Files in this record contain data used to produce results presented in the paper: Title: The speed-curvature power law in tongue movements of repetitive speech Authors: Stephan R. Kuberski and Adamantios I. Gafos DOI: TBA Files are stored using the directory structure ////// with subdirectories: : subject alias [cc, cs, dw, fk, sv, ti] : target syllabel [ka, ta] : metronome rate [bpm30, bpm90, bpm150, bpm210, bpm300, bpm390, bpm480, bpm570] : trial number [trial1..trial4] : EMA sensor [tb, tt] : cartesian coordinate [x, y, z] For each node two files are available: 'occ.mat' : occlusal plane-aligned data 'seg.mat' : time-varying PCA-transformed data File format is MATLAB's MAT-file version 7.3 containing the following variables: 'sig' : time series signal object of type 'hNSignal' 'movs' : structure of movement information Objects of hNSignal are class instantiations with the following fields: 'rate' : sampling rate (numeric scalar) 'time' : time values in seconds (numeric vector) 'data' : sample values (numeric matrix) Sample values are stored in matrix form where columns represent progression of time and k-th row represents the (k-1)-th derivative (k=1 correspondes to the displacement signal). Spline approximated derivatives can be accessed using curly brace index operator. Movement information is stored in structure arrays with fields: 'qonset' : 20% peak velocity onset time index (numeric scalar) 'qoffset' : 20% peak velocity offset time index (numeric scalar) 'tags' : movement tags (cell string) 'fpos' : closure flag (logical scalar) Onset and offset indices are indices into the correponding signal's time vector. Movements including the 'gest' tag correspond to movements contributing to sound production of the target syllable.