Variable;General explanation;Coding each;unique identifier for each comparison; id;unique identifier publication;pubmed ID or DOI exp;unique identifier for each experiment;(pubmed ID or DOI)+nesting element author;authors;as downloaded from pubmed or webofscience year;of publication; journal;;as downloaded from pubmed or webofscience species;;mice or rat strainGrouped;strain as reported by publications; origin;origin of the breeding animalss;"B=own breeding; M=purchased naïve parents; P=purchased pregnant dams" sex;;"M=males; F=females" ageWeek;age at the time of testing in weeks; model;ELA model used;"I=isolation; LG=licking-and-grooming; LNB=limited nesting and bedding; M=maternal separation; MD=maternal deprivation" mTimeStart;postnatal day begin ELA model; mTimeEnd;postnatal day end ELA model; mHoursAve;relevant of isolation, maternal separation/deprivation: hours of separation; mCageGrouped;relevant of isolation, maternal separation/deprivation: cage of separation;"HC = homecage; NC = novel cage; notApplicable" mLDGrouped;relevant of isolation, maternal separation/deprivation: phase circadian cycle during which ELA occurred;"D=dark; L=light; UP = unpredictable; notApplicable" mRepetition;repetitiveness of ELA model;"C=chronic;O=one time; RP=repeated predictable; RUP=repeatedunpredictable; twice; unclear" mControlGrouped;type of control group;"AFR=animal facility reared; split=split litter design; U=untouched" hit2Grouped;presence or absence of multiple-hits;"1=yes; 0=no" testAuthorGrouped;behavioral tests used;"E0M=elevated zero maze; EPM=elevated plus maze; FST=forced swim test; LDBox = light dark box; MWM=morris water maze; noveltyFeedDrink=novelty induced suppression of feeding and drinking; OC = object in context; OF= open field; OL = object in location; OR = object recognition; RIT = resident intruder test; socialOF= social open field. The other test names are self explanatory" testLDGrouped;phase of the circadian cycle during which the test was performed;D=dark, L= light, NS = notSpecified varAuthorGrouped;variables of the behavioral tests;"DI = discrimination index, 0h = without a memory component; Mem = memory. Names variables are self explanatory" waterT;water temperature (for relevant tests); waterTcate;categorization of water temperature;"noClass = not classifiable; notApplicable; nStress = non stressful; stressful" freezingType;defines the timing and conditioning of the freezing response in various tests; retentionGrouped;categorization of retention times. For numeric times, see R script on GitHub;"long = over night; short = within the same day; working = working memory" directionGrouped;results at a systematic review level;"notRetrievable = not directly reported nor sufficient information to estimate; ns = not significant" effectSizeCorrection;values were initially in quantiles - here they have already been converted!;1=yes cut_nC;whether a correction on the amount of animals was necessary (same control group for multiple experimental groups);1=yes n_notRetriev;amount of animals not reported in publication - here it was imputed! See methods paper for details; nC;amount of animals in the control group; meanC;mean of the control group;ATTENTION: if variable dataFrom = ruler, the values were measured with ruler for windows. The only standardized measure across all studies in Hedge's g (variable yi) and its sampling variance (vi) sdC;standard deviation of the control group;ATTENTION: if variable dataFrom = ruler, the values were measured with ruler for windows. The only standardized measure across all studies in Hedge's g (variable yi) and its sampling variance (vi) seC;standard error of the control group;ATTENTION: if variable dataFrom = ruler, the values were measured with ruler for windows. The only standardized measure across all studies in Hedge's g (variable yi) and its sampling variance (vi) nE;amount of animals in the experimental group; meanE;mean of the experimental group;ATTENTION: if variable dataFrom = ruler, the values were measured with ruler for windows. The only standardized measure across all studies in Hedge's g (variable yi) and its sampling variance (vi) sdE;standard deviation of the experimental group;ATTENTION: if variable dataFrom = ruler, the values were measured with ruler for windows. The only standardized measure across all studies in Hedge's g (variable yi) and its sampling variance (vi) seE;standard error of the experimental group;ATTENTION: if variable dataFrom = ruler, the values were measured with ruler for windows. The only standardized measure across all studies in Hedge's g (variable yi) and its sampling variance (vi) dataFrom;where the summary statistics were gathered from; seqGeneration;risk of bias assessment SYRCLE: sequence generation;"Y = low risk of bias, N = high risk of bias; unclear = unclear risk of bias; C = computerized (considered low risk of bias)" baseline;risk of bias assessment SYRCLE: baseline characteristics;"Y = low risk of bias, N = high risk of bias; unclear = unclear risk of bias; C = computerized (considered low risk of bias)" allocation;risk of bias assessment SYRCLE: allocation concealment;"Y = low risk of bias, N = high risk of bias; unclear = unclear risk of bias; C = computerized (considered low risk of bias)" housing;risk of bias assessment SYRCLE: random housing;"Y = low risk of bias, N = high risk of bias; unclear = unclear risk of bias; C = computerized (considered low risk of bias)" blindExp; risk of bias assessment SYRCLE: blinding experimenter;"Y = low risk of bias, N = high risk of bias; unclear = unclear risk of bias; C = computerized (considered low risk of bias)" control;was the control group appropriate;"Y = low risk of bias, N = high risk of bias; unclear = unclear risk of bias; C = computerized (considered low risk of bias)" outAss;risk of bias assessment SYRCLE: random outcome assessment;"Y = low risk of bias, N = high risk of bias; unclear = unclear risk of bias; C = computerized (considered low risk of bias)" outBlind;risk of bias assessment SYRCLE: blinded outcome assessment;"Y = low risk of bias, N = high risk of bias; unclear = unclear risk of bias; C = computerized (considered low risk of bias)" incData;risk of bias assessment SYRCLE: incomplete data adequately addressed;"Y = low risk of bias, N = high risk of bias; unclear = unclear risk of bias; C = computerized (considered low risk of bias)" mTimeLength;duration of the ELA model (end day - start day) in days; blindRand;studies blinded and randomized;"1=yes; 0=no" bias;bias score - see methods; anxiety;anxiety domain categorization;"1=yes; 0=no" sLearning;memory after stressful learning domain categorization;"1=yes; 0=no" nsLearning;memory after non-stressful learning domain categorization;"1=yes; 0=no" social;social domain categorization;"1=yes; 0=no" multiply;multiplications to have all effect sizes in the correct direction (already performed); noMeta;categorization for only systematic review and not meta-analysis (see methods);"1=yes; 0=no" domain;domain of categorization; directionQual;results at a systematic review level after correction for directionality of effect size (multiply variable multiplication); yi;effect size hedge's g; vi;sampling variances;