The data from the "dr Brain" experiment is organized in two separated files: drbrain_users.csv and drbrain_decisions.csv. 1.) drbrain_users.csv contains information about the participants of the experiment (or users). There is one row per user, with the following information about each one of them: User_ID: unique ID number to identify the user. Age: user's age Gender: user's gender Experiment_number: Number of the experiment the user participated in. For organizational reasons, our research actually was made 45 experiments (or replicas) run over a period of 2 days, each one run with differnt users. A user was only allowed to participate in one experiment. Each experiment included between 10-25 users typically, and they played around 13-18 game rounds, typically. Each round and each couple of users played in different games (that is, different values of S, Sucker's payoff, and T, Temptation to defect, while the values of P=5 , Punishment, and R=10, Reward, were always fixed). Earnings: number of points the user obtained in total, over all rounds. 2.) drbrain_decisions.csv contains the information of the all game rounds for all experiments and all users. User_ID: unique ID number to identify the user. Experiment_number: Number of the experiment the user participated in. Round_number: Number of the round within a given experiment. S: Value for the "Sucker's payoff" in the game of that round. T: Value for the "Temptation to defect" in the game of that round. Game: Name of the game corresponding to those values of S and T for that round Action: Action chosen by the user (C: cooperate, D: defect) Opponent_ID: ID number of the user's opponent in that round. Opponent_Action: Action (C or D) chosen by the user's opponent in that round. -------- For more details, see our research article: Humans display a reduced set of consistent behavioral phenotypes in dyadic games. Julia Poncela-Casasnovas, Mario Gutiérrez-Roig, Carlos Gracia-Lázaro, Julian Vicens, Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes, Josep Perelló, Yamir Moreno, Jordi Duch and Angel Sánchez. Science Advances Vol. 2, no. 8, 2016. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1600451