journal,Papers scientific reports,828 elife,750 plos one,741 nature communications,529 bioinformatics,472 pnas,432 plos computational biology,337 plos genetics,292 genetics,269 nucleic acids research,265 g3: genes|genomes|genetics,246 neuroimage,214 genome biology,181 bmc genomics,174 genome research,174 journal of neuroscience,172 molecular biology and evolution,157 bmc bioinformatics,137 cell reports,136 nature genetics,125 peerj,120 nature methods,119 biophysical journal,109 genome biology and evolution,109 mbio,108 plos biology,108 molecular ecology,92 development,90 gigascience,90 molecular biology of the cell,88 nature,88 plos pathogens,82 current biology,75 frontiers in microbiology,73 journal of theoretical biology,73 journal of virology,69 science,69 cell,68 systematic biology,67 american journal of human genetics,66 evolution,66 journal of cell science,64 journal of neurophysiology,63 neuron,62 cerebral cortex,61 journal of cell biology,60 eneuro,59 f1000research,59 msphere,59 plos neglected tropical diseases,57 journal of biological chemistry,56 journal of the royal society interface,56 acs synthetic biology,55 biology open,55 proceedings of the royal society b: biological sciences,55 ecology and evolution,54 applied and environmental microbiology,53 cell systems,51 human molecular genetics,51 molecular cell,51 the isme journal,50 antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy,48 nature neuroscience,48 new phytologist,48 methods in ecology and evolution,46 genome medicine,44 royal society open science,44 bmc biology,43 molecular ecology resources,43 journal of experimental biology,42 frontiers in neuroscience,41 human brain mapping,40 journal of bacteriology,40 msystems,40 bmc evolutionary biology,39 microbial genomics,39 nature biotechnology,39 science advances,39 molecular systems biology,38 rna,38 nature ecology and evolution,37 frontiers in genetics,36 developmental biology,35 the embo journal,35 theoretical population biology,35 frontiers in immunology,34 journal of experimental botany,33 environmental microbiology,32 bmc systems biology,31 physical review e,31 developmental cell,30 journal of cognitive neuroscience,30 scientific data,29 frontiers in plant science,28 journal of evolutionary biology,28 microbiome,28 neuropsychologia,28 the american naturalist,28 journal of proteome research,27 infection and immunity,26 journal of neuroscience methods,26 journal of physical chemistry b,26 molecular psychiatry,26 nature microbiology,26 oncotarget,26 molecular phylogenetics and evolution,25 plant physiology,25 the plant cell,25 ecology letters,24 molecular and cellular proteomics,24 physical biology,24 the plant journal,24 european journal of neuroscience,23 evolution letters,23 heredity,23 journal of molecular biology,23 journal of structural biology,23 philosophical transactions b,23 structure,23 journal of immunology,22 virus evolution,22 communications biology,21 database,21 translational psychiatry,21 epigenetics and chromatin,20 genetic epidemiology,20 nature structural and molecular biology,20 network neuroscience,20 plant direct,20 briefings in bioinformatics,19 european journal of human genetics,19 methods,19 biochemical and biophysical research communications,18 brain structure and function,18 frontiers in human neuroscience,18 journal of mathematical biology,18 journal of vision,18 nature protocols,18 cancer research,17 cortex,17 frontiers in cellular neuroscience,17 genes and development,17 international journal of epidemiology,17 journal of clinical microbiology,17 molecular microbiology,17 npj systems biology and applications,17 open biology,17 proteins: structure function and bioinformatics,17 biochemistry,16 ebiomedicine,16 frontiers in physiology,16 frontiers in psychology,16 journal of computational biology,16 life science alliance,16 physical review letters,16 american journal of botany,15 bulletin of mathematical biology,15 disease models and mechanisms,15 ecology,15 journal of neural engineering,15 methods in molecular biology,15 molecular and cellular biology,15 neuroimage: clinical,15 biological psychiatry,14 biology direct,14 bmc cancer,14 bmc plant biology,14 embo reports,14 frontiers in neuroinformatics,14 molecular plant-microbe interactions,14 nature plants,14 neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews,14 plos currents,14 wellcome open research,14 acta crystallographica section d,13 biosystems,13 epidemics,13 evolutionary applications,13 frontiers in computational neuroscience,13 frontiers in neural circuits,13 genetics in medicine,13 journal of physiology,13 neuropsychopharmacology,13 oikos,13 viruses,13 bmc medical genomics,12 bmc microbiology,12 ecosphere,12 ieee/acm transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics,12 journal of chemical theory and computation,12 journal of infectious diseases,12 nature human behaviour,12 neural computation,12 biology letters,11 biomedical optics express,11 bmc research notes,11 clinical cancer research,11 ecography,11 febs letters,11 hippocampus,11 jci insight,11 journal of computational neuroscience,11 journal of computer-aided molecular design,11 molecular plant pathology,11 stem cell reports,11 acs chemical biology,10 aging cell,10 analytical chemistry,10 cell chemical biology,10 cell death and disease,10 current opinion in genetics and development,10 genes,10 genomics,10 integrative biology,10 iscience,10 journal of chemical physics,10 metabolic engineering,10 microbiology,10 nature chemical biology,10 nature medicine,10 neuroscience,10 parasites and vectors,10 science direct,10 science translational medicine,10 the faseb journal,10 biochemical journal,9 biostatistics,9 biotechnology for biofuels,9 brain connectivity,9 cell cycle,9 cell host and microbe,9 clinical infectious diseases,9 current opinion in neurobiology,9 frontiers in systems neuroscience,9 genetics selection evolution,9 human genetics,9 human mutation,9 immunogenetics,9 infection genetics and evolution,9 journal of animal ecology,9 journal of molecular evolution,9 npj genomic medicine,9 oncogene,9 plant cell and environment,9 plos medicine,9 acs nano,8 behavioural brain research,8 biological reviews,8 biomaterials,8 cognition,8 developmental cognitive neuroscience,8 entropy,8 global change biology,8 global ecology and biogeography,8 heliyon,8 mathematical biosciences,8 molecular plant,8 neurobiology of aging,8 neuroscience letters,8 oecologia,8 physical review x,8 proteomics,8 psychological medicine,8 science signaling,8 trends in genetics,8 aging,7 american journal of epidemiology,7 american journal of physical anthropology,7 brain stimulation,7 cell metabolism,7 clinical epigenetics,7 epigenetics,7 forensic science international: genetics,7 frontiers in behavioral neuroscience,7 frontiers in molecular neuroscience,7 gene,7 genes brain and behavior,7 journal of chemical information and modeling,7 journal of heredity,7 malaria journal,7 nature cell biology,7 neuropharmacology,7 phytopathology,7 psychophysiology,7 science china life sciences,7 acs chemical neuroscience,6 acta neuropathologica,6 behavioral ecology,6 biological journal of the linnean society,6 bmc genetics,6 bmc medicine,6 bmj open,6 brain,6 brain topography,6 cellular microbiology,6 computational biology and chemistry,6 emerging microbes and infections,6 environmental microbiology reports,6 fems microbiology ecology,6 frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology,6 frontiers in ecology and evolution,6 frontiers in molecular biosciences,6 frontiers in oncology,6 frontiers in psychiatry,6 human immunology,6 ieee transactions on biomedical engineering,6 international journal of cancer,6 journal of physics d: applied physics,6 journal of statistical physics,6 lab on a chip,6 mobile dna,6 neurobiology of learning and memory,6 plant biotechnology journal,6 plant methods,6 protein science,6 psychopharmacology,6 rna biology,6 science of the total environment,6 sleep,6 social cognitive and affective neuroscience,6 theoretical and applied genetics,6 theoretical ecology,6 toxicological sciences,6 traffic,6 vaccine,6 angewandte chemie international edition,5 behavioral ecology and sociobiology,5 behavior genetics,5 biochimica et biophysica acta (bba) - biomembranes,5 biotechniques,5 bmc infectious diseases,5 clinical chemistry,5 current opinion in microbiology,5 dna research,5 ecological applications,5 evodevo,5 evolutionary bioinformatics,5 evolutionary biology,5 experimental brain research,5 fems microbiology letters,5 frontiers in aging neuroscience,5 frontiers in marine science,5 frontiers