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Published April 29, 2019 | Version v1.0
Dataset Restricted

Data: An injectable meta-biomaterial

  • 1. University of Geneva, Faculty of Medicine, Switzerland
  • 2. EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 3. EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. Volumina-Medical SA, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 4. University of Geneva, Faculty of Medicine, Switzerland.


Dataset supporting the manuscript "An injectable meta-biomaterial" by the authors of this dataset.

Where to start

A recommended starting point in using this data set is to reproduce the figures of the manuscript "An injectable meta-biomaterial". This illustrates the use and meaning of some of the major variables.

For this, unzip "08" and, best in a separate location, "09 R Figure". The file "09 R Figure" contains the scripts used to generate the figures of the manuscript. Each of these scripts explains which data files, contained in "08", need to be loaded for this purposes. Basic plotting of the figures does not require any R library installation; however, if the publicly available effsize R library is installed, some effect size statistics are also evaluated by the scripts in "09 Figure"

Another starting point is the particleShear simulation. There is a quick install guide in the supplementaries of fo the manuscript that should be followed for this purpose (Supplementary 17).

Detailed file description

It follows a more in-depth description of the various files contained in this archive

Raw data files

zip "01 Raw": Simulation data of spherical particle assemblies under shear with various degress and geometries of crosslinking, created by the Python package particleShear. For each simulation, there is one text file containing a description of the simulation parameters and the main results, and one .rda file containing the various stress tensor components tabulated over time. These .rda files were generated from the original text output file produced by the particleShear package to both save space and decrease file reading time.

zip file "02 Raw": Rheological characterization of the novel "EPI biomaterial" described in the manuscript "An injectable meta-biomaterial", along with reference materials (Juvederm Voluma, Sephacryl S200)

zip file "03 Raw": Porosity characterziation of the  "EPI biomaterial" and Sephacryl S200.

zip "04 Raw Ejection" Ejection force for injectability of the  "EPI biomaterial".

zip "05 Raw Uniaxial" of the  "EPI biomaterial".

zip "06 Raw In" In-vivo performance data of the  "EPI biomaterial", comparison with Juvederm Voluma.

zip "07 Raw Hydrostatic pressure". Pressure swelling. This is only used to estimate the concentration of the polymer in certain rheological or compression experiments where the material was kept hydrated by constant pressure rather than in a closed container.

Each raw data file is a zip of numerous files. At the root of each zip, there is a single folder, so that all the zips can be unzipped at the same location without intermingling.

Data evaluation

zip "08" contains processed data (.rda files). The aim of these files is to directly produce the figures of the manuscript  "An injectable meta-biomaterial"  with the R scripts contained in "09 R Figure" below. The data in "08" is provided exclusively in .rda format (R data files) so that it no time-consuming file reading, nor the installation of external libraries should be necessary.

R script files 

zip "09 R Figure" contains R scripts that can be used to reproduce the data figures in the Manuscript "An injectable meta-biomaterial".

zip "10 R" contains R libraries that we used for processing. These R libraries are only required when reproducing the entire deta treatment, but not for simple graphing. That is, they are required to run the scripts in "11 R Raw data" but not in "11 R"

zip "11 R Raw data" contains the R scripts that we used to read the raw data files and make the data accessible (or summarize, particularly for the simulation data) in .rda files. The output of these files is stored in the "08" file. To run the R scripts in "11 Raw data", the libraries in "10 R" are generally required, in addition to general R libraries stated in the script.  For simole replotting of the figures and re-running the statistical tests, this is not necessary. Also, the scripts in 11 R Raw data" read and write files on disk, so they must be individually configured by the user to work. This is not the case with the scripts in "09 R Figure", which run on data loaded into memory.

Python module

zip "12" contains the installable Python module used to generate the simulation data (i.e. the data now stored in "01 Raw").



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In vivo perfused and stimulated scaffolds for neural cell therapy PZ00P2_161347
Swiss National Science Foundation
Brain Patch Technology PP00P2_163684
Swiss National Science Foundation