Type: Data Title: Insects and incest: sib-mating tolerance in natural populations of a parasitoid wasp (http://dx.doi.org/10.24072/pci.evolbiol.100047) Authors: Marie Collet, Isabelle Amat, Sandrine Sauzet, Alexandra Auguste, Xavier Fauvergue, Laurence Mouton, Emmanuel Desouhant Open access data CC-BY-NC Data: Microsatellite genotyping: Collet_Microsatellite-genotyping_2018.txt Genotyping of Venturia canescens individuals on 18 microsatellite loci. The IDs of wild individuals consist of PopulationName_Sex_ID, ex: Nice_femelle_12 is the wild female n°12 from Nice popualtion (femelle=female). The IDs of wild females' offspring consist of PopulationName_desc_SexOffspring_IDMother.IDOffspring, ex: Valence_desc_male_20.1 is the male offspring n° 1 of the Valence wild female n° 20. Mate choice behaviour: Collet_MateChoiceBehaviour_2018.txt Mate choice experiement conditions. Fem_ID = Female ID, Male_Density: D = 9 males, d = 3 males, Brother_Freq: F = 2/3 of brothers, f = 1/3 of brothers, Female_fam = Name of female family, Col_Bro = Paint colour use to distinguish the brothers, Col_Unrel = Paint colour use to distinguish the unrelated males. Collet_MateChoiceBehaviour1_2018.txt Mate choice experiement data. Fem_ID = Female ID, Male_Density: D = 9 males, d = 3 males, Brother_Freq: F = 2/3 of brothers, f = 1/3 of brothers, Female_fam = Name of female family. Mate: 1 at the time of mating, 0 otherwise. Mate_Bro: for each female, 1 if she mated with a brother, 0 otherwise (Mating with an unrelated male or no mating). Therefore, for each female data last line, there are three possibilities: Mate = 0, Mate_Bro = 0 -> No mating after 30 min, censored; Mate = 1, Mate_Bro = 0 -> Mating with an Unrelated male; Mate = 1, Mate_Bro = 1 -> Mating with a Brother. start/end: beginning/end of male courtship behaviour (min'sec) Reject_Bro/Reject_Unrel: cumulative number of Brother/Unrelated male rejection after a courtship.