in neuroanatomy,5 functional ecology,5 genes to cells,5 investigative opthalmology and visual science,5 journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy,5 journal of biomedical informatics,5 journal of experimental medicine,5 journal of experimental psychology: general,5 journal of experimental psychology: learning memory and cognition,5 journal of experimental zoology part b: molecular and developmental evolution,5 journal of genetics,5 journal of lipid research,5 journal of molecular cell biology,5 journal of physical chemistry letters,5 journals of gerontology: series a,5 molecular metabolism,5 molecular oncology,5 neural development,5 neuro-oncology,5 optics express,5 physical chemistry chemical physics,5 plant and cell physiology,5 psychoneuroendocrinology,5 schizophrenia research,5 soft matter,5 the annals of applied statistics,5 the pharmacogenomics journal,5 the plant genome,5 virology,5 vision research,5 yeast,5 2018 40th annual international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society (embc),4 acta biomaterialia,4 american journal of medical genetics part b: neuropsychiatric genetics,4 american journal of tropical medicine and hygiene,4 annals of botany,4 annals of clinical and translational neurology,4 apl bioengineering,4 applications in plant sciences,4 arthritis research and therapy,4 attention perception and psychophysics,4 behavioral neuroscience,4 biochimica et biophysica acta (bba) - bioenergetics,4 biochimica et biophysica acta (bba) - general subjects,4 biochimica et biophysica acta (bba) - proteins and proteomics,4 biodata mining,4 biological psychiatry: cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging,4 biological psychology,4 bmc biotechnology,4 bmc medical genetics,4 cell research,4 chembiochem,4 chemical science,4 clinical and translational immunology,4 clinical neurophysiology,4 conservation biology,4 cytometry part a,4 cytoskeleton,4 diabetologia,4 epidemiology and infection,4 european heart journal,4 experimental cell research,4 frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology,4 frontiers in medicine,4 frontiers in pharmacology,4 general and comparative endocrinology,4 genesis,4 international journal for parasitology,4 international journal of molecular sciences,4 international journal of obesity,4 journal of applied ecology,4 journal of bioinformatics and computational biology,4 journal of biosciences,4 journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism,4 journal of chemical ecology,4 journal of cheminformatics,4 journal of comparative neurology,4 journal of general physiology,4 journal of general virology,4 journal of genetics and genomics,4 journal of investigative dermatology,4 journal of microbiological methods,4 journal of the american medical informatics association,4 molecular brain,4 molecular cancer research,4 molecular neurobiology,4 molecular therapy,4 nature biomedical engineering,4 nature physics,4 neurobiology of disease,4 new journal of physics,4 pharmacology biochemistry and behavior,4 plant pathology,4 progress in biophysics and molecular biology,4 psychological review,4 psychonomic bulletin and review,4 slas discovery,4 twin research and human genetics,4 virus research,4 ,4 acs central science,3 acta neuropathologica communications,3 alzheimer's and dementia,3 animal genetics,3 antonie van leeuwenhoek,3 applied microbiology and biotechnology,3 archives of toxicology,3 biochimica et biophysica acta (bba) - gene regulatory mechanisms,3 biochimica et biophysica acta (bba) - molecular basis of disease,3 biodiversity data journal,3 bioessays,3 biological invasions,3 biomedical microdevices,3 biomed research international,3 biophysical chemistry,3 biotechnology and bioengineering,3 bmc ecology,3 bmc neuroscience,3 bmj,3 brain and cognition,3 brain and language,3 brain and neuroscience advances,3 brain informatics,3 brain research,3 breast cancer research,3 cancer cell,3 cancer epidemiology biomarkers and prevention,3 cancer informatics,3 cell stem cell,3 cellular physiology and biochemistry,3 chemical senses,3 circulation. genomic and precision medicine,3 cognitive affective and behavioral neuroscience,3 cpt: pharmacometrics and systems pharmacology,3 current opinion in structural biology,3 current protocols in neuroscience,3 