Julian FenessyTobias BidonFriederike ReussVikas KumarPaul ElkanMaria A. NilssonMelita VambergerUwe FritzAxel Janke2016Figure S1 in Multi-locus analyses reveal four giraffe species instead of one10.5281/zenodo.3227168Figure S1. Haplotype networks of seven intron sequences. Related to Figure 2 and 3. The networks for 105 giraffe show that numerous single alleles are shared and that for most loci subspecies cannot be easily distinguished. Notable exceptions are intron 52 and 930 that are exclusive for Masai (tippelskirchi, including the formerly recognized Thornicroft’s giraffe) and 241 that is nearly exclusive for the West African giraffe (peralta). Furthermore, a southern clade (angolensis plus giraffa) and northern clade (antiquorum, peralta, rothschildi) are prominent for most loci. The lack of further resolution is possibly a consequence of insufficient data and gene flow remains uncertain.