Prevalence of Creative Commons licenses in the Directory of Open Access Journals by discipline, author fees, number of journals per country and publisher Creator Ulrich Herb, Orcid Date September 2014 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.11616 Please cite as: Ulrich Herb (2014). Prevalence of Creative Commons licenses in the Directory of Open Access Journals by discipline, author fees, country and publisher according to the number of journals. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.11616 data collection 2014-08-22: - download of the Directory of Open Access Journals' (DOAJ) CSV file [] - collecting data from the DOAJ webinterface results: a) prevalence of Creative Commons licences and Open Licenses among the journals listed by the DOAJ b) prevalence of Creative Commons licences and Open Licenses within selected disciplines (science, technology, medicine, social sciences, philosphy (general), history (general), language & literature c) prevalence of Creative Commons licences and Open Licenses among APC-based journals and journals that do not use APCs (article porcessing charges) d) prevalence of Creative Commons licences and Open Licenses within countries with a big or small volume of open access journals (the ten countries with the highest volume of open access journals vs. all countries publishing a maximum of 15 open access journals) e) prevalence of Creative Commons licences and Open Licenses within journals published by big or small publishers (publishers with more then 20 open access journals vs. publishers with a maximum of 20 open access journals) filelist: readme.txt this file doaj_20140822_0700_utf8.csv raw data downloaded from the DOAJ website Big_publishers.csv data on publishers with more than 20 open access journals Small_publishers.csv data on publishers with a maximum 20 open access journals doaj_country_high.csv data on the ten countries with the highest volume of open access journals doaj_country_low.csv data on countries publishing a maximum of 15 open access journals journals_per_country.csv number of journals per country doaj_publisher.csv journals sorted by publisher results_and_graphics.ods the results of the analysis (as tables) and their visualisations