&star_job change_lnPgas_flag = .true. new_lnPgas_flag = .true. pgstar_flag = .true. / ! end of star_job namelist &controls !------------------------ GYRE write_pulse_info_with_profile = .true. pulse_info_format = 'GYRE' !---------------------------------------- MAIN initial_mass = 23.38 initial_z = 0.02 use_Type2_opacities = .true. Zbase = 0.02 !okay_to_reduce_gradT_excess = .true. !gradT_excess_f1 = 1d-3 !gradT_excess_f2 = 1d-2 !gradT_excess_lambda1 = -1. !mixing_length_alpha = 2.5 !MLT_option = 'Henyey' !---------------------------------------- WIND cool_wind_RGB_scheme = 'Reimers' cool_wind_AGB_scheme = 'Blocker' RGB_to_AGB_wind_switch = 1d-4 Reimers_scaling_factor = 0.5 Blocker_scaling_factor = 0.5 !---------------------------------------- OVERSHOOTING overshoot_f_above_nonburn_core = 0.025 overshoot_f0_above_nonburn_core = 0.01 overshoot_f_above_nonburn_shell = 0.025 overshoot_f0_above_nonburn_shell = 0.01 overshoot_f_below_nonburn_shell = 0.025 overshoot_f0_below_nonburn_shell = 0.01 overshoot_f_above_burn_h_core = 0.025 overshoot_f0_above_burn_h_core = 0.01 overshoot_f_above_burn_h_shell = 0.025 overshoot_f0_above_burn_h_shell = 0.01 overshoot_f_below_burn_h_shell = 0.025 overshoot_f0_below_burn_h_shell = 0.01 !do_element_diffusion = .true. !Defining a minimum diffusive mixing (applicable in the radiative zones) set_min_D_mix = .true. min_D_mix = 1d-1 ! Overshooting shuts off when the exponential decay has dropped the diffusion coefficient to this level. ! This value has to be lower than min_D_mix. !D_mix_ov_limit = 5d-4 ! if > 0, N^2 is smoothed, introducing noise in the period spacing patterns: we do not want this! !num_cells_for_smooth_brunt_B = 0 !---------------------------------------- MISC photostep = 100 profile_interval = 1 max_num_profile_models = 3000 history_interval = 1 terminal_cnt = 1 write_header_frequency = 10 max_number_backups = 500 max_number_retries = 1000 max_timestep = 3d12 ! in seconds. max_timestep <= 0 means no upper limit. !---------------------------------------- MESH mesh_delta_coeff = 0.5 varcontrol_target = 5.d-4 !---------------------------------------- STOP WHEN xa_central_lower_limit_species(1) = 'h1' xa_central_lower_limit(1) = 0.01 !photosphere_r_upper_limit = 10 / ! end of controls namelist &pgstar / ! end of pgstar namelist