developmental science,3 development genes and evolution,3 drug and chemical toxicology,3 endocrinology,3 evolution and human behavior,3 evolution medicine and public health,3 experimental eye research,3 febs open bio,3 fems yeast research,3 frontiers in neurology,3 frontiers in zoology,3 future science oa,3 genome,3 genome announcements,3 geobiology,3 hardwarex,3 hereditas,3 human genomics,3 ieee transactions on medical imaging,3 immunity,3 insect biochemistry and molecular biology,3 integrative and comparative biology,3 international journal for parasitology: drugs and drug resistance,3 international journal of developmental biology,3 international journal of digital curation,3 iucrj,3 jco clinical cancer informatics,3 jnci: journal of the national cancer institute,3 journal of allergy and clinical immunology,3 journal of alzheimer's disease,3 journal of applied microbiology,3 journal of applied physiology,3 journal of avian biology,3 journal of biogeography,3 journal of biological engineering,3 journal of biological rhythms,3 journal of biomechanics,3 journal of biomedical semantics,3 journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics,3 journal of biophotonics,3 journal of developmental biology,3 journal of extracellular vesicles,3 journal of hepatology,3 journal of insect physiology,3 journal of medical genetics,3 journal of medicinal chemistry,3 journal of microscopy,3 journal of molecular diagnostics,3 journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics,3 journal of plant physiology,3 journal of proteomics,3 journal of thoracic oncology,3 journal of translational medicine,3 learning and memory,3 metabolomics,3 methods in enzymology,3 microbial ecology,3 microbiologyopen,3 molecular autism,3 movement ecology,3 mucosal immunology,3 nano letters,3 nature chemistry,3 nature nanotechnology,3 nature reviews genetics,3 neurobiology of stress,3 neuroinformatics,3 neurophotonics,3 nicotine and tobacco research,3 npj biofilms and microbiomes,3 pacific symposium on biocomputing,3 parasitology,3 physiology and behavior,3 phytochemistry,3 planta,3 plant science,3 protein and cell,3 psychological research,3 research ideas and outcomes,3 research integrity and peer review,3 rethinking ecology,3 small methods,3 statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology,3 statistical methods in medical research,3 stem cell research,3 stem cells,3 stem cells international,3 the analyst,3 toxins,3 zebrafish,3 acs applied materials and interfaces,2 acs biomaterials science and engineering,2 acs infectious diseases,2 acs omega,2 acta biotheoretica,2 acta tropica,2 addiction,2 african journal of ecology,2 agronomy,2 aids,2 alcoholism: clinical and experimental research,2 algorithms for molecular biology,2 alzheimers and dementia,2 alzheimer's and dementia: diagnosis assessment & disease monitoring,2 american journal of human biology,2 american journal of medical genetics part a,2 american journal of obstetrics and gynecology,2 american journal of physiology-renal physiology,2 american journal of psychiatry,2 anaerobe,2 annals of biomedical engineering,2 annals of human genetics,2 annals of neurology,2 annals of oncology,2 annual review of biophysics,2 antimicrobial resistance and infection control,2 arthritis and rheumatology,2 biochemical society transactions,2 biological cybernetics,2 biology,2 biology of blood and marrow transplantation,2 biology of the cell,2 biomedical genetics and genomics,2 biomedical physics and engineering express,2 biophysics and physicobiology,2 biophysics reports,2 biosensors and bioelectronics,2 biotechnology journal,2 bmc biophysics,2 bmc developmental biology,2 bmc geriatrics,2 bmc molecular biology,2 bmc psychology,2 bmc public health,2 brain and behavior,2 brain behavior and evolution,2 brain behavior and immunity,2 brain imaging and behavior,2 briefings in functional genomics,2 british journal of anaesthesia,2 british journal of cancer,2 british journal of haematology,2 cancer convergence,2 cancer discovery,2 cancer letters,2 cancer medicine,2 cancer prevention research,2 cell communication and signaling,2 cell death and differentiation,2 cells,2 cellular and molecular life sciences,2 cellular oncology,2 cellular signalling,2 chaos: an interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science,2 