This text file explains the contents of the data package for the Low Overtopping Experiments conducted at HR Wallingford as part of RECIPE Task 8.2. Quillon Harpham, HR Wallingford, UK. January 2018. ********** Contents ********** 1. File: HRW_LowOvertoppingExperiments_RECIPEtask8_2.xml This is a standard, Dublin Core, metadata file describing the experiments which took place; giving some context and contact information. It can be opened with a text or xml editor. This file can be created by hand with a text editor or using a simple website such as Dublin Core is a simple metadata standard made up of a small set of elements (Contributor, Coverage, Creator, Date, Description, Format, Identifier, Language, Publisher, Relation, Rights, Source, Subject, Title, Type). It is useful to use a standard such as Dublin Core so that all high level information is covered and so that users know what to expect. 2. File: PostProcessedResultsDefinition.xlsx A spreadsheet describing the experiment data files and associated test conditions. - Tab 'csv File Name' lists the results files and associated test paramters (which also make up the file name). - Tab 'Supporting Information' gives the definition of test parameters and equipment: Chute, Channel, Seed, Wave Condition, Structure and Tank. 3. Folder: Experiment results data files. Up to two results have been included for each test: - one for the wave gauge measuring the water level (m) inside the overtopping tank (Ch7, Channel 7) - one for the wave gauge measuring the water level (m) at the crest of the structure (Ch8, Channel 8) . The results file names (e.g. "HR01415-WC10No500_Sp-J3.3_St-A1_Ch3_TD_Ch7.csv") are constructed using the test conditions as follows: - Initials 'HR' for HR Wallingford. - A unique test number e.g '01408'. - Wave Conditions used e.g. 'WC08'. - Number of waves used in the test (500 or 1000) e.g. 'No1000'. - Spectra Type e.g. 'Sp-J3.3'. - Structure used in the test (A1, A2, B1, or B2) e.g. 'St-A1'. - Chute used in the test (1, 2 or 3) e.g. 'Ch2'. - Tank used in the test (B, C or D) e.g. 'TB'. - Channel to which the measurements relate (7 or 8) e.g. 'Ch8'. In each csv file the timeseries of results is given by the columns 'Model Time' (units s) and 'Calibrated Data' (units m). Other columns can be disregarded. 4. This file: README.txt Explanatory readme! ********** Associated Paper ********** The paper produced as a result of these experiments can be found here: Silva, E. and Allsop, W. and Riva, R. and Rosa Santos, P. and Taveira Pinto, F. and Mendonça, A. and Teresa Reis, M. The Conundrum of Specifying very low Wave Overtopping Discharges. ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017, 5-7 September 2017, Liverpool, UK (2017). It contains additional background information, photographs, technical information and conclusions. ********** Licence ********** This data package is licensed using the creative commons attributions 4.0 licence ( ********** Embargo Period ********** This data package is available from 17th January 2018.