########################################## Matthew Moy de Vitry 1. February 2017 matthew.moydevitry@eawag.ch ########################################## floodX - Urban Flash Flood Experiments ########################################## This file describes the contents of the data packages containing data collected from the floodX experiments: - floodX Datasets (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.236878) - floodX Flooding Videos (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.232460) - floodX Flooding Images (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.249053) - floodX Data Logger Images (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.231187) - floodX Data Logger Videos (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.235899) - floodX Documentation (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.248735) ########################################## floodX Datasets (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.236878) --------------- This package contains all collected data that is available in a text format, as well as useful code for preprocessing data. The following subfolders are containted within "floodX Datasets": - metadata: Contains metadata for the datasources (sensor + location + data logger), flooding experiments, datasource files, and image files for optical character recognition. - data_raw: Contains the raw text format data, organized by sensor. - code: Contains processing code for making the raw data more usable for visualization and modelling. The code is maintained in the following github repository: https://github.com/eawag-sww/floodx_data_preprocessing.git - data_ocr_result: Contains data read from sensor display images using the processing code. - preprocessed: Contains the preprocessed data. floodX Flooding Videos (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.232460) ---------------------- This package contains archives of videos of the flooding taken with surveillance cameras. The videos are grouped by camera and by recording sessions. floodX Flooding Images (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.249053) ---------------------- This package contains pictures taken during the flooding experiments. The cameras used to take the pictures had shifted timestamps, so the README provides the time shifts of the cameras to the reference times. floodX Data Logger Images (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.231187) ---------------------- This package contains archives of pictures taken of sensor displays in order to record measurements at a higher frequency than certain data loggers allowed. The data for the pressure sensors is stored in multiple archive files that must be assembled during unpacking. The images are grouped together because sometimes the camera had to be moved between experiments, thereby changing the position of the display in the image. Each image group contains a settings file that indicates the location of the display(s) in the images of the group. With this information, the sensor reading can be automatically extacted from the images. floodX Data Logger Videos (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.235899) ---------------------- This package contains videos that constitute an alternative to the three minilog logging devices, which were designed to save only one water level value a minute. The videos provide high-quality readings of the logger displays, and values can be read more frequently. The image quality may be superior to that of the Data Logger Images floodX Documentation (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.248735) ---------------------- This package contains an archive with material documenting the flood facility and the sensors that were used in the experiments. - Facility plans (provided as-is, without any guarantee for geometric accuracy). - Plan of experimental setup (provided as-is, without any guarantee for geometric accuracy). - Information regarding individual sensors and dimensions of hydraulic elements such as pipes and storage elements. - Photos of the experimental setup. ####################################### Unpacking the data ------------------ Data can be unpacked with software like 7zip (http://www.7-zip.org/).