chemical communications,2 chemmedchem,2 chemphyschem,2 chromosoma,2 chronobiology international,2 circulation,2 circulation research,2 clinical immunology,2 cognitive computation,2 cognitive neurodynamics,2 cognitive science,2 cold spring harbor symposia on quantitative biology,2 comparative biochemistry and physiology part a: molecular and integrative physiology,2 computational and structural biotechnology journal,2 computational psychiatry,2 computer graphics forum,2 consciousness and cognition,2 current genetics,2 current opinion in plant biology,2 current opinion in virology,2 developmental and comparative immunology,2 dna repair,2 drug design development and therapy,2 ecohealth,2 ecological entomology,2 ecological indicators,2 ecological monographs,2 embo molecular medicine,2 environmental science and technology,2 eurasip journal on bioinformatics and systems biology,2 european journal of cancer,2 european journal of epidemiology,2 european journal of physics,2 european neuropsychopharmacology,2 european respiratory journal,2 eurosurveillance,2 free radical biology and medicine,2 frontiers in endocrinology,2 frontiers in physics,2 fungal biology,2 future science,2 gates open research,2 genes and immunity,2 genomics data,2 genomics proteomics and bioinformatics,2 geomicrobiology journal,2 glia,2 glycobiology,2 hearing research,2 human heredity,2 human reproduction,2 hydrobiologia,2 ieee engineering in medicine and biology society,2 ieee life sciences letters,2 ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphics,2 infection and drug resistance,2 insect molecular biology,2 international journal of biological macromolecules,2 international journal of environmental research and public health,2 international journal of infectious diseases,2 international journal of medical informatics,2 international journal of neuropsychopharmacology,2 international journal of radiation biology,2 investigative genetics,2 jmir mhealth and uhealth,2 journal of advances in microbiology,2 journal of anatomy,2 journal of autism and developmental disorders,2 journal of autoimmunity,2 journal of biomedical optics,2 journal of biotechnology,2 journal of bone and mineral research,2 journal of cachexia sarcopenia and muscle,2 journal of cellular physiology,2 journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism,2 journal of comparative psychology,2 journal of computational chemistry,2 journal of controlled release,2 journal of ecology,2 journal of economic entomology,2 journal of endocrinology,2 journal of fish biology,2 journal of human evolution,2 journal of human genetics,2 journal of marine biology and oceanography,2 journal of molecular and cellular cardiology,2 journal of molecular modeling,2 journal of morphology,2 journal of neurochemistry,2 journal of neuroinflammation,2 journal of neurology neurosurgery and psychiatry,2 journal of nuclear medicine,2 journal of pathogens,2 journal of pharmacy and pharmacology,2 journal of physics a: mathematical and theoretical,2 journal of plant research,2 journal of sleep research,2 journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases,2 journal of the american academy of child and adolescent psychiatry,2 journal of the american chemical society,2 journal of the american heart association,2 journal of the american statistical association,2 journal of the association for research in otolaryngology,2 journal of visualized experiments,2 language cognition and neuroscience,2 leukemia,2 leukemia and lymphoma,2 limnology and oceanography,2 mammalian genome,2 marine genomics,2 marine pollution bulletin,2 mechanisms of development,2 medchemcomm,2 microbial biotechnology,2 microbiological research,2 micromachines,2 mitochondrial dna part b,2 molecular biosystems,2 molecular breeding,2 molecular case studies,2 molecular neurodegeneration,2 molecular omics,2 molecular syndromology,2 molecules,2 nanomedicine: nanotechnology biology and medicine,2 nature climate change,2 nature materials,2 neoplasia,2 neural networks,2 neurochemical research,2 neurogastroenterology and motility,2 neurology - neuroimmunology neuroinflammation,2 neurotherapeutics,2 non-coding rna,2 npj breast cancer,2 npj microgravity,2 obesity,2 oncoimmunology,2 open forum infectious diseases,2 optica,2 