Published November 30, 2017 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D7.1 Techno-economics study for IoRL case applications – Initial version

  • 1. Issy Média
  • 2. UBrunel
  • 3. Ferrovial
  • 4. ARC
  • 5. RUNEL
  • 6. MostlyTek
  • 7. ISEP
  • 9. NCSRD


This deliverable presents the techno-economics assessment of the proposed IoRL solutions, focusing on the targeted scenarios and use case applications. The document provides a very high level description of the technical solution as a starting point. It also provides an initial version of an inventory of the necessary software and other components and licensing schemes to assure consistency.
Furthermore, this document addresses IoRL future strategy and methodology for project results exploitation. To this end, it identifies the clear potential impact of the system based on the technical description and s the methodology that will be assessed to build a successful exploitation plan for the project and the proposed technology, taking into account the defined scenarios and use cases.
This is the first version of the document, it will be superseded later with a more complete and final version of the techno-economics study (reported on deliverable D7.6).


IoRL Deliverable D7-1 - Techno-economics study for IoRL case applications – Initial version.pdf

Additional details


IoRL – Internet of Radio Light 761992
European Commission