Published January 27, 2014 | Version v1
Lesson Open

RDM Training (Herts) Module 1: Project Planning

  • 1. University of Hertfordshire


This module introduces data management plans and the considerations that should be made during the planning stage of a project. After an introduction to funding body requirements and the benefits of sharing data to research, the DMPonline tool is promoted as the prefered method of completing a data management plan, as required by funding bodies. Finally, a brief breakdown of the content of data management plans and advice on completing them is included. Slides and training notes are included in this pack in one collection, but can be divided into three sections: an introduction to RDM, data management plans, and the project lifecycle, to be used separately.


Published: 27 January 2014, by University of Hertfordshire

Keywords: RDMTrain, RDM Toolkit Project, data management plans, project planning, research data management training, research training, jiscmrd, research data management, rdm 

Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported


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