optics letters,2 orphanet journal of rare diseases,2 pathogens and global health,2 peerj computer science,2 philosophical transactions a,2 photosynthesis research,2 physics in medicine and biology,2 physiological measurement,2 physiological reports,2 plant molecular biology,2 plant signaling and behavior,2 polar biology,2 prenatal diagnosis,2 processes,2 protein engineering design and selection,2 proteins,2 psychiatry research: neuroimaging,2 psychological science,2 rapid communications in mass spectrometry,2 redox biology,2 review of scientific instruments,2 scientometrics,2 sensors,2 slas technology,2 social neuroscience,2 statistics in biosciences,2 stem cell research and therapy,2 steroids,2 synthetic biology,2 the european physical journal e,2 the febs journal,2 the new phytologist,2 the science of nature,2 toxicology and applied pharmacology,2 translation,2 tree genetics and genomes,2 trends in microbiology,2 veterinary microbiology,2 veterinary record,2 virology journal,2 virulence,2 vision,2 zootaxa,2 2017 ieee international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (bibm),1 2017 international conference on rehabilitation robotics (icorr),1 3 biotech,1 academic medicine,1 acs applied bio materials,1 acs combinatorial science,1 acs sensors,1 acta biochimica et biophysica sinica,1 acta histochemica,1 acta neurochirurgica,1 acta paediatrica,1 acta physiologica,1 acta radiologica,1 acta veterinaria scandinavica,1 adaptive human behavior and physiology,1 addiction biology,1 admet and dmpk,1 advanced biosystems,1 advanced science,1 advanced science engineering and medicine,1 advanced structural and chemical imaging,1 advances in biochemical engineering/biotechnology,1 advances in biological regulation,1 advances in clinical and experimental medicine : official organ wroclaw medical university,1 advances in dental research,1 advances in neurobiology,1 advances in pharmacological sciences,1 advances in radiation oncology,1 aerobiologia,1 african zoology,1 aggressive behavior,1 aging and mental health,1 aging neuropsychology and cognition,1 aiche journal,1 alcohol,1 algae,1 alzheimer's research and therapy,1 american control conference,1 american journal of clinical nutrition,1 american journal of enology and viticulture,1 american journal of infectious diseases and microbiology,1 american journal of neuroradiology,1 american journal of pathology,1 american journal of physiology-cell physiology,1 american journal of physiology-lung cellular and molecular physiology,1 american journal of physiology-regulatory integrative and comparative physiology,1 american journal of respiratory and critical care medicine,1 american journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology,1 analyst,1 analytical and bioanalytical chemistry,1 analytical and quantitative cytopathology and histopathology,1 analytical biochemistry,1 analytical sciences,1 animal,1 animal behaviour,1 animal cognition,1 animals,1 annals of applied statistics,1 annals of epidemiology,1 annals of intensive care,1 annals of the new york academy of sciences,1 annals of the rheumatic diseases,1 annual review of ecology evolution and systematics,1 annual review of pharmacology and toxicology,1 antibiotics,1 antioxidants and redox signaling,1 antiviral research,1 aob plants,1 applied biochemistry and biotechnology,1 applied optics,1 applied sciences,1 aquatic conservation,1 aquatic conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems,1 aquatic toxicology,1 archives of clinical microbiology,1 archives of disease in childhood,1 archives of environmental contamination and toxicology,1 archives of medical research,1 archives of virology,1 arthropod structure and development,1 artificial organs,1 asian journal of psychiatry,1 astrobiology,1 austral ecology,1 australian field ornithology,1 autism-open access,1 autism research,1 avian diseases,1 avian research,1 basic and applied ecology,1 behavior research methods,1 beilstein journal of nanotechnology,1 biochemia medica,1 biochemistry and biophysics reports,1 biochimie,1 bioelectrochemistry,1 biogerontology,1 bioinformatics and biology insights,1 bioinspiration and biomimetics,1 biological conservation,1 biological procedures online,1 biological theory,1 biology methods and protocols,1 biology of reproduction,1 