Condition;Participant number;Block;Trial;Single-Trial;"direction Single-Trial";reward left target;reward right target;chosen target;obtained reward;Score;preferred direction per block;choice-trial in preferred direction;Choice against preferred direction;Single-Trial in preferred direction;Single-Trial against preferred direction;saccade in preferred direction;saccade against preferred direction;Amplitude-error;latency error;Amplitude;Peak-Velocity;Latency;trial type sequence;target sequence;sequence relative to preferred direction "1: Biased Reward 2: unbiased";;;;"1: single-trial 0: choice-trial";"0: no single-trial -1: single-trial left +1: single-trial right";;;"""0"": no reaction/choice ""-1"": left ""1"": right";;accumulated received reward;"1: right -1: left";"1: in preferred direction 0: other ";"""-1"": Choice against preferred direction 0: other ";"1: single trial in preferred direction 0: other ";"""-1"": Single-Trial against preferred direction 0: other";"1: saccade in preferred direction 0: other ";"""-1"": saccade against preferred direction 0: other ";"0: correct 1: incorrect trial";"0: correct 1: incorrect trial";;;;"1: Choice -> Single 2: Single -> single 0: other";"1: target change 2: target same 0: other";"1: change from preferred to non-preferred target 2: ?from preferred to preferred 3: from non-preferred to non-preferred 4: from non-preferred to preferred 0: other" ;;;;;;;;;;Score was exchanged into a monetary reward at the end of the experiment (1? for 500 points).;;;;;;Sum columns n and p (last 4 colums);Sum columns O and Q (last 4 colums);amplitude < 11 deg;latency of first saccade has to be between 95 and 425 ms.;[deg];[deg/s];[ms];Only correct sequences were considered, i.e. sequences without latency or amplitude errors. For the biased condition, only choices to the high reward target were considered.;;