Published December 31, 2023 | Version v1
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Global patterns and drivers of dissolved organic matter across Earth systems: Insights from H/C and O/C ratios

  • 1. ROR icon Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology
  • 2. ROR icon Nanjing University
  • 3. ROR icon Institute of Soil Science


Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is ubiquitous and contains a complex pool of thousands of distinct molecules, and their chemical characteristics help us inform the fate of global carbon. Yet, a more holistic perspective of molecular characteristics of DOM and underlying mechanisms across Earth systems and climates remain understudied. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of the molecular characteristics of DOM using two abundance-weighted average indices, i.e., H/C and O/C ratios by compiling 2,995 samples from 317 studies covering the waters, land, plant, petroleum, and atmosphere systems, and the climatic regions from tropics to tundra. H/C ratios are lower on average in waters (H/C = 1.15 ± 0.005) and land (H/C = 1.20 ± 0.010) than the other systems, while their O/C ratios rank between plant and atmosphere. In the waters and land systems, the H/C ratios of DOM vary from the highest to the lowest in the habitats of land-to-ocean continuum generally as snow > glacier > marine ≥ freshwater/soil > groundwater. The H/C ratios show predictably U-shaped patterns along latitudinal gradients indicating the lowest abundance of more hydrogen saturated molecules at around mid-latitudes of 40°-50° in river water, lake water, and forest soil. The two ratios are primarily controlled by the environmental factors such as pH, dissolved oxygen, and carbon and nitrogen contents. We further unveil additional and considerable links between the ratios and the extremes of climatic factors such as precipitation of warmest quarter and maximum temperature of warmest month. Our synthesis provides molecular-level perspectives to characterize the global distribution and underlying drivers of DOM, which is complementary for our understanding global carbon cycle's processes under future global change.


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Dataset: 10.21203/ (DOI)


  • Hu, A., L. Han, X. Lu, G. Zhang, and J. Wang. 2023. Global patterns and drivers of dissolved organic matter across Earth systems: Evidence from H/C and O/C ratios. ReseachSquare.