biomacromolecules,1 biomarkers in medicine,1 biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology,1 biomedical journal of scientific and technical research,1 biomedicine and pharmacotherapy,1 biomedicines,1 biomolecular concepts,1 bionanoscience,1 bioorganic and medicinal chemistry,1 biophysical reviews,1 biopreservation and biobanking,1 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immunology research,1 cancers,1 cancer science,1 carcinogenesis,1 cartilage,1 cell biology education,1 cell calcium,1 cell death discovery,1 cell division,1 cellular and molecular bioengineering,1 cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology,1 cellular logistics,1 chemosensory perception,1 chinese science bulletin,1 chromatographia,1 chromosome research,1 circulation: cardiovascular genetics,1 citizen science: theory and practice,1 cladistics,1 climate change responses,1 clinical and experimental medicine,1 clinical genetics,1 clinical microbiology and infection,1 clinical science,1 clinics (sao paulo brazil),1 cognitive psychology,1 cold spring harbor perspectives in biology,1 cold spring harbor perspectives in medicine,1 communications chemistry,1 comparative cognition and behavior,1 comptes rendus biologies,1 computation,1 computational intelligence methods for bioinformatics and biostatistics,1 computers and electronics in agriculture,1 computers in biology and medicine,1 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behavior,1 epilepsy journal,1 epilepsy research,1 epl (europhysics letters),1 ethology,1 euphytica,1 european biophysics journal,1 european journal of agronomy,1 european journal of applied physiology,1 european journal of cell biology,1 european journal of forest research,1 european journal of immunology,1 european journal of medicinal chemistry,1 european journal of nutrition,1 european journal of soil science,1 european journal of wildlife research,1 european radiology experimental,1 evolutionary behavioral sciences,1 experimental and molecular pathology,1 experimental gerontology,1 fermentation,1 fish and fisheries,1 fish and shellfish immunology,1 fly,1 food chemistry,1 food microbiology,1 forensic science international,1 frontiers in applied mathematics and statistics,1 frontiers in biology,1 frontiers in cell and developmental biology,1 frontiers in chemistry,1 frontiers in earth science,1 frontiers in energy research,1 frontiers in environmental science,1 frontiers in integrative neuroscience,1 frontiers in materials,1 frontiers in public health,1 frontiers in research metrics and analytics,1 fungal genetics and biology,1 fungal genetics reports,1 future medicinal chemistry,1 future technologies conference,1 gait and posture,1 games,1 gastric cancer,1 gastroenterology,1 gene reports,1 genes and cancer,1 genes chromosomes and cancer,1 genetics and molecular research,1 genomics and computational biology,1 geoscientific model development discussions,1 gut microbes,1 gut pathogens,1 haematologica,1 head and neck,1 health and place,1 hemodialysis international,1 high-throughput,1 histochemistry and cell biology,1 homo - journal of comparative human biology,1 hormones and behavior,1 horticulture research,1 human pathology,1 human psychopharmacology: clinical and experimental,1 hypertension,1 hystrix,1 ices journal of marine science,1 ieee transactions on biomedical circuits and systems,1 ieee transactions on nanobioscience,1 ieee transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering,1 immunobiology,1 immunohorizons,1 immunological reviews,1 immunology and cell biology,1 infectious disease modelling,1 influenza and other respiratory viruses,1 innovation in aging,1 insects,1 insect science,1 interactive journal of medical research,1 interface focus,1 international journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering,1 international journal of advanced research,1 international journal of antimicrobial agents,1 international journal of astrobiology,1 international journal of biochemistry and cell biology,1 international journal of biological sciences,1 international journal of biology,1 international journal of biometeorology,1 international journal of current microbiology and applied sciences,1 international journal of ecology,1 international journal of food microbiology,1 