Published May 14, 2019 | Version v1
Report Open

D6.1 Market analysis and technology database report


Within the EDEN-ISS project, a lot of technologies were implemented into the Future Expoloration
Greenhouse (FEG) for the analogue mission on Antarctica. Most were existing technologies that had
been developed within previous “space related” projects and some were derived from existing hightech greenhouse production technology.
This document analyses the potential for spin-offs to other applications, particularly of the technologies that were either new or modifications of existing technologies, that is: the E-nose for the microbial detection; the water-cooled LED luminaries for plant lighting; the online, continuous control of
the spectrum of the luminaries and the plant health monitoring system.
Whereas the potential for application of the modified E-nose is particularly in hospitals and related
places, the potential for the other three systems is particularly in high-tech, fresh vegetable production, such as high-tech greenhouses or Vertical Farms. Indeed, given the size of such markets, the
potential for each system is certainly high. This document also gives a preview of the improvements/adaptations of each system, which would improve the penetration in the potential market


EDEN ISS-WUR-WP6.1-D6.1-Market analysis and technology database report-v1.2.pdf

Additional details


EDEN ISS – Ground Demonstration of Plant Cultivation Technologies and Operation in Space for Safe Food Production on-board ISS and Future Human Space Exploration Vehicles and Planetary Outposts 636501
European Commission