EMPIR 20NRM01 MetTLM - Metrology for Temporal Light Modulation
This is the zenodo community page of the EMPIR project 20NRM01 MetTLM Metrology for Temporal Light Modulation
Project overview:
LED-based lighting contributes to energy saving and the reduction of the environmental impact of lighting. However, LED lamps can show fluctuations in the light output known as temporal light modulation (TLM) which could, above certain limits and under certain conditions, impact the health, well-being and safety of people. The new EU Ecodesign 2019/2020 ‘Single Lighting Regulation’ sets limitations on TLM. The overall aim of this project is to create the metrology infrastructure for the measurement of TLM in LED lighting and the visual effects induced by TLM, known as temporal light artefacts (TLAs). This project will develop and validate measurement methods for quantitative measurement of TLAs, such as flicker and the stroboscopic effect, and it will advance the development of a metric for the phantom array effect. The project results will underpin the development of standardisation on TLM and will provide the lighting industry, instrument manufacturers and market surveillance authorities with undisputable results of their TLM measurements.
This project (20NRM01 MetTLM) has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme