Published September 4, 2018 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Dual Vocational Training. A Unique-Case Study from the Perspective of the Agents Involved in its Development


Dual Vocational Training (DVT) is a training modality that combines training processes in high schools and companies. In this modality there are several agents involved in training (high school tutors, company tutors and students). The general objective is to know the training needs of agents involved in DVT student training. Through a descriptive-exploratory design, focused on a case study, the training needs of the professionals involved in the development of DVT in a company from Asturias have been analysed. The information is provided by 11 people, with whom discussion groups have been developed that have enabled qualitative analysis of topics related to the implementation of the DVT program, in order to identify needs and propose improvements. Data analysis shows that DVT is located in Asturias in the initial phase of its implementation, focusing on learning by competences in academic-professional contexts, facilitating the insertion of young people in the labour market and allowing the exchange of information between educational system and labor market. As conclusion we can say that it’s necessary to improve the coordination between the academic institution and the company, influence the design of individualized training plans for students and activate training strategies for tutors, especially for company tutors.


Virgós-Sánchez et al - 2018 - Dual Vocational Training . A Unique-Case Study from the Perspective of the Agents Involved in its Devel.pdf