Published May 31, 2018 | Version v1
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Personality and education profiles of emergency rescuer


Pawłowski Witold, Lasota Dorota, Goniewicz Krzysztof, Goniewicz Mariusz, Misztal Okońska Patrycja. Personality and education profiles of emergency rescuer. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(6):173-185. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI






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Received: 02.05.2018. Revised: 18.05.2018. Accepted: 31.05.2018.





Personality and education profiles of emergency rescuer


Witold Pawłowski¹, Dorota Lasota², Krzysztof Goniewicz1,³, Mariusz Goniewicz4, Patrycja Misztal Okońska4


¹ Medical University of Warsaw, Department of Disaster Medicine

² Medical University of Warsaw, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology

³ Polish Air Force Academy, Faculty of National Security and Logistics

4 Medical University of Lublin, Department of Emergency Medicine





Education of medical emergency rescuers is a hard task and very responsible. The scope of knowledge, which must be adopted during the education by future medical rescuers in view of specificity of profession is wide and miscellaneous. From manners of education and forming of personality of medical rescuer will be depend health and life of victims of case and catastrophes.

This article compares the personality characteristics identified by the rescuer medical students toward medical emergency, Medical University of Lublin psycho-physicals with the requirements specific to the profession set out in regulations and standards of training for medical professional rescuers. It also means the development of communication skills and personality of the future emergency rescuers at the Medical University of Lublin.


Keywords: medical rescuer, emergency services, education




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