Thank you for downloading OMUSE v1.1! OMUSE stands for Oceanographic MUltipurpose Software Environment. It is a package to conduct numerical experiments in Oceanography and Climate Science. This archive contains the source tree for OMUSE v1.1 including the source for the necessary components of the AMUSE framework. How do I get set up? You will need a Linux or OSX machine with a build environment (compilers and tools). Detailed instructions for a variety of Linux distributions and OSX can be found in the omuse-v1.1/doc/install directory. Extract the AMUSE framework and OMUSE archive files. Then go into the omuse-v1.1 directory and run: ./configure make make omuse DOWNLOAD_CODES=1 The configure script checks for the presence of the prerequisites. In addition to the AMUSE dependencies, OMUSE needs the following packages: matplotlib basemap netCDF and netCDF for fortran and netcdf python bindings Where do I find more information? Project development is at: