------------------------------------------------- File "data.txt" Each row denotes a single subject. For further information please see the manuscript. COLUMN CONTENT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION UNIT 1 subject identifier 2 age years 3 age group 0=younger, 1=older 4 sex 0=male, 1=female 5 Montreal Cognitive Assessment for older adults only total score 6 Edinburgh Handedness Inventory laterality index index 7 baseline threshold mm 8 reaching threshold mm 9 reaching suppression threshold difference between reaching condition and baseline condition mm 10 reaching reaction time ms 11 reaching movement time ms 12 reaching accuracy % 13 reaching+ threshold mm 14 reaching+ suppression threshold difference between reaching+ condition and baseline condition mm 15 reaching+ reaction time ms 16 reaching+ movement time ms 17 reaching+ accuracy % 18 Corsi Block Tapping forward maximal sequence of correctly remembered blocks n 19 Victoria Stroop Test, Color Words time to complete s 20 Trail Making Test, Part B time to complete s 21 Digit Symbol Substitution Test number of correctly coded symbols n -------------------------------------------------