Published May 17, 2017 | Version v1
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Multisite and multispecies live fuel moisture content (LFMC) series in the French Mediterranean since 1996

  • 1. Office National Des Forets, France
  • 2. Délégation à la Protection de la Forêt Méditerranéenne


Here is a dataset of live fuel moisture content (LFMC, computed as the water mass over dry mass of living shoots) time series, collected in the French Mediterranean area by the French National Forest Organization (“Office National des Forêts”) for operational fire prevention. A network of 53 sites (called the "Reseau Hydrique" network) were sampled, among which 35 are geolocalized for a maximum period extending from 1996 to 2016. For each site and year available, LFMC is measured during the summer season on shrub species (between one and three species per site) at a weekly to biweekly frequency depending on site and year.

The dataset can be used to validate or calibrate fire danger model, assess remote sensing drought indices and understand the physiological and climatic determinants of LFMC. There are 584 site*year data (a total of   22787 individual data) for several shrub species of the French Mediterranean area.

From the raw dataset, researchers from the Ecology of Mediterranean Forest Unit at INRA (French National Institute for Research in Agronomy) of Avignon (France) have produced an improved dataset that includes corrections, outlier identifications and error estimations. Preliminary validation assessments of the data quality were also produced.

A data paper describing in detail the method and all the modifications, error estimations and evaluations of the raw dataset that were performed is under review in Annals of Forest Science. Both the raw and improved datasets are made available on Zenodo (Cabane et al 2017, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.162978).

The attached dataset consists of four tables:

  1. The first table (LFMC_final_Table.csv) contains the live fuel moisture content (LFMC) on a dry weight basis (see Supplementary S1 for details). These are the robust estimates of LFMC and their associated standard errors which were both estimated from raw data with the method fully described above described in a data paper under revision (Martin-StPaul et al., under review in Annals of Forest Science). Each row in the table describe the LFMC at a given date, for a given species and a given site. The table has eleven columns. The first eight columns indicate the site identifier (SiteCode and SiteName), the species (Species), a unique identifier for a given species at a given site (SitexSpecies), the date (Date, Year, Month, Day of Year). The last three columns are respectively the robust LFMC (labelled RobustLFMC), the standard error SE (labelled RobustStandErrLFMC) and the number of valid measurements that were not identified as outliers (labelled RobustNval). RobustStandErrLFMC, and that can be used to estimate confidence limits depending on the desired confidence rate.


  1. The second table (RainTable.csv) contains rainfall measurements. The site identifiers are given (SiteCode and SiteName) and the rainfall amount (rainfall) corresponding to rainfall occurring between the day of year of the previous measurement (PreviousDoy) and the day of year when the measurement was performed (Doy). The last column enables to identify the doubtful measurements (RainFlag = 1), when the discharge of the gauge during the previous measurement was uncertain.



  1. The fourth table (InfoSite_ReseauHydrique.csv) contains a basic description of each site. It includes the identifier of the site (SiteCode and SiteName), the coordinates of the site in WGS84 (Longitude and Latitude), a flag indicating whether the site is still active (1= active, 0= inactive), the names of measured species (SpeciesName1 and up to SpeciesName3), the first and last year of measurement, as well as the number of measurement year available, for each species (StartYear, EndYear, NbYears).


  1. The third table contains raw data as produced by the French National Forest Organization (LFMC_raw_Table.csv). The first twelve columns indicate site name, species name, and date, as in the first table. The six following columns indicate individual LFMC values (LFMC1 to LFMC5), and the mean LFMC value (FFSLFMC) released by the French Forest Service. The last six columns correspond to flags identifying outliers (LFMC1Flag to LFMC5Flag). Flags were attributed either manually or automatically (see Martin-StPaul et al., under review in Annals of Forest Science). Missing values (e.g. following an unforcasted rain event, see Methods) were represented by the symbol “NA“ (Not Available).

Note that the initiative was funded by a French organization dedicated the protection of the Mediterranean forest (The "Délégation à la Protection de la Forêt Méditerranéenne") and the raw dataset is available on a French website ( However the raw dataset is not fully adapted to scientific purposes for several reasons. The dataset is not referenced (i.e. does not have a DOI) and its description is in French. In addition, the labels of sampling sites have evolved over time and some species were given a vernacular name. Finally, raw data are expressed on fresh mass basis (instead of dry mass as generally done in scientific studies) and present some outliers, duplications and inconsistencies. Additionally, uncertainties were not provided in the raw datasets. This is why INRA researchers recommend the usage of the improved dataset. In the forthcoming month, additional data regarding the environmental description, the ecology and history of the sites will be provided.


Martin-StPaul, N; Pimont, F; Dupuy JL; Rigolot E; Ruffault J; Fargeon H; Cabane E; Duché Y; Savazzi R; Toutchkov M. Multisite and multispecies live fuel moisture content (LFMC) series in the French Mediterranean area since 1996. Under revision in Annals of Forest Science.




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