Use case : Browse Catalog Main sequence: 1 Customer requests to browse catalog . 2 System displays catalog information to customer . 3 Customer selects items from catalog . 4 System displays an itemized list containing each item description and price , as well as the total price . Alternative sequence: Step 3: Customer does not select item and exits . Use case name: Make Order Request Main sequence: 1 Customer provides order request and customer account Id to pay for purchase . 2 System retrieves customer account information , including the customer’s credit card details . 3 System checks the customer’s credit card for the purchase amount and , if approved , creates a credit card purchase authorization number . 4 System creates a delivery order containing order details , customer Id , and credit card authorization number . 5 System confirms approval of purchase and displays order informa-tion to customer . Alternative sequences: 1. Step 2: If customer does not have an account , the system prompts the cus-tomer to provide information in order to create a new account . The customer can either enter the account information or cancel the order . 2. Step 3: If authorization of the customer’s credit card is denied , e.g. , invalid credit card or insufficient funds in the customer’s credit card account , the system prompts the customer to enter a different credit card number . The customer can either enter a different credit card number or cancel the order . Use case : process delivery Main sequence: 1 Supplier requests next delivery order . 2 System retrieves and displays delivery order . 3 Supplier requests inventory check on items for delivery order . 4 System determines that items are available in inventory to satisfy delivery order and reserves items . 5 System displays inventory information to Supplier and confirms that items are reserved . Alternative sequence: Step 4: If item is out of stock , system displays warning message . Use case name: confirm shipment and bill custormer Main sequence: 1 Supplier prepares shipment manually and identifies that delivery order is ready to ship . 2 System retrieves customer account information , including the invoice and customer’s credit card details . 3 System updates inventory to confirm purchase . 4 System charges customer’s credit card for purchase and creates a credit card charge confirmation number . 5 System updates delivery order information with credit card charge confirmation . 6 System sends email confirmation to customer . 7 System displays confirmation to the supplier to complete shipment of the delivery order .