The NMR and biochemical datasets used in the manuscript draft entiteld: Intestinal microbiota in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, fed diets with different levels of marine and plant ingredients: A correlative approach with some plasma metabolites François-Joël Gatesoupe1*, Benoît Fauconneau1, Catherine Deborde2,3, Blandine Madji Hounoum1,2, Daniel Jacob2,3, Annick Moing2,3, Geneviève Corraze1, Françoise Médale1. 1 UMR 1419 NuMeA, INRA, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Saint Pée sur Nivelle, France 2 Bordeaux Metabolome Facility, CGFB, MetaboHUB, Centre INRA Nouvelle -Aquitaine-Bordeaux, Villenave d'Ornon, France 3 UMR1332 Biologie du Fruit et Pathologie, Centre INRA Nouvelle -Aquitaine-Bordeaux, Villenave d'Ornon, France *Corresponding author (FJG) The Data set is composed of: - 35 NMR spectra directories (containing zgpr and cpmg NMR spectra for each plasma sample), except plasma from fish n°75 (missing sample) nmrPlasma48H JGatesoupe PLOS - one file containing description of the 13 buckets of zgpr NMRdataset SampleList_nmrPlasma48H JGatesoupe PLOS One_ zgpr.txt SampleList_nmrPlasma48H JGatesoupe PLOS One_ cpmg.txt - one file containing description of the 13 buckets of zgpr NMRdataset 13_buckets_nmrPlasma48H_JGatesoupe PLOS One_zgpr.txt - one file containing description of the 225 buckets of cpmg NMRdataset 225_Buckets_nmrPlasma48H_cpmg JGatesoupe Plos One.txt - one file containing intensities of the 13 buckets of zgpr NMRdataset for each plasma sample zgpr NMR bucket intensity with normalization Plasma48H_JGatesoupe Plos One.txt - one file containing intensities of the 225 buckets of cpmg NMRdataset for each plasma sample cpmg NMR bucket intensity with normalization Plasma48H_JGatesoupe Plos One.txt - one file containing intensities of the buckets of zgpr and cpmg NMRdataset for each plasma sample used to build Figure 1, S3b and S3c Data Fig 1 - NMR bucket intensity with normalization.txt - one file containing intensities of the buckets of lactate and glucose in cpmg NMRdataset without normalization for each plasma sample, used to build Figure S3a Data Fig S3 - Comparison of biochemical analysis data and NMR cpmg analysis data of plasma.xls ***** In order to display the NMR spectra of plasma:***** For example: cpmg NMR plasma dataset Go to Choose Instrument Bruker Spectra type 1r spectrum ZIP file nmrPlasma48H JGatesoupe PLOS Samples file (Tabular format) SampleList_nmrPlasma48H JGatesoupe PLOS One_ cpmg.txt and then click the button Launch Change Samplecode -- Color by -- Diet *****In order to obtain the figure1. ***** Metabolomic clustering of the three dietary groups of plasma samples, according to the Principal "component analysis scores plots (Pareto scaling).""" Go to Start a new session Choose Imported data file :  Data Fig 1 - NMR bucket intensity with normalization.txt Validate Choose Default Workflow Choose Scaling Logarithmic transformation: None Scaling Method: Pareto QQ-plot && Kernel Density:  Yes Label size: 4 Choose -- Add an analysis -- Choose PCA Let the selected options by default "and then click the button ""Launch Analysis""" Select PCA-scores_1-2 to vizualise Figure 1