There is a newer version of the record available.

Published June 27, 2018 | Version V4 | Final
Project deliverable Open

e-ROSA D1.6 - Synthesis of results & contribution to roadmap


This deliverable provides an update on the progress of the activities carried out under Work Package 1 “Ecosystem & Community” and is the continuation of Deliverable 1.4 and 1.5 “Synthesis of results & contribution to roadmap (M6-M12)”. In particular:
- The bibliometric study has been turned into an interactive web tool to visualize and interact with the data from the analysis of the bibliometric study.
- The process to discuss and update the Vision Paper, which has been incorporated as the first section of the e-ROSA Roadmap for a European e-Infrastructure for Open Science in Agricultural and Food Sciences
- The interactions and liaisons with EOSC related projects (EOSC pilot, EOSC Hub) to better position our work related with the preparation of the roadmap
- The process to elaborate the roadmap


Synthesis of results & contribution to roadmap (M18).pdf

Files (514.3 kB)

Additional details


e-ROSA – Towards an e-infrastructure Roadmap for Open Science in Agriculture 730988
European Commission