This is a dataset used in and produced by research described in article "PLOS ONE - a case study of citation analysis of research papers based on the data in an open citation index (The OpenCitations Corpus)" that is translation of the original Polish text "PLOS ONE – studium przypadku analizy cytowań prac naukowych na podstawie danych otwartego indeksu cytowań (OpenCitations Corpus)" published by EBiB bulletin (2017, No 176). Data were extracted, as nodes (PLOS_cited_nodes.csv) and edges (PLOS_edges.csv) files from the OpenCitations Corpus ( on 2017.07.25 and describe all cited papers published by PLOS ONE (nodes), and all citing relations (edges). The research was conducted using Gephi ( platform so the same source data are also avaiable as GEXF file (for "one-click" import capabilities). In addition, the same data are published in NET format (but be warned that due to this format limitations, information about the publication year of papers has been lost) used by PAJEK platform, as it is very popular tool for analysis of network data. Published figures have prefix names corresponding to figures captions in the original paper, where they have been thoroughly discussed. This data set contains also the additional figure not published in the article, showing most cited paper with citing chains of articles of lenght not greater than 3. These pictures have much better quality than those published in the article, which allows for "drill down"/zoom-in analysis and large format printing. Any furher questions - badania(dot)bibliometryczne(at)gmail(dot)com