Data repository file,Data repository name,Variable label,Variable,Value labels ,,,Type, household file,country,Country where survey was carried out,String of 2 chars,BE - Belgium ,,,,DE - Germany ,,,,FI - Finland ,,,,IT- Italy ,,,,LU - Luxembourg ,,,,NL - Netherlands ,,,,PL- Poland ,,,,UK - United Kingdom participant file,part_id,Global identifying number of the diary (unique by diary),Integer, participant file,type,Who filled the diary in?,Integer,"1 : Adult, himself" ,,,,"2 : Teenager, older Child. himself" ,,,,3 : Parent on behalf of child survey day file,day,Day diary was filled in,Integer, survey day file,month,Month diary was filled in,Integer, survey day file,year,Year diary was filled in,Integer, participant file,part_age,Age of person whom the diary refers to (adult or child) ,Integer, participant file,part_gender,Gender of the person whom the diary refers to (adult or chid),String 1 char,F : Female ,,,,M : Male extra participant file,part_occupation,Occupational status of the person filling in the diary,Integer,1: working ,,,,2: retired ,,,,3: at home (housewife) ,,,,4: currently unemployed / job seeking ,,,,5: in fulltime or further education ,,,,6: other extra participant file,part_occupation_detail,"Details of the occupational status of the person filling in the diary, if available",Integer,"1: Professional, managerial and technical (UK)" ,,,,2: Skilled non-manual (UK) ,,,,3: Skilled and semi-skilled manual (UK) ,,,,4: Unskilled (UK) ,,,,5: entrepreneur/self-employed (LU/FI) ,,,,6 : upper employee (LU/FI) ,,,,7 : lower employee (LU/FI) ,,,,8: worker (LU/FI) ,,,, extra participant file,part_education,Educational level of the person filling in the diary,Integer,0: no formal schooling ,,(only if diary=1 or 3),,1: primary school ,,,,2: secondary school (lower) ,,,,3: upper secondary school (upper) ,,,,4: secondary school (unspecified) ,,,,5: university degree (lower) ,,,,6: university degree (higher) ,,,,7: university degree (unspecified) ,,,,8: vocational education (FI) extra participant file,part_education_length,Corresponding total number of years of education (average),Integer, extra participant file,part_school_year,School year teenage/older child respondent attend,Integer, ,,"(only if diary_type=2, i.e. teenager)",, extra participant file,part_nationality,Nationality of the person filling in the diary,String 2 chars,BE – Belgium ,,"(if using other coding, please use 2 letter ISO codes",,DE - Germany ,,,,FI - Finland ,,,,IT- Italy ,,,,LU - Luxembourg ,,,,NL - Netherlands ,,,,PL- Poland ,,,,PT- Portuguese ,,,,UK - United Kingdom ,,,,EU – other EU countries ,,,,OT – other non-EU countries ,,,, household file,hh_size,Household size including participant,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_1,Age of household member 1,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_2,Age of household member 2,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_3,Age of household member 3,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_4,Age of household member 4,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_5,Age of household member 5,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_6,Age of household member 6,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_7,Age of household member 7,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_8,Age of household member 8,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_9,Age of household member 9,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_10,Age of household member 10,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_11,Age of household member 11,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_12,Age of household member 12,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_13,Age of household member 13,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_14,Age of household member 14,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_15,Age of household member 15,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_16,Age of household member 16,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_17,Age of household member 17,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_18,Age of household member 18,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_19,Age of household member 19,Integer, extra household file,hh_age_20,Age of household member 20,Integer, extra participant file,class_size,How many person did you share a classroom with on the assigned day? (if diary_type==2),Integer, ,,,, extra participant file,work_contacts ,Do you have many contacts at work ?,String 1 char,Y : Yes  ,,(if diary_type==1 or 2),,N : No extra participant file,work_contacts_nr,How many contacts at work ?,Integer , ,,(if diary_type==1 or 2),, extra participant file,child_care,Does the child attend day care or school,String 1 char,Y : Yes  ,,,,N : No extra participant file,child_care_detail,Details of child care,Integer,1: day care at home ,,,,2: day care outside home ,,,,3: pre-school ,,,,4: school extra participant file,child_relationship,Relationship of child to person filling in the diary,Integer,1: Mother ,,,,2: Father ,,,,3: Sibling ,,,,4: Grandparent ,,,,5: Other extra participant file,child_nationality,Nationality of the child whom the diary refers to,String 2 chars,BE - Belgium ,,"(if using other coding, please use 2 letter ISO codes",,DE - Germany ,,,,FI - Finland ,,,,IT- Italy ,,,,LU - Luxembourg ,,,,NL - Netherlands ,,,,PL- Poland ,,,,PT- Portuguese ,,,,UK - United Kingdom ,,,,EU – other EU countries ,,,,OT – other non-EU countries extra participant file,problems,Problems filling in the diary,String 1 char,Y : Yes  ,,,,N : No extra participant file,diary_how,How was the diary filled in,Integer,1: during the day ,,,,2: in the evening ,,,,3: other ,,,, extra participant file,diary_missed_unsp,"How many contacts were missed by the person filling in the diary (unspecified, whether physical or non-physical)",Integer,1:0 ,,,,2: 1-4 ,,,,3: 5-9 ,,,,4: 10 or more extra participant file,diary_missed_skin,How many skin to skin contacts were missed by the person filling in the diary ,Integer,1: 0 ,,,,2: 1-4 ,,,,3: 5-9 ,,,,4: 10 or more extra participant file,diary_missed_noskin,How many contacts without skin to skin contacts were missed by the person filling in the diary ,Integer,1:0 ,,,,2: 1-4 ,,,,3: 5-9 ,,,,4: 10 or more survey day file,dayofweek,Day of the week of filling in the diary,Integer,0 : Sunday ,,,,1 : Monday ,,,,2 : Tuesday ,,,,3 : Wednesday ,,,,4 : Thursday ,,,,5 : Friday ,,,,6 : Saturday contact file,cont_id,Global identifying number of contact,Integer, ,,,, contact file,cnt_ age_exact,Exact age of contacted person reported,Integer, contact file,cnt_ age_est_min,Left limit of age range given of reported contact,Integer, contact file,cnt_ age_est_max,Right limit of age range given of reported contact,Integer, ,,,, contact file,cnt_gender,Gender of reported contact,String,F : Female ,,,,M : Male contact file,cnt_home,Contact at home,Boolean, contact file,cnt_work,Contact at work,Boolean, contact file,cnt_school,Contact at school,Boolean, contact file,cnt_transport,Contact during transport,Boolean, contact file,cnt_leisure,Contact during leisure activ.,Boolean, contact file,cnt_otherplace,Contact during other activ.,Boolean, contact file,frequency_multi,Frequency of contacting the reported contact,Integer,1: daily ,,,,2: weekly ,,,,3: monthly ,,,,4: a few times a year ,,,,5: 1st time contact file,phys_contact,Was the contact physical,Integer,1 : Yes ,,,,2 : No contact file,duration_multi,Total duration of contact with reported person during the whole day ,Integer,1: less than 5 minutes ,,,,2 : 5 – 15 mins ,,,,3 : 15 mins – 1hour ,,,,4 : 1hour – 4hours ,,,,5 : 4 hours or more