Komai, TomoyukiPoore, Gary C. B.2016FIGURE 3. Rhynchoplax magnetica n in Resurrection of Rhynchoplax Stimpson, 1858, with the description of two new species from Japan and Australia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Hymenosomatidae)10.5281/zenodo.258971FIGURE 3. Rhynchoplax magnetica n. sp. Paratype female, cl 1.97 mm, QM W. 4067. a, dorsal carapace; b, rostrum and eyestalk, ventral view; c, rostrum, antennnules, antennae and epistome, ventral view; d, posterior thoracic sternum, pleomere 1; e, pleon (half scale); f, pereopod 2; g, pereopod 5. Scale bar = 1 mm.