Folder Casabone_zenodo.1546139_Figure3_v1 contains: figure_3a_data.tsv.gz: data of the transmission map of the crystal figure_3a_plot.nb: Mathematica file used to plot the transmission map of the crystal and calculate the losses figure_3b_eu_spectrum.txt tab delimited data of spectrum figure_3b_simulation.nb: Mahematica file to calculate the overlap of the 611 and 580 resonances for different moder order Q Python file to plot the measured counts (in Hz) vs mode order q Mathematica file to simulate counts (in Hz) vs mode order q figure_3d_data.csv tab delimited data of counts (in Hz) vs wavelength figure_3d_fit.csv Fit curve to counts (in Hz) vs wavelength figure_3e_data.csv tab delimited data of counts (in Hz) vs laser modulation amplitude figure_3f_data.csv tab delimited data of counts (in Hz) vs laser intensity figure_3e_fit_results.txt results of the fit curve to the counts vs laser intensity