international journal of geriatric psychiatry,1 international journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology,1 international journal of paleopathology,1 international journal of primatology,1 international journal of psychophysiology,1 international journal of scientific and research publications (ijsrp),1 international journal of statistics and probability,1 international journal of std and aids,1 international journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology,1 international journal of toxicology,1 ios press,1 i-perception,1 israel journal of chemistry,1 jama neurology,1 jama psychiatry,1 jdr clinical and translational research,1 jmir human factors,1 jmir medical informatics,1 jmir mental health,1 jmir public health and surveillance,1 journal for immunotherapy of cancer,1 journal intelligence,1 journal of abnormal child psychology,1 journal of abnormal psychology,1 journal of acquired immune deficiency syndrome,1 journal of affective disorders,1 journal of agricultural and food chemistry,1 journal of agricultural biological and environmental statistics,1 journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition,1 journal of animal science,1 journal of applied animal welfare science,1 journal of applied biology and biotechnology,1 journal of applied crystallography,1 journal of applied entomology,1 journal of applied laboratory medicine,1 journal of applied probability,1 journal of arid environments,1 journal of assisted reproduction and genetics,1 journal of basic microbiology,1 journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry,1 journal of biochemistry,1 journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes,1 journal of biological dynamics,1 journal of biomechanical engineering,1 journal of biomedical discovery and collaboration,1 journal of bionic engineering,1 journal of cellular biochemistry,1 journal of chemical and engineering data,1 journal of chemical neuroanatomy,1 journal of clinical epidemiology,1 journal of clinical medicine,1 journal of clinical virology,1 journal of coastal research,1 journal of cognitive enhancement,1 journal of community genetics,1 journal of community health,1 journal of computational and graphical statistics,1 journal of crohn's and colitis,1 journal of crop improvement,1 journal of cystic fibrosis,1 journal of dairy science,1 journal of dentistry,1 journal of environmental science and health part b,1 journal of epidemiology and community health,1 journal of ethnopharmacology,1 journal of eukaryotic microbiology,1 journal of experimental and theoretical physics,1 journal of experimental child psychology,1 journal of food safety,1 journal of forensic sciences,1 journal of genetic counseling,1 journal of geochemical exploration,1 journal of geophysical research: biogeosciences,1 journal of global oncology,1 journal of grid computing,1 journal of healthcare engineering,1 journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry,1 journal of immunological methods,1 journal of industrial microbiology and biotechnology,1 journal of inherited metabolic disease,1 journal of insect behavior,1 journal of insect conservation,1 journal of integrative bioinformatics,1 journal of land use science,1 journal of language evolution,1 journal of leukocyte biology,1 journal of leukocyte biology,1 journal of materials chemistry b,1 journal of mathematical chemistry,1 journal of mathematical psychology,1 journal of medical microbiology,1 journal of membrane biology,1 journal of microbiology biotechnology and food sciences,1 journal of molecular graphics and modelling,1 journal of molecular liquids,1 journal of molecular structure,1 journal of mountain science,1 journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology,1 journal of natural history,1 journal of natural products,1 journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation,1 journal of neurogenetics,1 journal of neuroimaging,1 journal of neuroimmunology,1 journal of neuropsychology,1 journal of neuroscience research,1 journal of nucleic acids,1 journal of obesity,1 journal of open research software,1 journal of open source software,1 journal of orthopaedic research,1 journal of pain,1 journal of pain research,1 journal of 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