This repository contains the supporting data for the paper entitled "Acoustic Validation of a BEM-Suitable 3D Mesh Model of KEMAR'', K. Young, G. Kearney, and A. I. Tew, at the 2018 AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction - Aesthetics and Science, Tokyo. Available at: Please cite both the paper and dataset if used. Note: the azimuth angle system used in this work increments positively in the left direction, such that 90° is on the left and 270° is on the right. In elevation, -90° is below, +90° is above. --- The data is organised as follows: - NEECK_HRIR_measured.sofa (SOFA file (SimpleFreeFieldHRIR) containing the 185 acoustically measured HRIRs for the Neck-Extended Easily Computable KEMAR (NEECK)) - NEECK_HRTF_simulated.sofa (SOFA file (SimpleFreeFieldTF) containing the 10,205 simulated HRTFs for the Neck-Extended Easily Computable KEMAR (NEECK)) - AdditionalData (Zip folder containing data processed during the analysis stages) - averageResponse_measured.mat (mat file containing the average IR responses, corresponding inverse filters and inverse filter generation parameters) - averageResponse_simulated.mat (mat file containing the average TF responses in linear scale) - measuredData.mat (mat file containing the following data:) - IRs (Measured impulse responses as in SOFA file. Dimensions: M1xRxN1) - IRs_DTF (Impulse responses after application of average response inverse filter. Dimensions: M1xRxN1) - HRTFs (HRTF magnitudes in linear scale. Dimensions: M1xRxN1) - HRTFs_dB (As above in decibel scale. Dimensions: M1xRxN1) - DTFs (DTF magnitudes in linear scale - after application of average response inverse filter. Dimensions: M1xRxN1) - DTFs_dB (As above in decibel scale. Dimensions: M1xRxN1) - measFs (sampling rate of measured responses: Dimensions: 1x1) - allSourcePositions_measured (measured source positions in spherical coordinates (azimuth, elevation, radius). Units: degrees, degrees, metres. Dimensions: M1x3) - simulatedData.mat (mat file containing the following data: - IRs (Impluse responses generated from the simulated HRTF data. Dimensions: M2xRxN2) - HRTFs_complex (Complex simulated HRTF data. Dimensions: M2xRxN3) - HRTFs_mag_dB (Magnitudes of simulated HRTF data in decibel scale. Dimensions: M2xRxN3) - DTFs_mag_lin (Magnitudes of directional transfer function (DTF) data in linear scale. Dimensions: M2xRxN3) - DTFs_mag_dB (As above in decibel scale. Dimensions: M2xRxN3) - simFs (sampling rate of generated impulse responses. Dimensions: 1x1) - allSourcePositions_simulated (simulated source positions in spherical coordinates (azimuth, elevation, radius). units: degrees, degrees, metres. Dimensions: M2x3) - frequencies (frequencies used in the simulation. Dimensions: N3x1) - license.mat (mat file containing licensing information) - License.txt (Text file detailing the license under which this data is published.) For enquiries regarding the data in a different format, please email --- Data Dimensions: M1 = number of measured source positions, in this case 185 M2 = number of simulated source positions, in this case 10,205 R = number of channels, in this case 2, where 1 and 2 correspond to left and right respectively N1 = number of samples in measured impulse responses, in this case 1024 N2 = number of samples in generated impulse responses, in this case (number of samples in HRTF*2)+2 = 400 N3 = number of samples in simulated transfer functions, in this case, the number of frequency points, 199 --- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (, with no warranty; or the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular problem. --- Data produced by Kat Young at the Audio Lab, Dept. of Electronic Engineering, University of York. Contact: