplot(ranef(fm_c, condVar = TRUE))
## $`Farm type herd size`

Influence and leverage

plot(cooks.distance(fm_c), type= "h", main = "Cook's distance",
ylab="D", xlab = "Observation number", las=1 )


sort(hatvalues(fm_c), decreasing = TRUE)[1:11]
##         6         3        12         8        42        22        39 
## 0.4628679 0.3012295 0.2927468 0.2919880 0.2896449 0.2840125 0.2745458 
##        36        46        33        21 
## 0.2738912 0.2669690 0.2644980 0.2561675
which(hatvalues(fm_c) > 0.2)
##  1  3  6  8 10 12 13 19 21 22 25 26 27 33 36 37 39 41 42 43 45 46 
##  1  3  5  7  8 10 11 17 19 20 22 23 24 30 33 34 36 38 39 40 42 43
plot(hatvalues(fm_c), type= "h", main = "Hat",
ylab="", xlab = "Observation number", las=1 )

StudRes Hat CookD
3 -0.1360865 0.3012295 0.0011405
6 1.2033933 0.4628679 0.1782761
7 -2.4975468 0.1871433 0.2051585
22 2.2137653 0.2840125 0.2777135

Likelihood ratio test

Excluding three farms with missing data on “Slipperiness…” variable

Herd1 = subset(Herd, !`Slipperines feed bunk`))

Null model

summary(fmn<-lmer(`Clinical lameness` ~ 1 + (1|`Farm type herd size`), data = Herd1))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: `Clinical lameness` ~ 1 + (1 | `Farm type herd size`)
##    Data: Herd1
## REML criterion at convergence: 353.9
## Scaled residuals: 
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -2.15523 -0.55807 -0.04257  0.62041  1.87396 
## Random effects:
##  Groups              Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Farm type herd size (Intercept)  41.63    6.452  
##  Residual                        101.37   10.068  
## Number of obs: 47, groups:  Farm type herd size, 7
## Fixed effects:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)   39.115      3.001   13.04
## # R2 for mixed models
##   Conditional R2: 0.291
##      Marginal R2: 0.000
summary(fmn2<- lmer(`Clinical lameness` ~ `Bedding type` + `Slipperines feed bunk` + `Dry period length` + (1 | `Farm type herd size`), data = Herd1))
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: `Clinical lameness` ~ `Bedding type` + `Slipperines feed bunk` +  
##     `Dry period length` + (1 | `Farm type herd size`)
##    Data: Herd1
## REML criterion at convergence: 293.8
## Scaled residuals: 
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -2.25175 -0.69175  0.09233  0.62219  1.87320 
## Random effects:
##  Groups              Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Farm type herd size (Intercept) 22.71    4.765   
##  Residual                        52.48    7.244   
## Number of obs: 47, groups:  Farm type herd size, 7
## Fixed effects:
##                                             Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)                                   23.078      4.163   5.544
## `Bedding type`Deep-bedding                     7.729      5.030   1.537
## `Bedding type`Mattress                        16.459      4.887   3.368
## `Bedding type`Other                            7.354      5.171   1.422
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Slightly slippery       6.934      2.927   2.369
## `Slipperines feed bunk`Very slippery          12.556      2.889   4.346
## `Dry period length`[T.Less than sixty days]    5.732      2.396   2.393
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr) `Bt`D- `Bty`M `Bty`O `Sfb`Ss `Sfb`Vs
## `Bddtyp`Dp- -0.657                                     
## `Bddngtyp`M -0.693  0.819                              
## `Bddngtyp`O -0.659  0.773  0.790                       
## `Slpfbnk`Ss -0.337 -0.118 -0.019 -0.002                
## `Slpfbnk`Vs -0.286 -0.047 -0.063 -0.061  0.541         
## `Dpl`[T.tsd -0.182  0.056  0.031  0.033 -0.032  -0.150

likelihood ratio test

anova(fmn2, fmn)
## refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)
Df AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
fmn 3 363.8399 369.3903 -178.9200 357.8399 NA NA NA
fmn2 9 338.3377 354.9891 -160.1689 320.3377 37.50216 6 1.4e-06

Standard error for fixed and random effecs

## $fixef
## [1] 4.162860 5.029552 4.886679 5.170831 2.926581 2.888738 2.395617
## $`Farm type herd size`
##                     (Intercept)
## Compost_(140,204]      3.143378
## Compost_(204,359]      3.981024
## Compost_(40,140]       2.512837
## Freestall_(140,204]    2.153988
## Freestall_(204,359]    1.985590
## Freestall_(359,901]    1.851374
## Freestall_(40,140]     2.883622
## $`Farm type herd size`
##                     (Intercept)
## Compost_(140,204]      3.143378
## Compost_(204,359]      3.981024
## Compost_(40,140]       2.512837
## Freestall_(140,204]    2.153988
## Freestall_(204,359]    1.985590
## Freestall_(359,901]    1.851374
## Freestall_(40,140]     2.883622
ggplot(Herd , aes(farm_ID, `Clinical lameness`))+
  facet_wrap(~`Farm type herd size`)

