Readme file for MICCAI 2016 MS lesion segmentation challenge: supplementary results This package contains supplementary material for our article prepared for publication and under revision. It contains omitted results due to space limits of the article as well as detailed, patient per patient and team per team results for all metrics. Additional figures redundant with those of the article are also provided.  Here is the list of contents of each file: - Curated_Results_MS_Challenge_2016.xlsx: all results of all described metrics, patient per patient and team per team - Data_Patients_Anoynymous.xlsx: demographic data on patients (both training and testing datasets) - Dice_vs_F1_Experts_vs_Teams_Colored.png: supplemental 2D graph, similar to Fig. 2.a of related publication, with variances around points, without clustering but rather team per team identification - Dice_vs_Surface_Experts_vs_Teams_Colored.png: supplemental 2D graph, similar to Fig. 2.c of related publication, with variances around points, without clustering but rather team per team identification - DiceChart_AllMethods.png: supplemental comparison of Dice scores between teams, similar to Fig. 3.a of related publication, with team fusion (14) in - DiceChart_AllMethods_No14.png: original image for Fig. 3.a of related publication - DiceChart_ExpertsAndAverages.png: supplemental comparison of Dice scores between teams average, and each expert - DiceChart_Team14_vs_Experts.png: original image for Fig. 4.a of related publication - F1_vs_Surface_Experts_vs_Teams_Colored.png: supplemental 2D graph, similar to Fig. 2.b of related publication, with variances around points, without clustering but rather team per team identification - F1Chart_AllMethods.png: supplemental comparison of F1 scores between teams, similar to Fig. 3.c of related publication, with team fusion (14) in - F1Chart_AllMethods_No14.png: original image for Fig. 3.c of related publication - F1Chart_ExpertsAndAverages.png: supplemental comparison of F1 scores between teams average, and each expert - F1Chart_Team14_vs_Experts.png: original image for Fig. 4.b of related publication - lesionDetectionGraph_Binned.png: original version of Fig. 6 - lesionDetectionGraph_Binned_wVariances.png: Modified version of Fig. 6 with variances around average detection rates added - lesionDetectionGraph.png: Modified version of Fig. 6 with each point being the individual detection rate of a single lesion instead of a set of lesions of similar volumes - LesionDetectionResults.xlsx: individual lesion detection results, used for Fig. 6 in related publication and all three images listed above - LogLink_Dice_NL.png: original image for Fig. 5.a of related publication - LogLink_Dice_TLL.png: original image for Fig. 5.b of related publication - LogLink_F1_NL.png: original image for Fig. 5.c of related publication - LogLink_F1_TLL.png: original image for Fig. 5.d of related publication - LogLink_Surface_NL.png: original image for Fig. 5.e of related publication - LogLink_Surface_TLL.png: original image for Fig. 5.f of related publication - MSSEG_Challenge_2016_Results.pptx: results presentation on the challenge day, describing ranking strategy and showing ranking results of the teams. Warning!: these results had some errors in their computation. For up to date results, refer to Curated_Results_MS_Challenge_2016.xlsx where the error free rankings are provided - SurfaceChart_Team14_vs_Experts.png: original image for Fig. 4.c of related publication - SurfChart_AllMethods.png: supplemental comparison of surface distance scores between teams, similar to Fig. 3.c of related publication, with team fusion (14) in - SurfChart_AllMethods_No14.png: original image for Fig. 3.c of related publication - SurfChart_ExpertsAndAverages.png: supplemental comparison of Dice scores between teams average, and each expert