Published December 15, 2014 | Version v1
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A health training as a lifestyle element in the time of globalization. Studies of training participants in the context of selected psychological indices

  • 1. University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw
  • 2. Department of Psychology, University of Wroclaw


Guła-Kubiszewska Halina, Dębska Urszula, Kałwa Małgorzata, Starościak Wojciech. A health training as a lifestyle element in the time of globalization. Studies of training participants in the context of selected psychological indices. Journal of Health Sciences. 2014;4(13):116-129. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13260



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Conflict of interest: None declared. Received: 10.09.2014. Revised 15.09.2014. Accepted: 04.11.2014.


A health training as a lifestyle element in the time of globalization. Studies of training participants in the context of selected psychological indices



Halina Guła-Kubiszewska1), Urszula Dębska2), Małgorzata Kałwa1), Wojciech Starościak1)


1)University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw

2)Department of Psychology, University of Wroclaw


Keywords: health training, health control placement, I corporeal, coherence, globalization



Times of globalization are characterized by an increased dynamic of changes, including first of all domains of ecology, economy, politics and also social and cultural areas. Unification of technology and culture as well as lifestyles, consumption models and health behaviours too are observed. Forced increased personal care about one's health, increasing possibilities of aiding health, e.g. through participating in specially prepared health training forms, taking care of figures by attending fashionable fitness and aerobic classes, fitness centres, performance sports, running etc.

Our survey comprised 37 health training participants and it was conducted at the AWF in Wroclaw in 2013/2014. Assumed general objectives of training were: strengthening postural muscles, control over spine stabilizing techniques and also many intermediate goals. Moreover, the subjects set themselves personal goals of participation in training. The subjects were diagnosed in the context of selected psychological variables. The research was aimed at an initial determination of a psychological profile of participants in a long-term voluntary health training session. I-corporeal was diagnosed (attributional identity aspect), locus of health control, sense of coherence and global self-esteem[1]. Methods: health training session by M. Kałwa; questionnaires: MHLC, SOC-29, SES, Attributional Identity.

It can be observed: the training was mostly attended by persons with a higher index of ‘I’-corporeal, higher BMI; they are satisfied with their figures and physicality. There are dependency between quality of life in the sphere of social integration; higher results in controllability and more possibilities to manage and influence their activities - more satisfied with lives in an area of activity: satisfaction and productivity.

In order to obtain more justified results it would be advisable to carry out similar research on a greater population.


[1] The research also comprised other psychological aspects, e.g. coping with stress and quality of life; results to follow in subsequent articles.


Guła-Kubiszewska Halina, Dębska Urszula, Kałwa Małgorzata, Starościak Wojciech. A health training as a lifestyle element in the time of globalization. Studies of training participants in the context of selected psychological indices. Journal of Health Sciences. 2014;4(13):116-129. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13260



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