Confidence interval for random effect

## $`Farm type herd size`
##                     (Intercept) `Bedding type`Deep-bedding
## Compost_(140,204]      23.07835                   7.728526
## Compost_(204,359]      25.84215                   7.728526
## Compost_(40,140]       20.31332                   7.728526
## Freestall_(140,204]    26.25905                   7.728526
## Freestall_(204,359]    23.06450                   7.728526
## Freestall_(359,901]    26.02315                   7.728526
## Freestall_(40,140]     16.96507                   7.728526
##                     `Bedding type`Mattress `Bedding type`Other
## Compost_(140,204]                 16.45905            7.353506
## Compost_(204,359]                 16.45905            7.353506
## Compost_(40,140]                  16.45905            7.353506
## Freestall_(140,204]               16.45905            7.353506
## Freestall_(204,359]               16.45905            7.353506
## Freestall_(359,901]               16.45905            7.353506
## Freestall_(40,140]                16.45905            7.353506
##                     `Slipperines feed bunk`Slightly slippery
## Compost_(140,204]                                      6.934
## Compost_(204,359]                                      6.934
## Compost_(40,140]                                       6.934
## Freestall_(140,204]                                    6.934
## Freestall_(204,359]                                    6.934
## Freestall_(359,901]                                    6.934
## Freestall_(40,140]                                     6.934
##                     `Slipperines feed bunk`Very slippery
## Compost_(140,204]                               12.55588
## Compost_(204,359]                               12.55588
## Compost_(40,140]                                12.55588
## Freestall_(140,204]                             12.55588
## Freestall_(204,359]                             12.55588
## Freestall_(359,901]                             12.55588
## Freestall_(40,140]                              12.55588
##                     `Dry period length`[T.Less than sixty days]
## Compost_(140,204]                                      5.731921
## Compost_(204,359]                                      5.731921
## Compost_(40,140]                                       5.731921
## Freestall_(140,204]                                    5.731921
## Freestall_(204,359]                                    5.731921
## Freestall_(359,901]                                    5.731921
## Freestall_(40,140]                                     5.731921
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "coef.mer"

Variance ratio is around 50%

## [1] 0.4327363
## [1] 2.310876

Description of the variables included in the dataframe:

  1. Scored cows = all inspected cows by farm (milking cows)
  2. LS_1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 = number of inspectec cows classified by each locomotion scoring category (1-2: non-lame cows; 3-4-5 = clinically lame; 4-5 severely lame)
  3. Clinical lameness = prevalence of clinical lameness (%)
  4. Severe lameness = prevalence of severe lameness (%)
  5. Average milk yield per cow = farmer report on average milk yield per cow (kg)
  6. Total cows = total number of cows within each herd
  7. Workers number = number of persons working on each farm
  8. Farm type = housing system (freestall or compost-bedded pack farms)
  9. Bedding type = type of bedding predominantly used on each farm
  10. Dry period length = category of dry period length criteria established by each farmer
  11. Alley scrapping type = manure handling system
  12. Farm type herd size = category including each farm housing type (compost and freestall farms) by lactating herd size (categorized by quartils)
  13. Barn building year = year in which the barn was built
  14. Feeding type = feeding practices adopted by each farm (TMR, top-dressing)
  15. Heat control system type = barn ventilation - farm heat abatement devices
  16. Yearsof milk activity = years that farmers have been engaged in dairy activity
  17. Feeding times per day = number of times that feed was delivered to the cows (daily)
  18. Pasture access to milking cows = farmers’ report on whether the cows are allowed access to pasture
  19. Pasture access to cows = category of cows generally allowed access to pasture
  20. Milkings per day = number of milkings per day
  21. Stall cleaning = number of times the barn is cleaned (daily)
  22. Footbath = farmers’ report on the regular use of footbatHerd
  23. Footbath solution = solution used in the footbath
  24. Preventive hoof trimming = farmers’ report on the regular application of foot trimming in cows
  25. Hoof trimming freq = farmers’ report on the frequency of foot trimming application in cows
  26. Track slope = slope of alley traffic (category; track = alley traffic to milking parlour)
  27. Track covering = cover (roof) of alley traffic (category)
  28. Track pavement type = floor type of alley traffic (category)
  29. Track moisture = alley traffic floor moisture
  30. Feed bunk flooring = floor type of feed bunk
  31. Feed bunk type = type of feed bunk
  32. Holding area water trough = presence of water trough at the holding area
  33. Holding area flooring = floor type of holding area
  34. Holding area roof cover = presence of a roof on holding area
  35. Holding area Area = area (squared meters) of holding area
  36. Do cows fall on your farm = farmers’ answer to question “Do the cows usually fall at the barn?”
  37. Cows falls category = farmers’ answer to question “Do the cows usually fall at the barn?” (categorized variable)
  38. Feed bunk flooring category = floor type of feed bunk (categorized)
  39. Slipperines feed bunk = feed bunk alley floor slipperiness score
  40. Herd size = lactating herd size. Categorized by quartils