Guide to files in archive for 'The evolution of life history theory' Daniel Nettle and Willem E. Frankenhuis January 2018 pre2010part1.txt, pre2010part2.txt, post2010part1.txt, post2010part2.txt: These files contain the Web of Science records in plain text format, for use with VOS Viewer. There is a maximum of 500 records downloadable from Web of Science at a time, hence the two files in each time interval. pre2010part1.bib, pre2010part2.bib, post2010part1.bib, post2010part2.bib: These files contain the Web of Science records in bibtext text format, for use with R package bibliometrix. main R script.r: The main R script to perform those analyses not carried out within VOS viewer. Loads many of the other data files. pre2010map.txt, post2010map.txt, pre2010network.txt, post2010network.txt: Map and network files output from VOS Viewer. These give the assignment of records to clusters and the position of each record on the map. You can reconstruct the VOS Viewer figure (figure 2) directly from these rather than needing to use the raw Web of Science records. pre2010map.csv, post2010map.csv, pre2010network.csv, post2010network.csv: These are slightly edited versions of the VOS Viewer map and network files that underlie figure 2. They are edited so that they can be read into R for using the R package bibliometrix to calculate connection indices, etc. contentdata.xlsx: An Excel spreadsheet with the qualitative data on the sampled papers (manually coded). savedpolrecs.bib, savedpolrecs.txt: Web of Science records from a search for ‘pace of life’ rather than ‘life history theory’. savedlhsrecs1.txt, savedlhsrecs2.txt, savedlhsrecs3.txt: Web of Science records from a search for ‘life history strategies’ rather than ‘life history theory’.