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Published September 16, 2019 | Version 2.1.0
Dataset Open

Neuromotor dynamics of human locomotion in challenging settings

  • 1. Humboldt University of Berlin, Dalhousie University
  • 2. Network Aging Research, Heidelberg University
  • 3. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • 4. University of Oldenburg
  • 5. University of Kassel
  • 6. Heidelberg University



Is the control of movement less stable when we walk or run in challenging settings? Intuitively, one might answer that it is, given that challenging locomotion externally (e.g. rough terrain) or internally (e.g. age-related impairments) makes our movements more unstable. Here, we investigated how young and old humans synergistically activate muscles during locomotion when different perturbation levels are introduced. Of these control signals, called muscle synergies, we analyzed the stability over time and the complexity (or irregularity). Surprisingly, we found that perturbations force the central nervous system to produce muscle activation patterns that are less unstable and less complex. These outcomes show that robust locomotion in challenging settings is achieved by producing less complex control signals which are more stable over time, whereas easier tasks allow for more unstable and irregular control.

How to use the data set

This supplementary data set contains: a) the metadata with anonymized participant information, b) the raw electromyographic (EMG) data acquired during locomotion, c) the touchdown and lift-off timings of the recorded limb, d) the filtered and time-normalized EMG, e) the muscle synergies extracted via non-negative matrix factorization and f) the code written in R (R Found. for Stat. Comp.) to process the data, including the scripts to calculate the short-term Maximum Lyapunov Exponents (sMLE) and Higuchi's fractal dimension (HFD) of motor primitives. In total, 476 trials from 86 participants are included in the supplementary data set.

The file “participant_data.dat” is available in ASCII and RData (R Found. for Stat. Comp.) format and contains:

  • Code: the participant’s code
  • Experiment: the experimental setup in which the participant was involved (E1 = walking and running, overground and treadmill; E2 = walking and running, even- and uneven-surface; E3 = unperturbed and perturbed walking, young and old)
  • Group: the group to which the participant was assigned (see methods for the details)
  • Sex: the participant’s sex (M or F)
  • Speed: the speed at which the recordings were conducted in [m/s] (two values separated by a comma mean that recordings were done at two different speeds, i.e. walking and running)
  • Age: the participant’s age in years (participants were considered old if older than 65 years, but younger than 80)
  • Height: the participant’s height in [cm]
  • Mass: the participant’s body mass in [kg].

The files containing the gait cycle breakdown are available in RData (R Found. for Stat. Comp.) format, in the file named “CYCLE_TIMES.RData”. The files are structured as data frames with 30 rows (one for each gait cycle) and two columns. The first column contains the touchdown incremental times in seconds. The second column contains the duration of each stance phase in seconds. Each trial is saved as an element of a single R list. Trials are named like “CYCLE_TIMES_P0020,” where the characters “CYCLE_TIMES” indicate that the trial contains the gait cycle breakdown times and the characters “P0020” indicate the participant number (in this example the 20th). Please note that the overground trials of participants P0001 and P0009 and the second uneven-surface running trial of participant P0048 only contain 22, 27 and 23 cycles, respectively.

The files containing the raw, filtered and the normalized EMG data are available in RData (R Found. for Stat. Comp.) format, in the files named “RAW_EMG.RData” and “FILT_EMG.RData”. The raw EMG files are structured as data frames with 30000 rows (one for each recorded data point) and 14 columns. The first column contains the incremental time in seconds. The remaining thirteen columns contain the raw EMG data, named with muscle abbreviations that follow those reported in the methods section. Each trial is saved as an element of a single R list. Trials are named like “RAW_EMG_P0053_OW_02”, where the characters “RAW_EMG” indicate that the trial contains raw emg data, the characters “P0053” indicate the participant number (in this example the 53rd), the characters “OW” indicate the locomotion type (E1: OW=overground walking, OR=overground running, TW=treadmill walking, TR=treadmill running; E2: EW=even-surface walking, ER=even-surface running, UW=uneven-surface walking, UR=uneven-surface running; E3: NW=normal walking, PW=perturbed walking), and the numbers “02” indicate the trial number (in this case the 2nd). The 10 trials per participant recorded for each overground session (i.e. 10 for walking and 10 for running) were concatenated into one. The filtered and time-normalized EMG data is named, following the same rules, like “FILT_EMG_P0053_OG_02”.

