There is a newer version of the record available.

Published June 19, 2018 | Version v0.13.0
Software Open

go-hep/hep: Release v0.13.0

  • 1. CNRS/IN2P3
  • 2. Argonne National Laboratory


Release v0.13.0 is fresh from the oven.

This release ships with major improvements in the xrootd implementation and a few fixes in rootio.

  • leveraging the work that happened in xrootd, rootio is now able to read files over [x]root:
import (

func foo() {
    f, err := rootio.Open("root://")
    if err != nil { ... }
    defer f.Close()
  • all the root-xyz commands can now also leverage xrootd:

    $> root-ls -t root://
    === [root://] ===
    version: 60806
    TTree          tree                 my tree title (entries=100)
    │ Int32        "Int32/I"            TBranch
    │ Int64        "Int64/L"            TBranch
    │ UInt32       "UInt32/i"           TBranch
    │ UInt64       "UInt64/l"           TBranch
    │ Float32      "Float32/F"          TBranch
    │ Float64      "Float64/D"          TBranch
    │ Str          "Str/C"              TBranch
    │ ArrayInt32   "ArrayInt32[10]/I"   TBranch
    │ ArrayInt64   "ArrayInt64[10]/L"   TBranch
    │ ArrayUInt32  "ArrayInt32[10]/i"   TBranch
    │ ArrayUInt64  "ArrayInt64[10]/l"   TBranch
    │ ArrayFloat32 "ArrayFloat32[10]/F" TBranch
    │ ArrayFloat64 "ArrayFloat64[10]/D" TBranch
    │ N            "N/I"                TBranch
    │ SliceInt32   "SliceInt32[N]/I"    TBranch
    │ SliceInt64   "SliceInt64[N]/L"    TBranch
    │ SliceUInt32  "SliceInt32[N]/i"    TBranch
    │ SliceUInt64  "SliceInt64[N]/l"    TBranch
    │ SliceFloat32 "SliceFloat32[N]/F"  TBranch
    │ SliceFloat64 "SliceFloat64[N]/D"  TBranch
  • support for seeking (i.e.: event random access) has been added to scanners connected to chains of rootio.Trees,

  • rootio can now automatically generate streamers for std::vector<T> when a streamer for T exists,

  • rootio has been updated to v2 of pierrec/lz4 library to decode LZ4 compressed ROOT files.

  • support for ping and protocol requests
  • support for dirlist, open, close and sync requests
  • support for read and write requests
  • support for rm, rmdir and truncate requests
  • support for stat, vstat, statx, mkdir, mv and chmod requests
  • support for signing requests
  • support for auth+unix request
  • introduction of the xrd-cp command to copy files from a remote xrootd server:
$> go doc
Command xrd-cp copies files and directories from a remote xrootd server to
local storage.


    $> xrd-cp [OPTIONS] <src-1> [<src-2> [...]] <dst>


    $> xrd-cp root:// .
    $> xrd-cp root:// .
    $> xrd-cp root:// foo.txt
    $> xrd-cp root:// - > foo.txt
    $> xrd-cp -r root:// .
    $> xrd-cp -r root:// outdir


    -r  copy directories recursively
    -v  enable verbose mode
  • introduction of the xrd-ls command to list the contents of directories on a remote xrootd server:
$> go doc
Command xrd-ls lists directory contents on a remote xrootd server.


    $> xrd-ls [OPTIONS] <dir-1> [<dir-2> [...]]


    $> xrd-ls root://
    $> xrd-ls -l root://
    $> xrd-ls -R root://
    $> xrd-ls -l -R root://


    -R  list subdirectories recursively
    -l  use a long listing format
  • a convenience xrootd/xrdfs.FileSystem interface has been introduced to model interacting with the remote xrootd server's filesystem, following the os package API
  • a convenience xrootd/xrdfs.File interface has been introduced to model interacting with the remote xrootd file, following the os.File API
  • a convenience xrootd/xrdio.File type, implementing various io.Xyz interfaces has been introduced as well.



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