Yasen MutafchievJean MariauxBoyko B. Georgiev2017Fig. 4 in Description of Acuaria europaea n. sp. (Spirurida: Acuariidae) from Dendrocopos syriacus (Hemprich & Ehrenberg) and Oriolus oriolus (L.) (Aves) in Europe, with results of re-examination of related European species of Acuaria Bremser, 181110.5281/zenodo.1039398Fig. 4 Acuaria attenuata, type-material from Delichon urbicum. A, Anterior end, female, lateral view; B, Posterior end, male, lateral view; C, Right spicule, dextral view; D, Left spicule, sinistral view; E, Terminal part of female genital system, ventral view; F, EggAµm300Cµm25BFµm50µm100Dµm50Eµm300