Published October 18, 2023 | Version IMAU-ICE version 1.1.1- MIO
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Simulations of Miocene Antarctic ice-sheet variability under increased precipitation and sub-shelf melt, using the ice-sheet model IMAU-ICE

  • 1. Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  • 2. Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands


To demonstrate the viability of a precipitation regime change leading to a fundamentally different volume-to-area ratio of the Antarctic ice sheet, we deploy the 3D thermodynamical ice sheet/shelf model IMAU-ICE v1.1.1. In the standard set-up (Stap et al., 2021a, 2021b), climate forcing follows from pre-run warm and cold snapshot climate simulations. The applied climate forcing is transiently calculated based on the prescribed CO2 concentration and the modelled ice sheet size, through a matrix interpolation method. Equilibrium experiments are performed at various CO2 levels between preindustrial and 3x preindustrial CO2 values, with insolation at present-day levels and initiated from an ice-free Miocene Antarctic topography (dataset Hochmuth et al., 2020). Here, we perform additional sensitivity experiments, in which we apply a fixed precipitation increase and extreme sub-shelf melt rates. The precipitation anomaly is calculated as 25% of the warm snapshot precipitation fields, sub-shelf melt rates are set to 400 m/yr.



L.B. Stap is funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), through VENI grant VI.Veni.202.031. Simulations were performed on the Gemini computing cluster of the Faculty of Science, Utrecht University.


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Hot History of the Antarctic Ice Sheet VI.Veni.202.031
Dutch Research Council

