About ------ Shoaib Sufi and Giacomo Peru of www.software.ac.uk Data collected part of The Software Sustainability Institute's Collaborations Workshop 2015 (CW15) 25-27 March 2015, Oxford, UK For more information see www.software.ac.uk/cw15 What we asked in the registration form for CW15: ------------------------------------------------ What three pieces of software do you use most often in your job (note: if one of these is a web browser, please indicate the sites/applications you interact with in the browser, rather than the browser itself)? --- RAW DATA (blank lines are no response) -------- git python pypy email client :-( Perl Node-RED command line tools for actual work spss, word, email Stack Overflow/Exchange(!) Eclipse/SVN PAML Google mail Excel Google Docs Zotero Bash Spreadsheets Use of languages more than finished software. Python and JavaScript git, shell, vim. * Google (access to a world of developers) * Git (and GitHub) * Python (for now) Gaussian commercial Microsoft stuff various computational chemistry softwares Git! Depends on the test or job requirements (but Python, Perl, bash, operating systems). git vim gcc compilers (Also vital: make, python and the python scientific stack, MPI library) Linux (Mint), Thunderbird, Browser for Google Search Ruby Eclipse Git/GitHub Google drive, Asana, Outlook www.gromacs.org python gnuplot RStudio, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse IDE VPH-Share Platform Matlab Taverna Python C MPI Python MATLAB Compilers GAP, Jenkins, Mercurial Email, Google drive apps, MS Office Outlook, Word, Firefox (webmail and Twitter) Drishti VG studio Max Avizo LaTeX, git, Xcode. IPython Notebook Gaussian Google Docs, Python, MySQL Web browser (PHP) Python/Libraries Bioinformatics software VIM Spotify VIM Python Sublime Google Calendar C compiler Java development tools visualising tools Python (through IPython) ENVI LaTeX (including SublimeText editor, and the LaTeX system) Matlab Gmail Python Zotero Libre Graphics: Gim, Inkscape Scribus python pandas ipython Rhino/Grasshopper DUNE ImageJ IDEs (Eclipse for Java and Python development and debugging), CLI to run and configure software, browser for training purposes and finding help (stack overflow, etc) SPIERS, Blender, Drishti 42 Bionode.io, GitHub, NCBI MS office R Matlab MATLAB, Visual Studio, Microsoft Office Code editor (Vim, PyCharm) Web browser Python C/Python web browser - email OpenMPI web browser C/C++ OpenMPI C/C++, CUDA, OpenMPI, Java C/C++, web browser Github, Notepad++, virtualBox cf-python cfplot python PDFLateX FabSim NumPy emacs shell R/Bioconductor matlab, copasi, python openstack ansible simgrid MatLab, Weka Emacs, Git, Latex! Eclipse/Java Dawn Python Chrome Ipython Scientific python libraries clang bash ssh Word processing (MS Word) 3D Image analysis (VGStudio) Specific X-ray machine control software (Nikon) Text editor, software development tools, GitHub Scrivener Papers Email matlab, vim, word vim Elasticsearch nv(py) web based visualisation like d3.js, three.js, programming languages (R, python, javascript) Firefox MATLAB Outlook MATLAB, Subversion, Octave. Microsoft Office R and R Studio Thunderbird matlab r mendeley triple store, wiki, R Git! (using collaborative tools like github or bitbucket) - Google drive (and email) - emacs as developer (python, idl, php,..) Python ( Pandas, Matplotlib, PyTables, IPython Notebook ) Matlab ( DIWASP and WAFO toolboxes ) QGIS perl Platform LSF apache Word processor, Search engine(s), Indexing software Sublime text editor; Python; Git Python (Scientific stack); Scala; Akka Compiler (GCC/Clang/Xcode), UNIX OS, CMake buildsystem SublimeText VirtualBox Ruby on Rails # python, nwchem, JS libraries Excel, Google docs, R Content management systems, Word, Thunderbird. GeneValidator Vi Apache Netbeans Drishti Avizo Python Grants Processing Software, Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer (for internal intranet) matlab python gcc Atom Editor Python Mac Mail Google drive, Dropbox, Skype Eclipse www.github.com Java Python interpreter and associated tools GitLab PostgreSQL --- CLEANED DATA (and what we pasted into www.wordle.net) ------------ Google~Drive R Atlassian~products Git Python PyPy Email Perl Node-RED Unix~Shell SPSS Microsoft~Word Email Stack~overflow Stack~Exchange Eclipse Subversion PAML Gmail Google~Drive Microsoft~Excel Zotero Unix~Shell Spreadsheets Python JavaScript Git Unix~Shell Vim Git GitHub Python Search Gaussian Microsoft~Office Computation~Chemistry~Software Git Python Perl Unix~Shell Git Vim GCC make Python SciPy MPI Linux Thunderbird Search Ruby Eclipse Git GitHub Google~Drive Asana Outlook Gromacs Python GNUPlot R~Studio IntelliJ Eclipse VPH-Share Matlab Taverna Python C MPI Python Matlab Compilers GAP Jenkins Mercurial Email Google~Drive Microsoft~Office Word Outlook Webmail Twitter Drishti VG~Studio Max~Avizo LaTeX Git Xcode IPython~Notebook Gaussian Google~Drive Python MySQL PHP Python Bioinformatic~software Vim Spotify Python Sublime Google~Calender C Java Visualisation~tools Python IPython~Notebook ENVI LaTeX Sublime Matlab Gmail Python Zotero Gimp Inkscape Scribus Python IPython~Notebook pandas Rhino/Grasshopper DUNE ImageJ Eclipse Java Python Unix~Shell Stack~overflow Drishti Blender SPIERS Bionode.io GitHub NCBI Microsoft~Office R Matlab Matlab Visual~Studio Microsoft~Office Vim PyCharm Python C Python Email OpenMPI C C++ OpenMPI C C++ CUDA OpenMPI Java C C++ GitHub Notepad++ VirtualBox cf-python cfplot Python PDFLateX FabSim NumPy Emacs Unix~Shell R Bioconductor Matlab COPASI Python OpenStack Ansible SimGrid Matlab Weka Emacs GitHub LaTeX Eclipse Java Python Dawn IPython~Notebook SciPy Unix~Shell SSH Clang Microsoft~Word VG~Studio Nikon~X-ray~control GitHub Scrivener Email Matlab Vim Microsoft~Word Vim Elasticsearch NVPY D3.js R Python Javascript Matlab Outlook Matlab Subversion Octave Thunderbird Microsoft~Office R R~Studio Matlab R Mendeley Triple~Store Wikis R Git GitHub Bitbucket Emacs Google~Drive Gmail Python~ IDL PHP Python pandas Matplotlib PyTables IPython~Notebook Matlab DIWASP~toolbox WAFO~toolbox QGIS Perl LSF Apache Sublime Python Git Python SciPy Scala Akka Sublime VirtualBox Ruby~on~Rails Python NWChem JavaScript~libraries Microsoft~Excel Google~Drive R CMS~ Microsoft~Word Thunderbird GeneValidator Vim Apache Netbeans Drishti Avizo Python Grant~Processing~Software Outlook Matlab Python GCC Atom Python Mac~Mail Google~Drive Dropbox Skype Eclipse GitHub Java Python GitLab PostgreSQL