Published August 19, 2019 | Version v1.0.0
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among/digitized-manuscripts: Repository for the book Among Digitized Manuscripts


This is a repository belonging to the book Among Digitized Manuscripts by L.W. Cornelis van Lit (Leiden: Brill, 2020).

It contains:

  • URLs to resources mentioned in the book according to page and footnote numbers.
  • DOIs of cited sources where available.
  • HTML/Clickable pages to browse the above in a more user-friendly manner.
  • Code, source files, images, PDFs, etc. of the examples used in the book, organized per chapter.
  • Some minor additional materials to enhance your understanding of the discussions in the book.
  • License for all original materials - please note that additional restrictions may apply on resources included from third parties.

This is the stable repository of the book - please look at for additional resources such as a living, digital appendix to the book including many more resources and links, or contact the author directly at "cornelisvanlit" at "gmail" dot "com" or on Twitter/GitHub: @LWCvL



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