The European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Sciences - Knowmad Institut gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt) - is an independent Think & Do tank based in Brandenburg, a voice for Human Dignity in public and private policies. We are recognized as a social
interest entity for the promotion of science and research. Our vision is to contribute to the promotion and fulfillment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG`s), and thus to contribute to the construction of a sustainable, fair and multipolar world.

We analyze reliable information in a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach that facilitates knowledge management, to educate and disseminate bold and innovative proposals that promote common solutions to global problems. We build bridges between civil society, academia, states, and the private sector. The construction of a solid evidence base allows us to better support decision-makers, opinion leaders and lobby/advocacy groups to explore and promote innovative initiatives based on human dignity, facts, and science. 

Our Programs

Technological Sovereignty & Human Dignity 

We are aware that the self-determination and freedoms of the peoples of the world will be increasingly linked to technological sovereignty and the preservation of the ethnosphere.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution challenges us to address in a multidisciplinary manner the development of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Robotization and other disruptive technologies to be compatible with Human Dignity and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG´s). 

We promote the democratization and decentralization of technologies, open-source software, open data, web neutrality and the adoption of new technologies for the progress and preservation of humanity’s tangible and intangible resources.

Drug Policies & Human Rights

We advocate at local, regional and international levels to contribute to reform of the current international drug control model by one based on social, health and human rights aspects. This reform should focus on overcoming the negative consequences of current policies, funding public domain research on controlled substances, preventing the abuse of all types of substances and regulating illegalized markets. 

We manage and promote multidisciplinary studies and research on fungi, plants, and psychoactive substances for public welfare, social justice, and integral health.

Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Human Rights and Science

We’ve developed the Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Science: a platform for evidence-based research and knowledge with an inclusive and equitable approach that promotes knowledge primarily dealing with minorities and vulnerable populations in peripheral countries.

Whether the research is in Human Rights, Sustainable Development,  Ethnobotany, New Technologies, Special Populations, Drug Policy, the JOURNAL will give voice to researchers, academic institutions and other think tanks, in order to empower ideas and actions that will influence policy and decision-makers.