Published October 26, 2017 | Version v1
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Figure 14 from: Pellegrini MOO (2017) Morphological phylogeny of Tradescantia L. (Commelinaceae) sheds light on a new infrageneric classification for the genus and novelties on the systematics of subtribe Tradescantiinae. PhytoKeys 89: 11-72.

  • 1. Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil|Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil|Smithsonian Institution, Washington, United States of America


Figure 14 - Tradescantia L. subg. Tradescantia. A tuberous roots of T. ohiensis Raf. B–D habit: B erect robust habit of T. ohiensis C erect delicate habit of T. pinetorum Greene D rosette habit of T. longipes E.S.Anderson & Woodson. E, leaf-sheath split at maturity of T. ohiensis F detail of the leaf-blade of T. ohiensis, showing the conspicuous secondary veins G–H inflorescence: G inflorescence of T. ohiensis, showing the saccate cincinni bracts H inflorescence of T. virginiana L., showing the non-saccate cincinni bracts and densely pubescent bracts, pedicels and sepals I floral bud of T. ohiensis, showing the non-gibbous pedicel apex J–L flowers: J front view of a flower of T. ohiensis K front view of a flower of T. pinetorum L oblique view of a flower of T. virginiana M anther of T. ohiensis, showing the quadrangular and slightly curved connective, and the C-shaped anther sacs. N, style of T. ohiensis, showing the capitate stigma. A–B, E–F, H–I, L by G. Davidse, C, K by R.W. Van Devender, D by B. Nellums, and G, J, M–N by M.O.O. Pellegrini.



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