The files containing the muscle synergies extracted from the filtered and normalized EMG data are available in RData (R Found. for Stat. Comp.) format, in the files named “SYNS_H.RData” and “SYNS_W.RData”. The muscle synergies files are divided in motor primitives and motor modules and are presented as direct output of the factorization and not in any functional order. Motor primitives are data frames with 6000 rows and a number of columns equal to the number of synergies (which might differ from trial to trial) plus one. The rows contain the time-dependent coefficients (motor primitives), one column for each synergy plus the time points (columns are named e.g. “Time, Syn1, Syn2, Syn3”, where “Syn” is the abbreviation for “synergy”). Each gait cycle contains 200 data points, 100 for the stance and 100 for the swing phase which, multiplied by the 30 recorded cycles, result in 6000 data points distributed in as many rows. This output is transposed as compared to the one discussed above to improve user readability. Each set of motor primitives is saved as an element of a single R list. Trials are named like “SYNS_H_P0012_PW_02”, where the characters “SYNS_H” indicate that the trial contains motor primitive data, the characters “P0012” indicate the participant number (in this example the 12th), ), the characters “PW” indicate the locomotion type (see above), and the numbers “02” indicate the trial number (in this case the 2nd). Motor modules are data frames with 13 rows (number of recorded muscles) and a number of columns equal to the number of synergies (which might differ from trial to trial). The rows, named with muscle abbreviations that follow those reported in the methods section, contain the time-independent coefficients (motor modules), one for each synergy and for each muscle. Each set of motor modules relative to one synergy is saved as an element of a single R list. Trials are named like “SYNS_W_P0082_PW_02”, where the characters “SYNS_W” indicate that the trial contains motor module data, the characters “P0082” indicate the participant number (in this example the 82nd) ), the characters “PW” indicate the locomotion type (see above), and the numbers “02” indicate the trial number (in this case the 2nd). Given the nature of the NMF algorithm for the extraction of muscle synergies, the supplementary data set might show non-significant differences as compared to the one used for obtaining the results of this paper.

The files containing the sMLE calculated from motor primitives are available in RData (R Found. for Stat. Comp.) format, in the file named “sMLE.RData”. sMLE results are presented in a list of lists containing, for each trial, 1) the divergences, 2) the sMLE, and 3) the value of the R2 between the divergence curve and its linear interpolation made using the specified amount of points. The divergences are presented as a one-dimensional vector. sMLE are one number like the R2 value. Trials are named like “MLE_P0081_EW_01”, where the characters “sMLE” indicate that the trial containss sMLE data, the characters “P0081” indicate the participant number (in this example the 81st) ), the characters “EW” indicate the locomotion type (see above), and the numbers “01” indicate the trial number (in this case the 1st).

The files containing the HFD calculated from motor primitives are available in RData (R Found. for Stat. Comp.) format, in the file named “HFD.RData”. HFD results are presented in a list of lists containing, for each trial, 1) the HFD, and 2) the interval time k used for the calculations. HFDs are presented as one number, as are the interval times k. Trials are named like “HFD_P0048_TR_01”, where the characters “HFD” indicate that the trial contains HFD data, the characters “P0048” indicate the participant number (in this example the 48th), the characters “TR” indicate the locomotion type (see above), and the numbers “01” indicate the trial number (in this case the 1st).

All the code used for the preprocessing of EMG data, the extraction of muscle synergies, the calculation of sMLE and HFD is available in R (R Found. for Stat. Comp.) format. Explanatory comments are profusely present throughout the scripts (“SYNS.R”, which is the script to extract synergies, “fun_NMF.R”, which contains the NMF function, “sMLE.R”, which is the script to calculate the sMLE of motor primitives, “HFD.R”, which is the script to calculate the HFD of motor primitives, “fun_sMLE.R”, which contains the sMLE function and “fun_HFD.R”, which contains the HFD function).


This version contains the code for the calculation of Higuchi's fractal dimension of motor primitives and the relevant results.


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