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Published November 19, 2018 | Version 0.9.3
Software Open

simpeg/simpeg: enhanced plot2DData and IO.pseudosections

  • 1. @simpeg, @geoscixyz, @ubcgif
  • 2. @seequent
  • 3. University of British Columbia
  • 4. University of British Columbia, Geophysical Inversion Facility
  • 5. Colorado School of Mines - Geophysics - CGEM
  • 6. 3point Science
  • 7. QuantifiedCode


  • commits from @thast
  • review from @lheagy

Address issue #734

PR notes: We have fixed the following bug:

  • the clim argument was not used in the SimPEG.Utils.plot2DData. We added the functionality to modify the colorscale based on the clim argument.

Improvements of the SimPEG.Utils.plot2DData function:

  • Levels of the matplotlib.pyplot.contourf function are defined by the function itself. This is done to give us complete control over the colorscale and colorbar.
  • Before plotting, we check if any data are NaN or infinite to ensure reasonable colorscale. We also ensure positivity is scale==log
  • colorbar limits choice through clim and ncontours: ncontours defines the number of contour inside the clim scale. If data lies outside that range on either side, an supplemental contour is added to regroup those data under a single color on either side (so two colors if on both side with of ncontour+2 contours).



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