There is a newer version of the record available.

Published July 11, 2019 | Version 1.0
Poster Open

55 Detours with which Parkinson patients bypass freezing (Poster)

  • 1. Verbeeldingskr8
  • 2. Radboud UMC, Sint Maartenskliniek


A visualisation of 55 detours with which Parkinson patients bypass freezing, made by Sparks/Verbeeldingskr8 and dr. Jorik Nonnekes. Based on the overview and classification of the many available compensation strategies for freezing in Parkinson's which appeared in JAMA Neurol: 

Nonnekes J, Růžička E, Nieuwboer A, Hallett M, Fasano A, Bloem BR. Compensation Strategies for Gait Impairments in Parkinson Disease: A Review. JAMA Neurol. Published online March 25, 2019, 76(6):718–725. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2019.0033 (The author version of the article is available here

The poster can be downloaded in English and Dutch. 



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