------------------------------------ EXPERIMENT 1 ------------------------------------ FILE CODES: Experiment_1_Data.csv -> Data from Experiment 1 ROW CODES: #1 Names of variables #2-1912 Each row represents one trial COLUMN CODES: #1 Subject ID #2 Rating Task: "NumericalRating" or "CoM" #3 Lifting Order: 1-6 pseudorandom lifting orders #4 Trial Number #5 Trial Type: "Practice" or "Main" #6 Lift Number: How many times each object was lifted; 0 = before lifting #7 Object: "Wood_Stone", "Styrofoam_Stone", "Wood_Styrofoam" or "Wood" (used in practice trials) #8 Material_Finger:"Styrofoam", "Wood", or "Stone" #9 Material_Thumb: "Styrofoam", "Wood", or "Stone" #10 Rating_Finger: Standardized rating for material at side of the finger #11 Rating_Thumb: Standardized rating for material at side of the thumb #12 Torque: Peak torque (N.mm); we aligned the torques across different orientations of each object, such that positive torques always corresponded to rotations towards the heavier looking side.